Luo Yibei stared at her for a long time, and she was so erect.

Fang Chi Xia Jiao's eyes slanted to his reaction and tightened his clothes. "Don't mess!"

"What am I going to do?" Luo Yibei lightly twitched his lips, and the smile was so gloomy that the bones were a little oozing.

"Sonona people, you know what it won't be!" Fang Chixia thinks he is completely eating vinegar.

Luo Yibei fainted and took his eyes back.

He is unhappy, but she will be happy when she meets other men.

Fesno's character, he still believes.

The two-person car continues to drive slowly in the direction of Luojia.

Going back to this road, Fang Chi Xia was frightened at any time.

I was afraid that I accidentally touched Luo Yibei.

Fortunately, after the journey, Luo Yibei did not continue to be embarrassed.

However, after Xiaochen’s return, he made something that made Fang Chixia particularly speechless.

Picking up Xiaochen from the hands of Sha Zhixing and holding her to the baby room, Luo Yibei sat on the bed in the morning, and really taught her seriously and seriously. "Dawn, is there a handsome man?"

Dawn didn't know if he understood him. He stared at him with big eyes and stared at him. His eyes were a little confused.

Silence for a while, I don’t know if I really understood what he meant or how he really nodded.

Her nod is particularly cute, and the little expression looks as serious as Luo Yibei.

Luo Yibei was very satisfied with her, and she yelled at her little head with a big hand. He gave her appreciation. "Good!"

When the child was made to start swearing by his words, he added a sentence with a sigh of relief. "I will only be relatives in the future!"

Fang Chixia just came in from the corridor at this time, she wanted to help Xiaochen to take a bath.

Hearing his words, he almost accidentally hit the door.

Luo Yibei’s face was very calm, his arms lifted up the morning, raised his height, and made her eyes flush with himself. He added a sentence seriously. “Girls must hold their feet and can’t see a handsome man. Just feel free to kiss, of course? Except, of course, it is very handsome."

The dawn is so small, it should be impossible to understand his long list of words, but he is very serious.

Also special shameless.

When you praise yourself, you don’t feel it.

"What do you say to your child? Morning is still small!" Fang Chixia was speechless to him. When she entered the house, she took the morning light in his hand.

"Education must be done from an early age!" Luo Yibei did not change his face.

Fang Chi Xia was smashed by him, and he looked at him strangely, and looked at his head in the morning. "Baby, don't listen to the ground, it's not serious."

Before Xiaochen’s saying that Luo Yibei said such a long paragraph, he ignored it.

When Fang Chi Xiayi said this, she seemed to understand it, and she even nodded.

Luo Yibei was especially speechless to her, and she said with a blank expression. "Dawn, do you know what it means?"

Dawn didn't know it, but Fang Chixia had a good attitude and a good expression when she spoke to her. Compared with the seriousness of Luo Yibei, she definitely stood on the side of the pool.

Fang Chi Xia was very proud, smiled and took her to the bathroom.

Helped her to scrub and wash it for a while, and when she came out, Luo Yibei was still in the room.

He seemed to be waiting for her, standing very leisurely at the door, staring at her in the eye.

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