"You let me go!" Xiao Jiu was shocked and changed his face. He wanted to break his leg out of his hand. However, just after the action, Xiao Yi grabbed her leg and tried hard, then,

Xiao Jiu’s strength could not have been able to reach him, and his body was hard and he was thrown into the sea.

Very hard to pull, not half because of her age and love!

Xiao Yi’s image in Luojia has always been sunny, with more words, intimate, and warmer.

Almost few people in Luo’s family have seen the cold side of his bones, so that everyone seems to have forgotten that he is the Luo family, the only son of Luo Yibei, half of the blood flowing in the bones is Luo Yibei, Luo Yi The character of the inheritance of the North should not be inherited, and he did not fall.

The cold and cold of Luo Yibei, the entire circle of C city, should have been heard by few people.

At the time of revenge, Xiao Yi, his words and deeds, and the narrow version of Luo Yibei, the chill of his body, actually stunned a group of bodyguards on board.

On the sea, it was a sound of water.

After Xiaojiu fell, there was no shadow for a moment.

Because of her small body relationship, even the water on the water did not stir up much.

A group of bodyguards were shocked to watch this scene, and several of them were trying to save, but they were impulsive, but they were stunned by Xiao Yi. "No one can give me a hand!"

Although he is small, his voice is particularly shocking. The legs that have been taken out by several bodyguards have been reinstated.

The sea seems to have calmed down.

After Xiaojiu fell, he did not float up like him.

Several bodyguards were shocked to see this scene, all of them were squatting.

Although no one in the scene knows the identity of Xiao Jiu, the person who appears here is the guest invited by Luo Xixi. How many of them are not expensive?

If something happens to Xiaojiu, the responsibility is not something that a group of people can afford.

Time, the second and the second.

It’s been twenty or thirty seconds since the small nine fell into the water.

There is still no movement on the sea.

Xiao Yi was cold and indifferent to all of this, and there was no reaction at all.

"Little Master! The little girl seems to be unable to swim. I will blame it when Mr. Luo is in a meeting..." A bodyguard’s heart quickly mentioned the eyes of the blind man, and wanted to remind, but the words were not finished yet, but they were Xiao Yi blocked, "Manage your own affairs!"

He is sarcasm about the nosy of the person, and the tone of his speech is like Luo Yibei, who usually speaks.

The bodyguard was helpless and could only close his mouth.

Time, continue to drain.

On the sea, there is still no water.

The whole audience, dead.

All the bodyguards stared at the sea with their hearts, and all the backs were always sweating.

Xiao Yicai is five years old. With such a small child, he has learned how to put people to death and grow up.

"Young master, the child can't swim..." A group of bodyguards still don't worry, a courageous person wants to remind again, the voice has not fallen, Xiaoyi suddenly sneaked into the water.

A large group of bodyguards jumped into the water under one of his actions. "Everyone helps!"

The entire cruise ship was busy after that.

When Xiao Jiu was brought out, the breathing was very weak, his face was pale and gray, and there was no blood.

People are small and easy to find. The five-year-old child has achieved efficiency more than adults. Tonight, he once again shocked everyone.

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