The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2561: Change everything about her

"What happened?" Luo Yibei strode over, his eyes fainted in the scene, and finally settled on two children.

Xiao Chenxi seems to be surprised. He squats on Xiao Yi’s shoulder and sees him appearing. Zhang Kai’s small arm rushes toward him, “Hey~”

"Hey!" Luo Yibei took her over and looked at her. She looked at it from the left and right, and found no trace of the injury. She sighed.

"Mom, what happened?" The corner of the eye slanted to the sand and he asked again.

"After you left at night, the morning sun couldn't sit still in the castle. I didn't think too much about it at the moment. I took her out and walked away. As a result, I knew that when I first arrived in the city center, I hit another car. Fortunately, Chengxi’s driving skills are good. When the two cars touched, the steering wheel was quickly reversed to avoid more serious consequences. Xiaoyi and Chenxi were both sitting behind, but fortunately the two children were fine this time. it is good."

Sha Zhixing seems to have a bit of a snack. She is not scared by herself. She just thinks that if the accident at that time is serious, the damage caused to the two children may be unimaginable, and she is a little scared.

Dawn and Xiaoyi are so small!

"What about another car?" Luo Yi asked over the north side.

"After the accident, I escaped. Chengxi did not know if there was any accident in Xiaoyi and Xiaotoutou, did not chase, stopped to see the situation of the two children."

Luo Yibei whispered, and slowly pondered her words, his eyes cold.

Another car accident.

Today, he deliberately sent Chenxi and Xiaoyi to the Luo Empire. It was because of the safety considerations for the brothers and sisters. When the island went out, there was a car accident.

Luo Yibei never believed in the so-called coincidence.

Especially after so many times in the recent past!

Compared with coincidence, he believes that there is a force behind it, not only Fang Chi Xia, but even two children have no intention of letting go!

"Receive monitoring." Luo Yibei did not say much, only faintly dropped a word against the staff at the scene, holding the morning light and walking in front of his car.

Sha Zhixing took Xiao Yi to follow up and accompanied the two children to sit behind.

"Where are we going now?"

"Go home first, the family recently strengthened security." Luo Yibei faintly gave her a word, and Yu Chengxi divided the two cars and drove in the direction of Luojia.

Arriving at the door of the house, the car was taken outside the gate, and the key was thrown to the outside bodyguard. He walked in front and strode to the main house.

After entering, he made an accident that made all the servants of the Luo family unexpected.

As he walked into the room, Luo Yi had an order to the north. "Living room, dining table, tableware, all the things that the lady had touched these days, all replaced! The master bedroom was demolished and refurbished!"

A group of servants looked at him dumbly and didn't seem to respond to him.

Have you used the little lady to replace it?

Even Sha Zhixing did not respond to him.

"According to what I said, it is." Luo Yibei did not have too much explanation. After the morning and Xiaoyi settled down, he turned and went outside the Luojia Mansion.

I only gave you a sentence, "I have a little something outside these days, and Dawn and Xiaoyi have given it to you!"

Yan Chengxi snorted and listened to his words, his brows wrinkled, "Where?"

Luo Yibei looked up, black gaze stared at him, no clarification, "Look for someone!"

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