The Path of Evolution

Chapter 136 Weiwei’s Experience

When Zhao Hao woke up, he found himself lying in a stone house that had not yet collapsed in the station.

There was a stone bed in the room, covered with military sheets and bedding.

Xuewei sat by the bed, with an unspeakable loneliness in her eyes, like a wounded angel.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Hao quickly sat up and asked.

"Xiao Dao has lost all his skills, his combat power has become zero, and refining various crystals has no effect. I tried my best, but I still can't prevent this tragedy." Xuewei was in a very depressed mood.

"So he's not dead?" Zhao Hao looked happy: "There is hope if you are alive. I originally thought he was dead, but it turns out that my wife is really good at bringing dead people back from the dead."

"Who is your wife?" Xuewei suddenly stood up, took a step back, and said extremely seriously: "This world is too strange. I'm still not sure whether you are really Zhao Hao. Please answer me a few questions first. .”

"Do I still need to prove that 'I am who I am'?" Zhao Hao couldn't laugh or cry.

"Of course." Xuewei said seriously: "Why are you shorter?"

Zhao Hao smiled when he heard this: "Daughter-in-law, you are very careful in your observation. The first time I evolved, I changed a little, and my body was transformed by a kind of sacred tree. I became a little shorter."

"Stop yelling and answer my question first." Xuewei was very embarrassed: "Why has your appearance changed?"

"This is the second evolution, the result of genetic mutation, haven't you noticed that you have also changed?" Zhao Hao said.

"I haven't changed as much as you. When I saw you three days ago, I thought I had met someone who looked very similar to you. No, now I'm not 100% sure that you are Zhao Hao." Xuewei was inexplicably struggling with this. question.

"I was in a coma for three days?" Zhao Hao answered casually, and then got to the point: "Weiwei, what's wrong with you? What about the basic trust between people? Isn't Qin Sheng outside? You can check with him My identity!”

"When I first came to this world, I landed in a strange place in the ice field. The ice cubes there reflected light and created many illusions. I saw my mother, my father, my sister, and you..." Xuewei He told a story, appearing to be frightened: "Those hallucinations tortured me for two months. I thought I was crazy. It wasn't until I practiced the fifth level of "Snow Spirit Art" that I got rid of the hallucinations."

"You were trapped in that place alone for two months?" Zhao Hao felt a throbbing pain in his heart. He had also experienced the feeling of playing a stand-alone game. He was walking alone in the endless forest, thinking that he was the only one in the world who had traveled through it. That kind of loneliness makes people crazy. It wasn't until later that he met Fengyun Jian by the spring pool and saw a living human being for the first time, that he got rid of that feeling.

"Yes, it was very cold in that place. I almost froze to death several times. I could only keep running the Snow Spirit Art and was forced to improve myself. Every night, a large group of snow beasts would attack me. I killed many beasts. , learned to peel skin, eat meat, and refine crystals. At that time, I thought I was trapped in the ice and snow and could never get out..." Weiwei's voice became softer and softer.

Zhao Hao felt sorry for his girlfriend for three seconds. When he went to the ice field for the first time, he was already a rare evolver and had a flying suit to support the scene. He also suffered a lot on the way to the Ice and Snow Castle. And Weiwei was randomly teleported directly to the ice field, without a battle suit or food, and everything started from scratch. It's hard to imagine how much she suffered before she survived.

He hugged the girl in his arms and said with great distress: "Silly girl, why did you come here? Qing'er has already rushed in so enthusiastically. Your parents only have you as a daughter. What do you want them to do in the future? ?”

This time Weiwei didn't resist, curled up in Zhao Hao's arms like a kitten, and said, "Do you remember what I said about the mysterious connection between Qing'er and me?"

Zhao Hao: "Is it the kind of telepathy between twins?"

"Well, on the third day after you disappeared, I suddenly had a strong feeling that Qing'er was still alive. I didn't know what happened to me at that time. It seemed like I was possessed by an evil spirit, and by some strange coincidence I ran into the colorful light pillar... Weiwei recalled the situation at that time and said with some regret: "Looking back now, I was so stupid at the time. I didn't bring anything, not even a change of clothes."

Zhao Hao listened to everything about her and gradually understood Weiwei's experience.

Speaking of which, Weiwei came to the evolutionary world only three days shorter than Zhao Hao. She was not as lucky as Zhao Hao. She was not transported to a paradise like the Endless Forest, and she was not accompanied by Dahei.

The place where she was randomly teleported was a place that resembled an ice field barrier. It was in that barrier that Zhao Hao encountered the Nine-tailed Fox Altar. The barrier where Weiwei was located was an illusion formed by the reflection of various ice pillars during the day, and at night, wild beasts native to the barrier came to attack.

Weiwei couldn't get out of the barrier after walking for several days, so she had no choice but to stay in the barrier and fight. In a desperate situation, this girl unleashed her huge potential. She quickly reached the third level of the Snow Spirit Art. She hunted primitive beasts easily and succeeded in her first evolution. Later, more and more wild beasts attacked her, including mutant creatures. Under the pressure of being unable to breathe, she evolved to the mutant level and understood the concept of frost.

Hearing this, Zhao Hao felt inferior.

Weiwei understood the artistic conception in two months, but after struggling for half a year, she still has only a partial understanding of the artistic conception.

The "Snow Spirit Art" mastered by the branch of the Xue family only has five levels in total. Weiwei has finished practicing the fifth level. She walked out of the barrier and met a caravan. That caravan was sent by Longhutang to the Flame Valley to purchase flame crystals. There were twenty people in it. They wanted to cause trouble as soon as they met, but Weiwei killed them all.

She took the caravan's map and rushed to the Valley of Flames.

Because of the experience of being almost molested when she met a human being for the first time, Weiwei was repelled by strange environments and strange people. She lived in the Flame Valley for more than a month, practicing behind closed doors. During this period, she had only one friend, and that person was Zhou Xian's ex-girlfriend Nana.

After listening to Weiwei's story, Zhao Hao felt that he was in the same boat.

It’s not a shame, the evolutionary world is extremely unfriendly to newcomers.

Take Zhao Hao as an example. The first human he met, Fengyun Sword, told him to get lost as soon as they met. The second group of humans he met were the big bald man and the eighth aunt from the Guitou Gang, who wanted to steal his battle uniform as soon as they met.

At that time, Zhao Hao didn't trust anyone. It wasn't until he met Qin Sheng, who went by the pseudonym of the National Football Team striker in the Ice and Snow Castle, that he gradually found some feeling. Later, he met a trustworthy companion in the Icefield War.

"Then the army came and I heard that you were killed. Where have you been for more than two months?" Zhao Hao asked.

"I originally wanted to run to the volcano deep in the inner valley, but I didn't expect that after passing the volcano, there would be a hidden road leading to the sea." Weiwei said in surprise: "One day I saw a volcano on the beach. On the swimming island, on that island, there is a colorful light pillar rising into the sky..."

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