The Path of Evolution

Chapter 135 A Little Poem

The first time I saw you walking through the morning breeze

i love

That secret secret love blooms like a flower, and withers like a flower falling.

The first time I heard your laughter echoing in the corridor

I am drunk

I think I have been looking for someone in my past life, and you have been waiting for me there

The first time I met you wearing a short skirt

I want to blindfold the whole world

I don't want them to see you now

I don’t want them to see me now

Because I'm hard

——"A Little Poem for Weiwei"

This little poem, originally written by Zhao Hao, once caused a stir in the campus forum of Zhonghai University. At that time, the top students in the Poetry Club of CUHK came out with various comments, criticizing the poem as worthless and nonsense, so that many people suspected that Zhao Ritian's language skills were taught by his physical education teacher.

No one expected that a student with a talent for sports who was said to have been taught every subject by a physical education teacher would use this poem to woo the versatile school belle, which once made countless animals at CUHK doubt their lives.

The situation at that time was as follows: After entering college, Zhao Hao finally no longer worried about being labeled as a puppy lover by his teachers and parents, so he pursued Xuewei for a whole semester without success. His three roommates gave him all kinds of bad ideas, such as being cool on the court and so on. In the end, they attracted several elementary school students, but not Weiwei.

One day Zhao Hao couldn't hold it in any longer and ran to Weiwei and asked, "Why do you never watch me play?"

Weiwei responded like this: "That's what you're best at, there's no need to show off to me. If you're really sincere, just do the thing you're worst at."

Zhao Hao: "What should I do?"

Weiwei showed a playful smile at that time: "For example, write a poem for me."

That day, Zhao Hao's heart collapsed.

As a poor student who relies mainly on cheating for exams and copying homework, this kind of technical work is really difficult for him. His roommates suggested that he copy an unpopular foreign love poem, which he might be able to counterfeit, but Zhao Hao rejected the suggestion. It's not that he didn't want to copy, but he had learned from the past. Before him, an animal copied a Western love poem to show off, but it was exposed on the spot. Weiwei has never had anything to do with that animal since then.

Zhao Hao went to the library to look up various information, and developed feelings from time to time. He looked in the mirror in the morning to cultivate a bit of a poet's temperament. A week passed, and he didn't even hold in a fart. He found that writing writing really requires inspiration, and he would be unable to write a single word if he didn't feel like it.

Then one day, he watched the old movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and masturbated to Audrey Hepburn in the film. Suddenly he was inspired and wrote the first song in his life. poetry.

At that time, Zhao Hao didn't even know how to use a TXT notebook, so he wrote this poem in the draft box of the forum. After finishing it, he got excited and clicked send, which was directly posted to the forum, making it known to the whole school.

Seeing the various replies below that the black dead would not pay for their lives, Zhao Hao felt that the end of the world was coming.

That night, he wanted to imitate the lovelorn seniors of the past generations of CUHK and drank eight bottles of beer and passed out drunk on the street.

Just when he had finished three bottles of beer, he received a call. It was the first time Weiwei took the initiative to call him: "I read what you wrote. It's very good. You dare to face your heart. I never thought you could The temperament of a Fauvist poet.”

Later, the story became more cliche. The two people who went back and forth gradually became an adulterer.

On this day of this month, in this remote valley of the evolutionary world, the two met again.

Zhao Hao still can't believe this is true. When the Ice Witch first appeared, he almost thought it was red pepper. But the long hair that was unforgettable to him, the dimples that red peppers didn't have, and the eyes that he would never forget reminded him that this girl was not Xue Qing, but Xuewei.

Zhao Hao had a hundred questions in his heart. He didn't understand how Weiwei appeared here, nor how Weiwei became so powerful.

For a moment, looking at the girl in the snow-white princess dress, he wanted to cover the eyes of the whole world.

The dust has settled.

A battle in the inner valley came to an end. The mess on the ground and countless corpses formed a shocking picture.

Zhao Hao was not in the mood to clean the station. Looking at Xuewei in the distance, a thousand words filled his heart.

Xuewei was also looking at him, their eyes met, sparks flying.

Zhao Hao used all his strength to stand up.

The result of this was thankless. He groaned and couldn't even crawl.

Xuewei's figure flashed and flew in front of Zhao Hao in the blink of an eye, reaching out to feel his pulse. Her actions were very professional. The girl's grandfather was an old Chinese medicine practitioner, and she herself was one of the top students in the School of Medicine at the Chinese University of Chinese Medicine.


"Don't talk yet."

Xuewei stopped Zhao Hao, who was bursting with words, and a soft force suddenly came from his little hand.

That kind of power formed a warm current that flowed in Zhao Hao's body. It was similar to the white light of the healing ring, repairing his damaged meridians, and the effect was surprisingly good.

In the past, Xuewei did not have this kind of treatment method. It was obvious that she had a strange encounter in the evolutionary world.

Water evaporates into mist, and water freezes into ice. Conversely, ice can also be transformed into mist. Xuewei has proven this with her powerful control over ice mist. Now, she melts ice into water, creating a healing effect.

The best good is like water, water benefits all things without any struggle.

The water energy transformed by Xuewei is like the rain falling from myths and legends, which can nourish all things in the world. This is a skill that can only be possessed by those who have mastered high-level artistic conception. It is difficult for ordinary mutant evolvers to freely switch between the three branches of water, fog, and ice.

Zhao Hao's internal organs and meridians all over his body were injured by the shock wave. Nourished by the rain-like water energy, the pain gradually disappeared and was replaced by a strong sleepiness. He gritted his teeth to prevent himself from passing out, for fear that he would faint. Wake up and find it was all a dream.

Seeing the way he gritted his teeth and held on, Xuewei guessed what this guy was thinking and couldn't help but smile: "Fool, go to sleep quickly. Sleep is a very good healing method. I will wait for you."

Hearing what the beauty said, Zhao Hao felt relieved and immediately fainted as he tilted his head.

Annie watched this scene quietly. Some things did not need to be explained in words. Seeing the scene of Zhao Hao and Xuewei getting along, she believed that the mysterious ice witch was the girlfriend that Zhao Hao missed day and night.

At this time, Scarlett was taking care of the knife that fell to the ground. She saw with her own eyes that the young man gradually turned into an old man with wrinkles on his face. She felt that the breath of the knife was getting weaker and weaker. She shouted: "Someone come and think of a solution." Yeah, the knife is dying!"

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