"Oh." Moxier smacked his voice with a nasal voice, opened the bed and went out of bed, wanted to find a piece of clothes to go out, but stunned when he saw a set of clothes neatly placed next to him. .

The clothes are her, a warm coat, obviously smacked for her to take out, stacked neatly placed on the side of the bedside lamp.

Moxier stared at the suit for a while, and lost a few seconds.

When did you become so considerate?

Moxier got used to his rudeness, and suddenly he saw such a careful one, his head was completely blind.

"I am waiting for you downstairs." Qing Muchen fell like a okay person, first she went outside the room.

Moxier returned to God and put on his clothes after the door was covered. After the simple washing, the hair was freely rationalized and followed him down the stairs.

Just down the stairs, a burst of floral scent suddenly hit.

It is the rose fragrance she is familiar with, the taste of Charlotte.

Moxier gave a slight glimpse, and the line of sight looked at the source of the aroma. When she finally settled in the restaurant, she stunned.

Today's table is extraordinarily beautiful, the small white table top is covered with bright Charlotte petals, like a colorful weaving around the dining table, and the center is decorated with a large bouquet of flowers, the whole table ,so pretty.

Qing Muchen sat at the table, and Jun's face turned to her side in the direction of her, staring at her.

"Today my parents are not there. For the whole day, I am only with you and me at home."

"Oh." Moxier returned to God, and if the line of sight recovered without incident, she walked toward him in a few steps.

When I came to him, I wanted to open the chair and sit down. The hand just reached out. Qing Muchen took her step and helped her pull the chair away.

This is one of his few gentlemen in front of her.

Such a person, once again let Moxi children squat down.

Qing Muchen did not explain the act of his own. He held the knife in one hand and the fork in the other. The movement gracefully cut the food in his plate.

Today's lunch is very delicate, all French.

Moxi children only got up until now, and their stomachs are empty.

Holding the fork in the hand, I didn't care about the image. When I got up, I wanted to fork a rosemary roast duck breast. Next to it, Qing Muchen suddenly pushed her plate to her.

The food in his plate was piled up a lot, and the lamb chops, snails, and crabs were all liked by Moxier.

Every food, he cut very delicately, and even kicked the meat bones out.

Moxier stared at the plate he had sent to see it for the third time today.

She did not expect that the things that Qing Muchen had just cut were serving her, not to expect that he would be so in a mood to do this kind of thing today.

Qing Muchen was still quietly helping her cut the food. She cut a small piece and transferred it to her. She said nothing.

Moxier squinted his face and forked a small piece of duck breast that he had sent over, and his lips curled up slightly.

Today's lunch, the taste is surprisingly good.

After lunch, thinking about the inklessness that had not been discharged from the hospital, she stood up from her seat.

"I will go to the hospital first! I will be back soon!"

She seemed to be in a hurry, and the shoelace didn't even have time to tie it up, and hurriedly wanted to go outside the gate.

Qing Muchen turned her face slightly against her face, and her eyes glanced at her scattered laces. When her legs had already taken out of the hall, he could not help but say, "Don't go!"

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