The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2993: I'm waiting for you

He is so obedient, probably the only time since Moxier knew him.

Moxier suddenly felt like she was taking care of a child.

Staring at him for a moment, she turned to the closet to help him find a clean bathrobe.

"Change the clothes first!" I didn't want his body temperature to go up. It was a waste of her tossing tonight, and Moxier handed the clothes to him.

However, Qing Muchen does not wear it.

The back was quite strong, sitting in bed, his eyes swept to her, whispering, "You help me!"

Moxier smashed, and the body that was ready to get up was stiff.

"I am waiting for you." Behind him, the voice of Qing Muchen sounded again.

Mo Xier’s corner of his eyes glanced sideways in his direction and stared at him.

Looking at his slightly reddened face, she struggled, moved to his side, raised her hand and solved the clothes on him.

Her movements were very slick, her face was low, and when she was undressed and dressed, her eyes didn't deliberately avoid it.

Help him, just because he doesn't want to entangle such a small thing with him on such an occasion tonight.

I have seen it so many times, and she has nothing to avoid from his body.

The body temperature of Qing Muchen seems to be a bit high, and the body is also slightly reddened.

When Moxier's fingertips were lightly rubbed from his body, he could clearly feel the heat transmitted from him.

Helping him change his clean clothes, Moxi went to the bathroom and simply rinsed it. When he returned to the bed, he was lying on the same bed with him, and suddenly he could not sleep tonight.

It was already dawning at this time. Tossing for one night, she was actually very tired, but her eyes tried to close a few times, but she finally opened it.

Qing Muchen looked at her over the bed and turned over. She probably couldn’t stand it. She stretched her arms and took her to her arms in a salvage manner. She pressed her body to herself and he was cold. Come, "I am fine."

Very light and very light, not like any kind of tone in the past, like a breeze blowing, when you lick your cheeks, it is especially comfortable.

He is comforting her!

He guessed what she was thinking about now?

Moxier’s back was slightly stiff, and his back was silent for a while, and he snorted. “I didn’t worry.”

"Is it?" The tone of inquiry is more interesting.

Moxier did not entangle with him on this issue, the quilt got close to his body and closed his eyes quietly.

She was really tired at this moment. I don't know if it was because of the silence that Qing Muchen had just comforted. This time she fell asleep very quickly.

A long sleep, when I woke up, it was already noon.

The man who had tossed her all night last night had already taken her step by step. She swept the sputum during the fever. After only a few hours of sleep, he regained the sacred spirit of the whole body.

"Wake up!" Seeing her, he took the initiative to say hello to her.

Moxier looked up and stared at him for a moment, looking at him who seemed to have no problems, she was relieved.

People like him actually don't need people to worry about it. Even if they are sick or hurt, in the eyes of Moxi, it should be very fast.

How was she so stupid last night?

"Wake up, get up! Lunch is ready." Qing Muchen took care of his cuffs and said again.

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