After President Chen announced the complete success of the sixth-generation aircraft test.

The one in the decision-making team also encouraged all the researchers and affirmed their efforts and achievements.

said that they are the pillars of the future Xia Kingdom's aerospace.

In particular, Lin Feng was praised.

Lin Feng couldn't run away even if he wanted to.

At the mention of him, the personnel in front of him brushed it and made way for him.

Then all the cameras were aimed at him.

Lin Feng looked at this battle and smiled bitterly.

He couldn't keep a low profile if he wanted to.

The one who was even more stingy in complimenting him, and put all the knowledge of beauty on him.

But no one was jealous.

Because Lin Feng's achievements have far surpassed them, they don't even have the capital to be jealous.

There is only infinite worship

! I almost offer him as if he were a god!

Several important decision-makers have made some encouraging words one after another, and then the video call is turned off.

Let them enjoy it alone!

Dean Chen took out a list early and began to reward them.

These have already been drawn up.

After the completion of a huge scientific research project, it is natural to be rewarded for meritorious deeds.

Although it is a national project, it is unlikely that there will be too many complaints.

But for human nature, if you want a horse to run, you have to give the horse grass, and that's the right thing to do!

After that, we still have to apply for treatment and specific incentives, and

now we will start to deal with the aftermath.

Today's first flight has been successful.

However, as a new sixth-generation aircraft, it is naturally impossible to fly only once.

You have to fly hundreds of hours or more.

to be relatively stable.

But even so, the string in everyone's hearts has been released.

It's okay to relax for a while.

The crowd began to participate in the enthusiastic celebration.

They haven't had a good bite to eat in days.

At the same time on the Internet, because of the secret shot of the state.

All the rumors about the sixth-generation aircraft are rampant, and countless pictures and videos have been greatly exposed on various online media.

And these were originally what Xia Guo wanted.

If the other side can let out smoke, why can't they?

After releasing these messages, naturally someone will spread these things on the Internet.

What's more, the beautiful country pays great attention to the Xia country, especially in aviation, and always wants to be ahead.

On the day of the test, not only one person took it, but countless people, both domestic and foreign, they had a large number of photos and videos in their hands.

So when this matter was fermenting for the first time.

The beautiful country has already gotten the news.

A huge intelligence-gathering campaign was ensued.

They don't care if it's exposed.

Numerous infusions of funds have been made to gather sources of intelligence from various sources.

Nothing could be more shocking than the news.

This is something that they have not been able to achieve for a long time, and they can only make five and a half generations of pseudo-sixth-generation aircraft.

How could it come out of Xia Guo

! This is unscientific

! It is even more difficult for them to accept!

Countless intelligence agencies are in a panic, and all intelligence personnel have stopped going on vacation and immediately started the work of collecting intelligence like a net.

even offered a huge bounty to find clues.

They soon discovered that the rumors of the sixth-generation aircraft had reached every corner of the Xia Kingdom.

As if they hadn't noticed it, the government of Xia had allowed these rumors to spread on the Internet.

Ever since they opened the bounty, they've received an unknown number of intelligence pictures.

It's not an extremely close-up shot, though.

But it's not that far.

You can also see all the outlines clearly.

This distance is not too close and not far away, as if it is openly announcing to the world.

They have succeeded in building sixth-generation fighters! and they are

flying in the sky with great stability.

As if waiting for their arrival.

This incident hit them in the face like a slap, and it was instantly red and swollen.

Not long ago, they proudly announced to the world that they already had the most advanced fighter of the sixth generation.

Trying to confuse the whole world.

As a result, their biggest opponent gave them a real sixth-generation aircraft, which was thrown in their faces, making them embarrassed!

However, they got too little information, and although they may have offered a bounty on the economy, they still did not have so much information to go back to them.

Because Xia Guo himself didn't want to expose too much.

There is especially so much media.

It was also rendered before that Xia Guo was far behind the beautiful country.

As a result, the sixth-generation aircraft came out.

They were momentarily stunned.

Who is stronger?

They get too little information from both sides.

The beautiful fruit was not made at all, just trying to confuse the outside world.

Xia Guo didn't want to expose too much, just announce it to the world a little.

However, those media outlets are not willing to admit their mistakes.

So they quickly issued an article saying that the Xia Guo fighter is only the most preliminary product, and maybe it is just an enhanced version of the fifth-generation aircraft.

It simply does not meet the standards of the sixth-generation aircraft.

If you want them to prove that they are sixth-generation aircraft, they should open a press conference to the world and bring out some key data.

Let international military experts comment.

Is this a sixth-generation aircraft?

As soon as these words came out, countless Xia people scolded them for being brain-dead.

When the beautiful country announced that it had a sixth-generation aircraft, you were crazy to give him stinky feet.

We have a sixth-generation aircraft, and as a result, you say that we are fake, and you want us to come up with key data for international experts to evaluate.

Do you think we are stupid?

Countless Xia people sprayed the media that made these remarks to the ground, and in the end they didn't even dare to say anything!

However, there are still countless media who are questioning.

thinks that the sixth-generation aircraft is impossible at all, and Xia Guo is definitely faking.

As a big country, it actually falsifies its military functions, which is undermining the prestige of a big country.

In addition, many so-called international military experts have also begun to stand up and criticize.

As a so-called sixth-generation aircraft, it is simply nonsense.

In order for them to prove the correctness of what they said, they also found countless pieces of evidence from all sides to prove that it was impossible for Xia Guo to have a sixth-generation aircraft at this stage

! It must be fake!

Such a double standard.

It's only them!

Xia Guo is not as angry and corrupt as he imagined about those questioning remarks on the Internet.

Instead, he made a public statement saying: Xia Guo has never had a so-called sixth-generation aircraft, and there are rumors on the Internet, please don't believe


Military experts all over the world are stunned.


From beginning to end, people did not say that they had sixth-generation aircraft.

It's all folk rumors.

But now they are not calm, true and false, false and true.

They can't make an accurate judgment!

In the military space base of the beautiful country, the chief scientist James is now frowning.

The intelligence agencies spent a lot of money to buy countless photos and information about the situation, and after intensive information extraction, they were all sent in one after another.

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