Limit Mach 8 speeds.

When everyone saw this data, they were shocked and speechless.

The speed of this horror is at its limit.

It's daunting.

At the speed of Mach 8, no fifth-generation aircraft in the world today can do half of it.

What's more, other fighters are only theoretical, and basically have not really been realized.

Just like the dashboard on a car, although it is marked at more than 300 km, no one has ever been able to run at this speed.

The stable speed of the fifth-generation aircraft is also only in the range of Mach 1.5-2.

And this sixth-generation aircraft created by Lin Feng did rush to the limit speed solidly, and it lasted for a while.

This is all thanks to the anti-gravity device in the cockpit, which helps the pilot adapt to this extreme tearing sensation.

If the anti-gravity device is applied to other fighters.

Then minutes can reach the limit.

The fifth-generation aircraft is a qualitative leap.

Almost at full health.

The gap between a fifth-generation aircraft in a full-blooded state and a fifth-generation aircraft in a standard state is quite large!

Moreover, many systems and devices on the sixth-generation fuselage can be distributed to other series of aircraft after they mature.

That's definitely a terrifying boost.

They were thrilled to think about it!

The fighter jet had been tested in the sky for three hours, and all the data within three hours were extremely stable, without any errors or omissions.

At the same time, hundreds of indicators have been almost completed.

A full three hours of battery life.

The fuel tank has not yet seen a low.

It is enough to prove the excellent endurance of the sixth-generation aircraft.

Although it was not always at full strength during the test.

But calculate it.

The total distance has exceeded 12,000 kilometers!

Compared with the fifth-generation aircraft, it has far exceeded three times.

What's more, it's not the limit.

If it is the limit, it should be able to reach fifteen thousand kilometers.

The combat radius of this horror.

He is not afraid of any enemy who will come at him.

What's more, the speed can reach a stable speed of more than 5,000 kilometers per hour.

Whenever there is an emergency anywhere, it will arrive in a very short time.

Sweep away all the invading enemies!

President Chen gave the order to return home.

Half an hour later

, the fighters, which were already in the east, quickly returned to the ice city and landed steadily at the aircraft base.

The staff of each group quickly stepped forward and began to inspect the various parts of the aircraft.

The loud roar of fighter jets echoed through the base.

The crowd didn't feel any noise at all, but felt extremely pleasant.

It will be the patron saint of the nation.

Guarding the Motherland's Territory

! All this shows that the sixth-generation aircraft they have developed has successfully and smoothly flown over the land of the motherland, and that such scientific research projects have achieved unprecedented success!

The command room erupted in strong cheers.

"It's done, we've made it

!" "Cheer!" Countless

people burst into tears with excitement.

Mountains and tsunamis, hugging each other.

For this experiment, many people have not had much rest for several days and nights.

The tense string in his mind was finally put down, and the honor that belonged to them was welcomed!

Dean Chen wanted Lin Feng to say something.

Lin Feng shook his head in the face of his invitation.

This honor not only belongs to him, but also to all scientific researchers, and belongs to those who have fought all their lives for the country.

"Dean Chen, this honor not only belongs to me, but also to you, but also belongs to countless unknown people who work behind the scenes, and it is because of the efforts of countless people that the perfect progress of the plan is guaranteed.

"So this success should be announced by you!" Lin

Feng took a step back and showed his attitude.

Seeing this, Dean Chen nodded gratefully at him.

After all, all the designs were taken out by Lin Feng, although he is the commander-in-chief, but in the final analysis, the main credit belongs to Lin Feng.

Although they are all involved in this project, who will announce it in the end.

It will surely go down in history.

And here, there are only two people who can be qualified to announce the success of the official experiment of the sixth-generation aircraft, one is him, and the other is Lin Feng.

Now that Lin Feng took the initiative to give way, how could he not be grateful?

He took a step forward, stepped onto the high platform, and looked around.

A long-cherished wish has finally come true.

He originally thought that he might not see the real birth of the sixth-generation aircraft until he retired.

But now, not only did he see, but he was planning everything by himself.

As the host of the project, he announced the successful development of the sixth-generation aircraft before the national decision-making level.

It's a great honor!

The camera is turned on to record this great moment.

The members of the decision-making group at the top, who did not express any opinions, but quietly watched all of this.

This is all the glory of all the scientific researchers and staff of the sixth-generation aircraft and the arrangers behind the scenes.

He looked around and looked at the tiredness in everyone's eyes, his heart suddenly became sore, and his voice began to tremble a little.

"After a three-hour training mission and hundreds of items checked, I can solemnly and responsibly tell you here that the sixth-generation aircraft has been officially developed!"

A deafening sound rang out throughout the command room.

Everyone's faces were flushed.

Enjoy the glory.

Even the members of the decision-making group applauded them.

Dean Chen continued: "I think the first major contributor to the success of the sixth-generation aircraft should be Lin Feng, we just completed all the processes step by step, and he provided all the information and data, which is the first effort.

As his words landed, everyone looked over.

It turned out that Lin Feng did not stand in front at all.

But I don't know when I have quietly retreated to the side by myself.

They all looked at each other, and he nodded to them slightly.

There is no pride in it.

"In addition, there are countless of our staff and researchers, because of your continuous work day and night, to achieve today's achievements.

"There are countless behind-the-scenes workers who have done so much behind the scenes, and we don't even know their names, and this credit also belongs to them!"

"I know, I have colleagues who haven't been home for nearly a month, and some colleagues, whose wives have just given birth and haven't had time to go home to take a look, and they are all for the country, and I thank you on behalf of the country.

"Please rest assured that the country will not forget the contributions of everyone, you are all meritorious men

!" "The country is more prosperous because of you, thank you for everything you have done!"

If it were a different person.

And in front of the decision-making level.

There may be ambiguity.

But he has worked for the country's aerospace industry all his life, is close to retirement age, and is still running on the front line.

No one believed that he would have selfish motives

! So this remark on behalf of the country was most appropriate for him!

He finished speaking.

The entire control room once again burst into thunderous applause.

The camera hurried to capture the footage.

These shots, when they are declassified in the future, will be put into the documentary as precious historical materials and announced to the world!

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