The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2490: I am also you can call it?

Luo Yibei behind him, his face dark for a few seconds.

Luo Yan’s expression was very wrong, like listening to the explosive news.

"He will roll right away!" And regardless of the dark face of Luo Yibei behind him, Fang Chi Xia took him to the door.

Luo Yibei's face is stretched from beginning to end, and the curve of the face is sharp like a cold-blooded blade.

"Let me roll?" Word by word, almost biting from his teeth.

"Oh??" Fang Chi Xia smiled stiffly.

"Do you know that the people who dare to let me roll in this world are still not born?" Luo Yibei looked cloudy.

"Too grandfather is old, what do you care about with the elderly?" Fang Chixia slammed him.

"If the old man doesn't bury her mouth for a day, it will only be more boring." Luo Yibei did not reflect on his behavior.

Fang Chi Xia is speechless.

How much more confident people say this?

"Go, go back first, I will go with the morning dawn and Xiaoyi!" Fang Chixia gave him a word, and turned away when he turned his head.

Xiaochen and Xiaoyi were still left by her, and they just looked at Luo Yibei.

Ironically, a family of four is the biggest in the North, so she let her take a child over one year old and five years old to manage him.

When I returned to the yard of Luo Yi, Chen Hao was still playing with her necklace.

Luo Yan’s eyes fell on the photos on her pendant, as if she were still thinking about the problem.

Fang Chi Xia, who is ten years old, he feels familiar!

Fang Chi Xia said that he came back to pick up the morning and Xiaoyi. Who knows that when he went back, he accompanied the old man to solve the dinner before he brought back the two children.

When he returned to his home, Luo Yibei sat at the table waiting for three people.

At the table above the pool summer and two children's tableware are still placed, Luo Yibei seems to be waiting for the two mothers to return to eat, and their own did not move.

Fang Chi Xia stunned and tried to ask, "Isn't you eating yet?"

The problem is obvious. The food in the Luo Yibei plate is still not moving.

Fang Chixia felt that her words didn't make any sense. Without waiting for him to answer, she cried. "I told my family before that I would not come back for dinner."

"Is it with me?" Luo Yi said with a smileless expression on the north side.

"I thought you would know." Fang Chixia refuted himself for a sentence, sitting next to him and stuffing Chen Chen into his arms. "We are with you!"

Xiao Chen’s age is small, but he is deeply likable.

The little hand grabbed a small piece of cake on the table, and she kindly handed it to Luo Yibei, as if it was for a crime, "爹地~"

Luo Yi's north lip was pumped, and the stretched face broke under one of her movements.

Fang Chi Xia Shixiang helped him with some food.

She is also pleased with him, but the words she said are not very pleasing.

“Is it out that we are not eating?”

Luo Yibei was stunned by her, and the strange look swept her. "Is it more and more confident now?"

"Fortunately," Fang Chi Xia Xiaoyu helped him pour a glass of water.

A dinner, she was particularly attentive from beginning to end.

Luo Yibei waited for her for so long, and I was a little relieved. Who knows that the meal was used halfway, Fang Chixia took a call from Tong Yan and then left.

Luo Yibei wanted to accompany him, but he thought that there was a child, and he resisted the urge.

Fang Chi Xia and Tong Yan are just ordinary gatherings. Take two children out to meet her.

The place to meet with Tong Yan is night, the car just arrived at the restaurant, and a car just came out of the parking lot.

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