The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2489: Luo Yibei, you give me a roll

If one day, the morning sun is also missing like her when she was a child, there is such a necklace to accompany her at any time, at least to let her family find her faster.

Fang Chixia has had the experience of being separated from his family. He is sensitive to this aspect and considers it thoughtfully.

Her behavior is purely against all kinds of things.

Xiao Yi also designed a similar necklace, just for the photo of Luo Yibei.

Luo Yan stared at the pendant that Xiaochen was playing with, and watched it for a while. He stared quietly at Fang Chi Xia, who was ten years old. He couldn’t help but float. "Which is the girl, it looks a bit familiar!"

"You are old and dim!" Luo Yibei was very ruthlessly ironic.

Even the people in the photo are not seen in Fang Chi Xia, what are you looking at?

Luo Yi’s words did not cause Luo Yi to pay attention to the North.

Luo Yan was angry with him and wanted to fly with a crutches. "Luo Yibei, you talk to me to respect!"

"How do you want to respect the grandfather? I will correct it next time!" Luo Yibei changed his mouth this time, but his tone was not like a corrected tone.

It’s not a day or two for him to be mad at him. He squatted on his chest for a while, and he turned his eyes back.

"Too grandfather, this is me!" Fang Chixia reminded me very well.

"Is it?" Luo stared at the little girl in the photo and looked at it. She looked up and looked at her now. It took a while to figure out how incredible it was.

He would be familiar with her as a child.

Fang Chixia didn't understand him at all. She understood Luo Yan's words as because the photo was her, and he was so familiar with her now, so she felt that the photos were familiar.

"I have a few photos of my childhood." Fang Chixia explained.

The voice just fell, Luo Yi North cold does not prevent the floating of a sentence, "We make a love."

He spoke very straightforwardly and didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Fang Chi Xia is a bit embarrassed, but the corners of his mouth are sweet and noisy.

A person who has never refused to tell love, does not know when to start, now said that this kind of words is more and more smooth, regardless of the occasion, regardless of location.

"Wife, are you moved?" And regardless of Luo Wei's presence, Luo Yibei directly evoked love with her.

"You have more mirrors today, so confident?" Fang Chi Xia faintly satirized.

"I am just telling the truth." Luo Yibei looked like a cloud.

Fang Chi Xia Gang wants to continue to refute, Luo Yan is not afraid to float, "You two low-key points! I am afraid that people do not know if your relationship is good?"

Fang Chi Xia was smashed by him, and Luo Yi went straight to the north without changing the color. "Tai Grandpa is telling the truth."

He really has a sentence to kill people, Luo Xiao seems to be speechless to him, cold face and reprimand, "Luo Yibei, you said enough?"

"What did I say?" Luo Yibei dismissed his words and glanced at him. He added a very embarrassed sentence. "I don't like to go out and turn right!"

He did not seem to look at the highly respected elders in front of him, sitting in the courtyard of Luo Yan, even dare to call Luo Luo directly.

Luo Yan’s face solidified for a few seconds, and he spit out a sigh. “Luo Yibei, what did you just say?”

Luo Yibei returned to God and wanted to repeat his own words. Fang Chixia looked at the situation wrong. Before he exported his words, he took him to his side and interrupted his words. She followed the sentence, "Too Grandpa Yibei said that he will roll!"

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