By the time of the final assembly phase, countless scientific staff were already living in the laboratory almost around the clock.

Eating, drinking, and Lazar are all settled here.

But at the same time, the secrecy has also been done to the extreme.

Even if you eat and, you may not be completely free.

The vast majority of people can't leave.

Even the team leaders of each project team need a special pass.

Confidentiality has been done to the extreme.

The defense force has more than doubled compared to before, and all personnel entering and leaving are subject to extremely strict scrutiny.

You can't carry any electronic devices on your body, and you will be completely shielded when you enter it.

If you want to talk to your home or deal with some special things, then you have your own special person and special line to deal with it!

The various working groups responsible for the design and assembly of the sixth-generation aircraft have stayed up all night after night, just to do their work to the extreme.

Lin Feng didn't stay here around the clock.

So a lot of technical problems can only be solved by them.

There are some relatively simple ones, and it is inconvenient for them to ask Lin Feng, otherwise it will seem that their so-called aircraft experts are too poor.

So they can only stay up late to solve it.

These are minor issues, though.

It's not that hard to solve.

It's just a time-consuming process.

This laboratory brings together most of the high-end aircraft design talents in Xia Kingdom, and now it has become the core location of the entire Xia Kingdom.

Even several decision-makers have visited.

Review the progress.

Make them stressed.

In the past, when the fifth-generation aircraft was assembled, it only took three days to be fully assembled, but that was when the production assembly line was extremely mature.

But now it's a brand new sixth-generation machine.

It's not just production design.

Even the way of fighting and everything inside the capsule has completely changed.

Because the speed of the sixth-generation aircraft has exceeded Mach 5, which has reached the limit that the human body can reach, the anti-gravity force is set in the cabin to help people adapt to the extreme flight at this extreme speed.

Similarly, space reconnaissance and stealth counterreconnaissance capabilities have been greatly improved.

Merge with the whole sky.

It has been achieved to the extent that it is impossible to detect with the naked eye while being anti-radar.

In addition, it is also necessary to achieve full information integration.

Form a huge reconnaissance and combat group of UAVs with sixth-generation aircraft and manned aircraft as the core.

So in the end, a sixth-generation aircraft represents more than just a single-handed.

Rather, it's a small flying team.

But the same.

The sixth-generation aircraft cannot be made too big.

Lin Feng has perfectly solved this technical problem.

There is also the most important weapon part, all of which use hypersonic missiles, which can adapt to the aircraft at extremely high speeds and still be able to accurately hit targets.

Moreover, because of the speed of more than Mach 5, no aircraft in the whole world can catch up, and even if their missiles travel to the maximum speed, they may not be able to catch up, let alone hit.

Therefore, the sixth-generation aircraft was successfully developed.

With these performance bonuses that far exceed those of the fifth-generation aircraft.

It can already be called invincible.

No one in the world

can surpass it.

This is a great enhancement of national strength and international prestige.

Especially at such a sensitive and critical time.

Whose sixth-generation aircraft was developed faster and stronger.

Then whoever has more right to speak!

After all the parts are assembled, everyone is facing another problem.

That's the final assembly.

There's a lot of debate about where to choose?

Although R&D and design can be in the imperial capital, the final test flight is not necessarily the most suitable location.

This time, the sixth-generation aircraft is mainly to catch up with the schedule.

That's why it's arranged in the imperial capital.

Regardless of the manpower or material resources mobilized, they can be achieved to the extreme in the greatest aspect.

In the office of the sixth-generation aircraft laboratory, everyone is hotly discussing the final assembly site and test flight.

Under the mutual refutation, no one will let anyone.

Because to choose this location, first, it is necessary to have the ability to assemble the aircraft.

The second is that it is relatively hidden before the final assembly.

The third, but also the most important point, is that if the test flight must be 100% successful, there must be no failures and accidents, so the requirements for the surrounding environment are also very high.

However, the final assembly is not a complete assembly.

Because the weapon part is not suitable for display, the drone is not suitable for loading it now, and the sixth-generation aircraft must be revealed in front of people, so in addition to the fuselage.

They can't get anyone to get any useful information.

Several aircraft experts who are highly respected in the outside world are blushing and thick-necked at this time.

They all want to put their final position in their own research institutes.

This is a great honor for their institute.

So how can anyone else do it?

Aircraft research institutes are all over the country, not to mention that although many research institutes are relatively small, their supporting aircraft manufacturing plants are not small, with complete supporting facilities.

And the delicate assembly has already been done in the laboratory.

There's no need for too much difficulty.

Only the final assembly of the major components.

Basically, it can be done in a day or two.

No one is willing to pass up such an opportunity.

This is also an extremely strong stroke on their resumes.

"I think the final location should be placed in Songjiang City, where there is a complete design base, and it is extremely hidden in the mountains, even if the final assembly fails, it will not be affected in any way!"

"Nonsense, how can it fail, I think that it is placed in Wucheng City, which is originally the cradle of aircraft design and manufacturing, and it is of great significance for the sixth generation aircraft."

"Old Jiang, don't talk nonsense, what's the great significance here! It's just the final assembly, you might as well say that Beichang is better, after all, the origin of the sixth-generation aircraft comes from here!"

There is no debate.

Dean Chen also had a headache.

These people are not afraid of heaven and earth.

If they are added together, anyone will dare to scare him!

He knows that if he pulls the shelf, it is estimated that he will be the next to scold.

He could only look at Li Mu for help.

"Li Mu, where do you think our final assembly position should be placed?"

everyone stopped when they heard this.

All eyes looked at Li Mu.

If there was only one person present who could convince them all, it was him, because the sixth-generation aircraft itself was created by him, and he was the most qualified to determine the final assembly position.

Li Mu didn't expect everyone to look at him.

He thought for a moment.

A location is selected on the map.

Then he drew a circle with a pencil!

"I think there's a better choice, and this place may also meet our requirements!"

There was a sudden froze in his eyes.


Seems to be really good!

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