Among the military camps in Beichang City.

President Chen convened an emergency meeting.

After receiving the news, all the experts and scholars put down everything they had in their hands and quickly rushed to the conference room to gather.

They have been studying and calculating in the barracks for the past few days, and they have to get it until about ten o'clock in the evening every day.

And almost all of them have already pushed off all their schedules and lectures and devoted themselves to it.

They can only spend some time in the morning taking care of their personal affairs.

But before the matter could be dealt with, an urgent call was received.

Many people are still at a loss.

Not sure what happened.


"What's going on, why did an urgent call suddenly call us over for a meeting?" asked one academician.

"I don't know, I'm trying to answer questions for my students, I want to deal with it in the morning, and I can devote myself to research in the afternoon.

"Don't think about it, something so anxious must have something wrong, maybe it has something to do with foreign countries!"

Only Dean Chen, Director Liu, and Wu Jian are considered to be insiders.

They all received the message at the same time.

This news is about the struggle for the fate of the country.

It's impossible for them not to pay attention to it.

Wait until everyone is there.

The scene gradually quieted down.

Dean Chen walked to the front, looked at everyone, and said solemnly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I just received internal information from the country, the beautiful country is secretly developing a sixth-generation aircraft, and has made significant progress, the news is still within a small range, and it has not been made public, but we can't help but ignore it!"

his expression was extremely solemn.

It's a big deal.

And even the highest levels are watching closely.

If it weren't for the more important things they had reported, I'm afraid they would have already been on their way back to the imperial capital by now.

But even so, the calls from the top are coming one after another.

In such a time of relative peace.

The competition of equipment is the most important thing in the competition of national strength.

The aero engine on the body of the sixth-generation aircraft is known as the "crown jewel of modern industry".

Aero engines directly affect the performance, reliability and economy of aircraft, and are an important embodiment of a country's scientific, technological, industrial and national defense strength.

If you use an analogy.

The difficulty of building a nuclear bomb is 1, and the difficulty of an aero engine has reached 50.

So, if the aero engine is ahead of the whole world.

Well, the country's industrial power stands at the top.

Since the beautiful country has openly announced that their sixth-generation aircraft have made great progress, it proves that their aero engines have also made great progress.

This sends an extremely dangerous signal.

If only once they succeeded.

That would change the whole world drastically.

Air supremacy is particularly important

! Over the past few decades

! They have suffered too many losses!

As soon as President Chen's remarks came out, the ground exploded.

"How is this possible? How did they build a sixth-generation aircraft so quickly? Didn't you hear some time ago that there was a problem with their aero engine?"

"They are developing too fast, our fifth-generation aircraft have not yet stabilized, and their sixth-generation aircraft are about to be developed." "

I now have serious doubts that something might exist in their Area 51, otherwise it would be impossible to explain it!" they

are scientists in the country.

I didn't believe all this.

However, the development speed of the beautiful country in the past few decades is too fast, one high-tech after another.

It's dizzying.

So it's no wonder that some people think in these ways.

Even if they try their best to catch up, they are always one step slower.

"But maybe it's not that bad, we've got the blueprints for the sixth-generation aircraft, and this time we're on the same starting line, it's up to us to see who builds it first!" someone said.

"Yes, even if they get some technology, we have it now! It's up to whoever builds it first!"

Although some people are pessimistic.

But not so pessimistic.

Because they

have Lin Feng! In the past few days, they have discovered that the sixth-generation aircraft in Lin Feng's hands is more than a star and a half powerful compared to the current fifth-generation aircraft.

It's a weapon of two eras.

So it has also become a source of confidence for them.

"Yes, now it's time to fight for speed

!" "We have Lin Feng, it's impossible to say whose sixth-generation aircraft is strong!"

Their eyes burst with incomparable confidence.

Dean Chen nodded, if it was the same as before, even if they would not panic, it would be extremely damaging to their confidence.

But now it's different.

They also have extremely important chips in their hands!

"I've already received news from above, asking us to return to the imperial capital as soon as possible, so we don't have much time left!" Dean Chen said to everyone.

"Let's simply pack up and set off at

any time!" "I guess there won't be any idle days when I go back, but when I think of the project of this competition, I already have some itchy hands, and I can't wait

!" "Dean, you communicate with the above about when to leave, we can all go!" "Dean

, and Lin Feng, it's best to bring him to the imperial capital as well, so that we can speed up and make the sixth-generation aircraft in the shortest possible time." Someone reminded.

Dean Chen nodded: "Lin Feng has returned to his hometown, I will send someone to pick him up, now we will start to discuss how to deal with it, and at the same time, there are also work arrangements after returning to the imperial capital, we must set up a sixth-generation aircraft working group as soon as possible to start breaking through the difficulties." A

lively discussion ensued.

The threat of the beautiful country is too great this time.

They're all in a hurry, and they're barely catching up.

So this time we must not be left behind.

At this moment, among the military space bases of the beautiful country.

Meetings are also being held.

And the content of the meeting also happens to be a sixth-generation aircraft.

James, the chief fighter scientist sitting on the stage, looked at the beautiful country researchers below and said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the fake news of the sixth-generation aircraft that we released this time can facilitate us to unite our allies, guide the Xia people to make wrong judgments, and celebrate everyone's achievements in advance, after the meeting, there will be a banquet waiting for everyone. "

From the beginning to the end, they didn't invent the sixth-generation aircraft at all, it was just a façade.

"James, we haven't finished designing the sixth-generation aircraft, but we've spent a lot of money, and I'm afraid the council will hold us accountable. A researcher said.

James shook his head and said: "Please rest assured, the council has my own explanation that although we do not have a complete sixth-generation aircraft, we can strengthen the fifth-generation aircraft and improve some technologies to the point of pseudo-sixth-generation aircraft." Everyone


Agree with this plan.

Sixth-generation aircraft are not what they can do with their current technology.

Even if they've acquired some special technology, it's not okay.

But the standards are set by them.

They say it is a sixth-generation aircraft.

Even if it's a pseudo-sixth generation.

That's also six generations!

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