The Path of Evolution

Chapter 115 New Concept

Deep in Mine No. 3, Annie has long since awakened, and Scarlett is comprehending the secrets contained in the gold crystals.

Xiaoxia was also holding a gold crystal. He was not strong enough to understand profound things and seemed absent-minded.

After a long time, Scarlett opened her eyes and asked, "Xiaoxia, what are your plans for the future?"

"Why do you ask this?" Xiaoxia asked.

"He has been away for several days, do you think he might come back?" Scarlett pointed out.

"I know what you want to say. Even if he leaves without saying goodbye, it's still his choice. In fact, he doesn't owe me anything at all, and he even gave me a piece of gold crystal." Xiaoxia seemed to have thought deeply about this issue for a long time, and then said: "And There must be a reason why the boss asked me to wait for him here. As long as he is still alive, he will definitely come back."

Scarlett was silent.

Annie suddenly said: "Will he be injured if he goes after the mantis?"

"Probably not. The last time the mantis attacked me from behind, he immediately drew his knife and blocked the mantis' attack. That guy has a magical ability, or gene lock, that can sense the movements of invisible creatures." Scarlett After thinking for a while he said.

Xiaoxia frowned slightly and listened to Scarlett's implication that since Zhao Hao was not injured by the giant mantis, the only possibility was to leave them alone and run away.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps.

Scarlett summoned the big white bear as if facing a formidable enemy, and immediately bent her bow and drew an arrow.

After a while, Zhao Hao came over carrying two people who were knocked unconscious.

Bang bang!

He threw two people in front of Scarlett. They were both soldiers of the Japanese Dog Corps, a foreigner and an Asian.

Xiao Xia and the three of them all showed expressions of relief. In any case, Zhao Hao was back.

"You disappeared these past few days just to catch these two guys?" Scarlett couldn't laugh or cry.

"Yes, it took me a lot of effort to arrest them and torture them." Zhao Hao took out a bottle of water to moisten his throat, and then said: "I'm not good at foreign languages. If any of you are proficient in multiple languages, wake them up and ask them. .”

"It's useless, I've tried it a long time ago!" Scarlett said helplessly: "A month ago I caught a lone soldier at the entrance of the cave. The guy was very tough. He didn't say anything about beating him to death, and even cursed him. They kept me occupied for three days and three nights. These soldiers have received special training, and the possibility of extracting useful information from their mouths is too low."

"Not necessarily. The psychological quality of these soldiers may be strong or weak. Some soldiers may look like tough guys at first glance, but some may not." Zhao Hao showed a wicked smile: "These two guys, I am among dozens of soldiers. The soldiers are carefully selected. They are very timid. When I pretended to be a ghost, they were frightened and immediately screamed for their mother..."

The three of them were stunned when they heard this. Xiao Xia said in astonishment: "Boss, dozens of soldiers?"

Scarlett also looked surprised: "You met dozens of soldiers and you haven't been hit by them yet?"

"Hey, don't ask about this process." Zhao Hao pretended to be secretive and immediately changed the subject: "Scarlett, when you forced a confession last time, did you use Dabai?"

"No, what's wrong?" Scarlett didn't know why.

"That's such a waste. Dabai has such a tough appearance, just like a butcher. You can let Dabai beat these two soldiers later. If that doesn't work, just remove one of their arms... No, interrogate them separately, one Come one." Zhao Hao stood talking without pain in his back, handed over the task of interrogation to the foreign girl, and said: "I just want to clarify three questions. First, which country's army are they? Second, one How did they do it when more than a thousand people were teleported to the same place at the same time? Thirdly, did they find a way to return to Earth?"

"Okay, I'll try."

Scarlett acted like a living doctor and ordered Dabai to carry a soldier to the strangely screaming pit.

Invisibly, Zhao Hao became the leader of the four, and everyone began to accept his command without knowing it.

"Boss, I have met this guy before. He can speak Chinese. Can you let me interrogate him?"

Xiaoxia suddenly came over and looked at the Asian soldier eagerly.

"Can you do it? Wake him up, be careful he beats you first." Zhao Hao was deeply doubtful of Xianyu Xia's strength.

"You have taken away all his weapons, how powerful can he be? Anyway, I also have a hundred combat power, so I'm not afraid of him even if I use my hands." Xiao Xia said so awesomely that she still found a rope and tied it. The Asian soldiers were tied up.

Zhao Hao didn't stop him when he saw this, and let Xiao Xia carry the soldier to another pit.

At this time, Annie came over and said a little shyly: "Thank you for saving me last time."

"It's your luck that triggered the special effects of my ring, otherwise I wouldn't be able to save you even if I wanted to." Zhao Hao said casually.

"I didn't expect you to be so honest." Annie smiled.

Zhao Hao was a little distracted. The girl in front of him had an unattractive smile because of the burns on her face, but the smile blooming in those sapphire-like eyes made people feel like spring breeze.

When their eyes met, Zhao Hao's mood instantly improved a lot, and he joked: "Why do you give me a feeling of relief?"

Annie nodded slightly: "I'm relieved. I used to think that you were the kind of person who would do anything for your own selfish desires, and that would bring disaster to many people."

"It has brought disaster to many people, how can you say this?" Zhao Hao was stunned.

"There are only five places in the evolutionary world that I know of, the Western Ruins, the Endless Forest, the Thousand Miles of Icefield, the Bloody Grassland, and the Valley of Flames. These regions have one thing in common. The top local experts determine the overall environment of this place. If a person as strong as you does all kinds of evil, it will affect thousands of people." Annie's words were shocking.

Zhao Hao couldn't help but glance at the girl. He really didn't expect Annie to be thinking about such a profound topic.

If you think about it carefully, the Hua family is the only one in the western ruins, so the evolvers there have a hard time. The Xue brothers used to be gangster leaders who watched the show. After occupying the Ice and Snow Castle, they also used a gang management method, and tens of thousands of people were enslaved. The presence of lone rangers like Fengyun Sword in the Endless Forest makes several major forces quite fearful, but the overall environment is pretty good. Let’s talk about the Valley of Flames. Since Xiao Dao was obsessed with practicing and advocated peace as the most important thing, the atmosphere in this place had always been harmonious until the Sun Dog Legion occupied this place.

From this perspective, as Anne said, the overall environment of a place, or a map, almost depends on what kind of person the top evolver is.

In other words, assuming that Zhao Hao also occupies a territory, his personal character determines the fate of countless people on this territory.

He began to understand what Anne's disappointed eyes meant.

Zhao Hao thought about it carefully and said sarcastically: "This is the first time I have heard this statement. It seems to be very reasonable. However, is this concept too primitive? Is there no other way to solve these problems?"

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