Lin Feng and a few people went out and got into the private car that had been contacted in advance.

They went to the best hotel in the city, a five-star hotel, and this time the banquet was set there.

It's not a big deal, but it's expensive.

Although they are in the countryside, they are not particularly far away.

It's just a bit of a hassle.

And there are no cars.

Therefore, you can only contact the private car in the village, and if you take the highway, you can get to the city in about one or two hours.

Lin Feng was also pondering, if his bonus was issued, should he get a car for his parents to drive first?

Otherwise, it would not be convenient to go out at all.

Especially when you come to the city, if you don't have a private car from someone familiar in the village, it will take them two or three hours just to take the shuttle.

I just don't know if the bonus is enough.

Anyway, there should be hundreds of thousands!

Pay off some student loans, as well as renovations, and if you finally buy a car.

It's going to be a lot of pressure!

I guess I don't have any money on me after doing this.

Otherwise, we can only speed up our own efforts and get the next scientific research technology out as soon as possible.

Aim for more bonuses.

Lin Feng really doesn't have much concept of money.

If his thoughts are known by those people, it is estimated that he will laugh off his big teeth, and the prize money he will get is more than hundreds of thousands of dollars for the sixth-generation aircraft alone.

He has indirectly saved hundreds of billions of R&D funds for the country.

Even if it's for the sake of the big picture, I won't send him that much, but it's definitely a lot.

His situation is completely unfounded.

Lin Feng, who once suspected that he would become a poor egg, followed his parents into the hotel.

They were stuck in traffic for a while, and it was almost half past eleven when they came.

It was the first time he had come to such an upscale hotel.

The only 5 star in the city.

He looked around with some curiosity.

There are people coming and going everywhere, most of them are very brightly dressed, only they are a family of three, even if they are dressed up, they all reveal an incompatible temperament.

He didn't think it mattered.

After all, these things seemed foreign to him.

He has been used to it for so many years, and he doesn't have any comparison mentality.

But his parents were a little embarrassed, although the situation of their family was good in the early years, but now, they always feel a little uncomfortable, which makes them at a loss.

They can only bite the bullet and move forward.

Fortunately, the box was found quickly.

As soon as they walked in and looked around, everyone else had basically arrived, in addition to his aunts, there were also some relatives of his second aunt's family.

There were five or six tables.

Most people glanced at them and stopped paying attention.

Because they're just people who don't matter.

"Why is it so late? It starts a little later. His second aunt Zhong Fangjie saw that they came so late, and her face drooped.

Zhong Fangjie looks ordinary, and even though she has money in recent years, it is still difficult to hide her rusticism.

Although I was dressed very well, I always felt that the dress didn't fit at all.

"There was a bit of a traffic jam on the road, so it was a little late. Mother Lin hurriedly explained.

Then he took out a red envelope and some gifts: "Second sister, happy birthday! Good health, happy and long-lived."

After Zhong Fangjie saw the red envelope, her face was slightly relieved.

However, when she touched the thickness of the red envelope, although she didn't say anything, there was still no good expression on her face.

As for the other gifts, they were directly put aside by her.

"Second aunt, happy birthday. Lin Feng shouted with a smile, although he didn't have too much affection for this second aunt, but what should be maintained on the surface was still maintained.

Zhong Fangjie glanced at him, but she was a little curious.

Because she has been on the Internet for the past two days, she has really heard a lot about Lin Feng, and there are all kinds of rumors.

But most of them didn't believe her.

She felt that there were few real things on the Internet, and

all of them were exaggerated.

What's more, it's just a mere graduate student, even if she invents any more patents, how much money can she get?

Those scientific researchers are only paid 8,000 a month.

It's a far cry from his son.

"Xiaofeng is also back, I heard that I was admitted to graduate school this time, barely okay, I will continue to work hard in the future, make more money, learn more from your cousin, and he bought a BMW again. Zhong Fangjie didn't want to admit Lin Feng's excellence both clearly and secretly.

Lin Feng could naturally hear that his second aunt was praising him on the surface.

In fact, she was showing off that her son had bought another new car.

Lin Feng really didn't want to contradict her on her birthday.

It is up to him to say.

He wanted to see what she could say.

Father Lin couldn't listen anymore and quickly interrupted.

"Second sister, where are we sitting?"

"Let's sit with the fourth sister!" Zhong Fangjie was suddenly interrupted, her face was a little unhappy, and she arranged casually.

Only then did they breathe a sigh of relief and hurriedly went to the fourth aunt Zhong Fangmei's side.

"Third aunt, third uncle, cousin!" the two little cousins cried out as soon as they sat down.

"It's so early!" Lin Feng saw them, and the long-lost family affection was released.

As soon as they sat down, his aunt said excitedly.

"Xiaofeng, I heard that you have been admitted to graduate school again, or 985 colleges, very good, is there an admission letter, hurry up and take it out for me!" Zhong

Fangmei is a primary school teacher, and she has a natural affinity for people with good grades.

And his aunt has always been good to them.

Father Lin and Mother Lin looked at their sister and brother-in-law, and then there was a smile on their faces, and they opened the conversation.

"Little sister, you know everything, I was admitted, the school is okay, but the salary may be a little lower, the notice seems to be in my bag, I forgot to take it out yesterday, just take it to you. Mother Lin pretended to be casual and said.

Lin Feng pursed his lips secretly.

His mother lied and didn't make drafts.

I watched them put them in their bags in the morning.

But he didn't want to debunk it, so he showed it off!

He looked around and saw his aunt.

It was very well maintained, and his face was painted with heavy makeup, but his expression was a little arrogant, and they didn't say hello to them after they came in for so long.

Not at all like a sister.

He shook his head.

My two aunts really watch people cook.

His eldest aunt gave birth to a son and a daughter, but he didn't seem to see it today.

The son of the second aunt is greeting people everywhere.

He turned around and played with his two cousins, none of whom were as cordial as his own cousins.

His parents and aunt chatted even more happily.

Lin Feng hadn't seen them so happy for a long time.

His aunt even repeatedly said that he wanted his cousin to learn from him, which made him embarrassed.

They had just sat down and had not spoken a word before the table began.

The wine is too half-drunk.

Her second aunt brought her son over to toast.

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