The Path of Evolution

Chapter 116 Worldview

"Without laws and systems, it is very difficult to resolve disputes. Currently, top evolutionists have the final say in these places." Anne had the aura of an anthropologist and seemed to have been studying this subject for a long time. He muttered: "I thought of three possibilities, two of which are not very optimistic."

Zhao Hao was still idle and asked: "Can you tell me what the three possibilities are?"

Annie: "Let me ask you a question first. How many humans do you think have come to the evolutionary world?"

Zhao Hao: "Before I came, there was a saying on the Internet that it was more than 100 million."

Annie: "Then how many people have you met in the evolutionary world?"

Zhao Hao: "I have seen no more than tens of thousands, and there are probably no more than one million people alive in these areas."

"According to the data you provided, 100 million people came to this world. The maximum number of humans we know of is one million, which only accounts for one percent of the total. So where did the other 99 million people go?" Anne Ask a profound question.

Zhao Hao smiled and said: "You almost knocked me out, sister, I'm the one asking you to ask questions."

"I'm sorry, I always like to ask questions back to others." Annie smiled sheepishly, and then said: "I have an intuition that the evolutionary world is bigger than the earth, and much bigger."

"Well, I feel the same way." Zhao Hao nodded.

"The earth can accommodate six billion people, and the evolutionary world can accommodate even fewer humans. My first guess is that the evolutionary world is subdivided into countless small maps. The maps we have explored are less than 10,000 One percent. The others are distributed on different maps and are exploring this unknown world like us." Annie got to the point.

"It makes sense. What is the second possibility?" Zhao Hao asked.

Anne said in that beautiful voice: "The second possibility is that we may be ahead of most people and are a group of pioneers. Maybe there are no mutant creatures on most maps, and there are no strong human mutants, but this The possibility is very low.”

"It's quite low." Zhao Hao smiled. Ever since he saw the battle between the White Deer and the Blood Demon Sword Demon, he strongly suspected that there were monsters hidden everywhere in the evolutionary world, but they just didn't show up for some reason.

Anne continued: "The third possibility is that most of the human race, perhaps like the Corps, were teleported to the same place. They built bases similar to those in science fiction movies, or built cities, created new civilizations, and Order and rules were established. Even, they may have found a way to go back."

"I don't rule out this possibility, but I have a question, who are we?" Zhao Hao said.

"We are only one percent of them, a small group of people. Most people don't know that we exist." Anne said with a hint of helplessness: "Sometimes I think, maybe those of us who often kill each other , are just a group of indigenous people living in remote areas, history will not remember us."

"Indigenous?" Zhao Hao was stimulated by this fresh statement.

"You know, the earth is divided into several continents such as Asia, Europe, America, and Africa. Some places are highly developed and some places are very backward. So, will the evolutionary world be the same?" Anne's tone became very bitter: "You Say, are we just a group of unlucky people who were transported to remote areas such as Africa and live a primitive life without knowing that the world outside has changed rapidly?"

Zhao Hao was speechless. He did not deny this possibility, but he did not want to admit that he was an indigenous person.

This possibility is very shocking, just like some impoverished mountainous areas in China have not yet received electricity, while coastal cities have long been a feast for the eyes. If this possibility is true, Zhao Hao is a person living in a poor mountainous area and is out of touch with mainstream society. He has never seen the evolutionary world in a real sense.

How can a person who doesn’t understand the world have a world view?

Zhao Hao had a strong impulse to see the world.

Perhaps as Annie said, the evolutionary world is divided into tens of thousands of maps, and he has only explored three maps: Endless Forest, Thousand Miles of Ice Field, and Raging Flame Valley, which is only three ten thousandths, which cannot represent the entire evolutionary world at all.

Of course, it is not easy to put it into action. Even if Zhao Hao has a mutant mount and a flying suit, he still encounters many difficulties in crossing the ice field. If you want to explore a hundred maps of the evolutionary world, it is a difficult problem.

"I'm furious!"

Scarlett suddenly came out, cursing.

"That soldier refuses to confess?" Zhao Hao asked.

"That guy is not very courageous. He was scared to death by Dabai, but if you ask him questions, he doesn't know anything." Scarlett gritted her teeth.

"Our method is wrong. Those soldiers may really not know the inside story." Anne said.

"That's right. It's unlikely that the soldiers will know any secrets. Can't you arrest a few senior officers?" Scarlett rolled her eyes at Zhao Hao with resentment.

"Those soldiers all wear the same camouflage uniforms and have no military ranks. How can I tell who is an officer?" Zhao Hao felt very thankless.

"Idiot, those who don't need to patrol in their station and sit inside and enjoy themselves are basically officers. If I had your ability to dodge dozens of guns, I would go directly to the station and arrest their top commander. Come be a hostage!" Scarlett snorted contemptuously.


Zhao Hao was deeply inspired and felt that his own structure was indeed a bit too small.

With the concealment effect of Night Walker, he can completely reach the headquarters of the Sun Dog Legion!

"As long as you can sneak into the station without arresting people and eavesdrop on what they say, you will definitely be able to hear useful information." Scarlett added.

"It's not that simple. I only speak Chinese. They speak all kinds of foreign languages, but it's all in vain." Zhao Hao said with a bitter smile.

As soon as these words came out, both Anne and Scarlett looked at him doubtfully.

Zhao Hao didn't know why: "What are you looking at?"

Scarlett's eyes became even weirder: "Don't you know that learning languages ​​is very fast in the evolutionary world?"

Zhao Hao was dumbfounded: "Is there such a thing?"

Scarlett rolled her eyes at him: "Nonsense, as long as you have primitive genes, your learning ability will become very strong. The Chinese language of your motherland is so difficult, it took me two months to learn it. At that time, I was just a primitive evolution !”

"Really?" Zhao Hao said he couldn't believe it.

"Boss, it's true. I didn't pass CET-4 before, but now I can communicate happily with foreigners in English and French, and I also understand a little Latin." At this time, Xiaoxia came over and coaxed: " I just asked for some useful information. The guy claimed to be a Yankee and was recruited into a special force without a designation a year ago."

"How are you sure he's not lying? What if he is a soldier from another country and deliberately pretends to be a Yankee?" Scarlett questioned.

"Wait, this is not the point." Zhao Hao focused on something different and said excitedly: "I can ignore these soldiers. Is there any way you can help me learn one or two mainstream foreign languages?"

"It's very simple. You are a mutated evolved person, and you can learn foreign languages ​​several times faster than the original evolved person." Scarlett said arrogantly: "The premise is that you have a way to sneak into the Japanese Dog Legion's station, otherwise there is no need to waste time. .”

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