Yan Chengxi gave a slight glimpse, and some did not respond to him.

Luo Yibei did not explain much, and turned to go outside the Luojia Gate.

The car drove out of Luo's home in a gust of wind, and he went to the night island.

The person investigated all the exit records from the night of the press conference to the present, and found no suspicious clues. He called Fissino.

He has never been a person who will easily ask for help. If you put it in the past, it is absolutely impossible to ask for help from your former rival.

However, Fang Chi Xia is now where, how is the person, he does not know.

Did not get her news, he did not have a second to settle down.

This time, one minute and one second late, is directly related to her life!

If you can find her with Fasino, he doesn't care to show him weakness!

Picking up the phone, his voice is dyed and continues to vicissue. "Is there any news for her?"

"Not yet, I have sent all my own forces to look for it, I believe that there will be results soon."

"I am starting to cooperate today." Luo Yibei hung up the phone and decided to stare at his mobile phone for a few seconds. A phone call was sent to the assistant. "Help me arrange the fastest flight to Y country, tonight, Getting better and better!"

"Okay, young master."

When the two people's calls ended, Luo Yibei did not explain to the family. After hanging up the phone, he went directly to the airport.

When the assistant ticket booking success call came over, his person was already at the airport.

It’s the most recent general flight, flying in the early morning to the country of Kyoto.

On arrival, the next day during the day.

Did not say anything to He Anqi, looking for a hotel to stay, let people investigate the recent trip to Heyman, Luo Yibei driving to track Heyman all day.

However, all the things Heyman did in the past two days, almost no abnormalities, even connected to the phone, was stolen by Luo Yibei, there is no abnormality.

After the arrival of the night, the forces secretly launched a wide-ranging search in Europe, and the Y country and even the nearby countries searched quickly. However, there was still no result.

There is no news from Fesno recently.

The two forces are still looking around nervously...


Blue-and-white Mediterranean-style villas, large gardens, and groups of bodyguards walk around the park from time to time, vigilantly monitoring everything in the villa.

In the direction of the garden, a slender figure walked in the garden without any trouble. After entering the road in the garden, it did not directly lead to the gate, but turned directly to the wall of the garden.

Her steps were very careful. Every step, the sound produced was very small, like someone who was afraid of being alarmed.

They all came under the wall, looked up and stared at the trunk above the head, and looked at the height. They wanted to climb outside by the branches. Behind them, a respectful reminder sounded, "Miss, you have no body." Any passport!"

The woman whose skirt was already picked up was like a bucket of ice, and her back was stiff and all the movements stopped.

"You don't have any cash on your body! There is no contact tool." The middle-aged man who is two meters away from her is kindly reminded again.

Fang Chi Xia back slowly turned toward his body, sinking and breathing, and licking his own hair, if nothing happened, "I just want to walk around the garden, what do I need to do?"

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