In countless military enterprises, the production lines are in full swing, and they are ordered to work overtime at all costs, and to complete the assigned parts casting tasks.

The people who can enter the military factory have extremely generous wages and benefits, but in the same way, they also live a surveillance that ordinary people cannot bear.

They signed a non-disclosure agreement and all calls were monitored.

Although these will not affect their normal life.

But it is as if there is an invisible hand watching their lives.

But this can't be helped, the military industry is involved in the country's core secrets, and these are inevitable.

After all, once you start building, you need people to do it.

So no matter how much you protect it, you can't keep it 100% confidential.

So they can only do a wide range of secrecy.

And this time, the task they received was even higher than the previous level of secrecy, and it was guarded 24 hours a day, and they couldn't even ask for leave to go home.

Even they got the news.

Once they are minted, there will be a six-month lock-up period.

Even after six months, their activities are monitored.

Everything that is done must be reported, and all correspondence must be reviewed.

Although they have long been accustomed to this.

But this time I couldn't help but be a little surprised.

What kind of thing is it, there is such a big battle.

They could tell there were parts of an airplane, but they had never seen them.

All the parts are disrupted during production.

There is also no communication between the groups.

For maximum confidentiality, all parts are dismantled.

Even if some people bring out some drawings, they will never be able to assemble them.

What's more, under such strict supervision, they can't bring it out at all.

Such an unusual move naturally attracted the attention of foreign countries.

However, although they have bribed people in the military industry, they have no access to core secrets, and only know that they are producing an aircraft part that they have never seen before.

They didn't pay attention to the news at all.

They only think that Xia Guo is just producing a new fifth-generation aircraft, and they have reached the peak in the field of fifth-generation aircraft.

No matter how good Xia Guo's fifth-generation aircraft is.

After all, they are much worse.

Not to mention the fact that they have already begun to produce flying machines close to the sixth generation.

Although it is not a real sixth-generation aircraft.

But sweeping the fifth-generation aircraft is not a problem.

Therefore, although they attach importance to it, they do not raise their spirits, but more carefully create their smoke.

At that time, as long as the pseudo-sixth-generation aircraft is released, with the performance that completely surpasses the fifth-generation aircraft, no one will not think that they are sixth-generation.

After figuring out what happened.

They stopped worrying.

Similarly, the intelligence agencies on the Xia side have been monitoring the beautiful country, but they found that although the beautiful country seems to be conducting new military research, it is slightly different from what they imagined.

I don't know if it's because the beautiful country is too confident or what.

They didn't even think to hide it.

Instead, the messages are more and more released.

It feels like the whole world knows they're going to build a new sixth-generation machine.

In this regard, countless countries are facing great enemies.

The stronger the neighboring and enemy countries are, the more restless they become.

Some countries that secretly want revenge are even more hateful, and as soon as the sixth-generation aircraft comes out, no one in the beautiful country can compete with it.

But today.

In addition to the fact that the beautiful country can have such technology and capabilities, as well as R&D funds.

No other country can match it.

Xia Guo, after you got the news.

Don't dare to relax.

Unexpectedly, the beautiful country didn't even hide it this time, and actually showed her sword generously.

They were all taken by surprise.

When did these conspiracy go-getters start to turn sex?

They felt it was a provocation to them.

Now that both countries regard each other as their imaginary enemies, it is natural to see at a glance who they are targeting.

Orders from above were pressed down.

The original construction period of almost one month has been shortened by nearly one-third.

Originally, if some parts were purchased abroad, it would not have taken so long.

But now all the parts are produced by the military enterprises of Xia State, so this has caused a large traffic jam in production capacity.

Fortunately, with Lin Feng's super big bug, almost all R&D and problems can be properly solved.

There are no problems.

Even if there is.

The puzzle didn't survive for a few hours.

But in the end, it took a full 20 days to complete the construction one after another.

All the parts are escorted by a special army, and the secrecy is classified as top secret!

Even the nuclear warheads are no more than that.

All of these parts were shipped back to the sixth-generation aircraft laboratory for assembly.

But this is just a prototype.

In the end, the test flight will be transported to an airport deep in the mountains.

One by one, the parts arrive in the lab.

The engineering personnel quickly started the assembly according to the drawings.

Assembly is also an extremely important step.

If there is a mistake in the middle, it will still lead to the final experiment falling short.

What's more, what flies into the sky is incomparably precise.

There is no room for negligence.

Xia Guo's assembly capacity was originally the best in the world, and the fastest record ever set was to assemble the most advanced fighter in less than three days.

And still in an assembly line way.

This speed is already terrifying.

There are few in the whole world that can compare.

But this time it's a prototype, and it's the blueprint for all sixth-generation aircraft.

All assembly researchers are in place.

In the past, when the barracks were very deserted, special vehicles entered one after another.

Countless people are curious about what kind of things are in there, but they have already been grounded, and they can't get close to it anyway, if the secret is leaked, what awaits them will be a military court!

Don't dare to do anything else.

Moreover, mobile phones have begun to be strictly inspected in the barracks, and all their communication equipment has been handed in.

The personnel who checked the mobile phone even took the electronic measuring equipment, swept the room one by one, and the entire barracks was plowed again, no matter how deep they hid, they could be found.

Again, this is for the sake of secrecy.

Countless people have been confused, what the hell is this doing

? Why have all their mobile phones been confiscated?

But no one can give them answers, even those who can give them answers, their actions are also restricted, and their understanding is even more limited.

All are following orders from above.

The laboratory is only equipped with countless staff members, and they are ready to fight.

As the parts arrived, they began to assemble them.

At the final stage, no one dared to be careless.

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