Xiao Yi did not continue to care for her, sitting in her position, gazing at the scene and looking for Fang Chi Xia's figure.

Compared with other people present, in his opinion, it is more exciting to appreciate the scenes of Fang Chi Xia and Luo Yibei.

Fang Chi Xia and Luo Yibei are still in the woods, the body is completely blocked by Luo Yibei, and the two do not know what to do. Xiao Yi’s footsteps can’t see the specific movements of the two people, only to see that Luo Yibei is broad. The back of the picture, as well as the head of Fang Chi Xia faintly explored.

The light in the place where the two are located is very dark, and the angle of Xiaoyi is only visible in a blurred outline.

Feeling a little boring, he took his eyes back.

Retracting from the chair and rejecting the follow-up of all the servants, he wandered around the scene aimlessly.

This birthday feast, Fang Chixia was originally arranged at the seaside, and a cruise ship was set up on the spot for guests to use.

The wind at night was a bit cold, and the beach waves that had been stranded by the cruise ship washed away from time to time, rolled up the fine sand of one place, and then brought it into the sea.

Xiao Yi went to the cruise ship and turned around and turned to the deck.

However, just after arriving at the bow, the man was still not standing still, and suddenly there was a crisp "beep" sound coming from behind.

The familiar voice makes Xiao Yi a glimpse.

I once fell in the hands of someone, and I almost didn’t have to turn around and look behind me. Now he knows who is making the sound.

However, before he could react, he only felt that his body was pushed back by a pair of hands -

The place where he stood is just the bow, below is the sea!

This push, his body lost balance and fell down in the sea!


There was a slight splash of water on the sea, and Xiao Yi’s body fell directly!

There were a lot of bodyguards arranged on the boat. I heard the situation here. A large group of well-trained people rushed in almost a few seconds.

When I arrived, the bow was only small.

The three- or four-year-old girl has a pure and harmless little face that looks like a doll that is placed without any lethality.

"What happened?" A group of bodyguards looked stiff from her face and turned to the surface.

"There was someone who accidentally fell down!" Xiao Jiu pointed at the water and answered very innocently.

When Xiao Yi was on the cruise ship, he was witnessed by many bodyguards. When she heard the "he" in her mouth, a group of bodyguards didn't even have time to identify them. They just thought of the possibility and their face changed immediately.

A large group of men wanted to smash through the water and jump into the water. The sleeves and trousers were already smashed. On the sea, a burst of faint water suddenly came, and Xiao Yi’s head suddenly came out of the water.

Sitting in the bow of the small nine shocked to see this scene, it seems that he did not expect him to come up so fast.

"Little Master, are you okay?" The bodyguards were happy, and they wanted to pull the small easy to the ground. Xiaoyi suddenly came to the boat downstream.

His movements were slow, and the wet hair shattered on his forehead. His eyes were stunned by Xiao Jiu, who was already a stunned child. It was just a five-year-old child, but his eyes were cold and people felt depressed.

"Do you deliberately?" Words and words are almost gnashing.

"What about that?" Xiaoji squinted at the road behind his eyes, secretly wondering how he should escape.

"Yes, dare to do it and dare to admit it!" Xiao Yi's lips and corners involved a piece of irony, and her hand suddenly caught her ankle.

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