The Path of Evolution

Chapter 183 Crossing the Chasm

The world of evolution is full of wonders.

Zhao Hao recognized this sentence more and more. Since he came to this world, he has been shocked countless times. It is not that he is making a fuss, but mainly that many things in the evolutionary world are so contrary to common sense that people on earth will be surprised.

At this moment, he encountered something strange again.

For example, Zhao Hao couldn't understand how the strong energy that attacked his heart was released. She didn't move her hands or feet, and she didn't seem to be gathering momentum. A strong energy brewed out of the blue.

What's even more bizarre is that the Gang Qi has condensed into substance, and it also has color. It looks like a white witch's claw, which can remind countless martial arts fans of the legendary Nine Yin White Bone Claw.

"This bitch is so cruel!"

Zhao Hao's heart was shocked. The Nine Yin White Bone Claws were so powerful that they seemed to tear his chest apart and dig out his heart bloody.

Soon enough, Zhao Hao grabbed the Gangqi White Bone Claw with his backhand.

Nowadays, Zhao Ritian is a little less rigid about his moves. His movements at this moment have no moves at all, and are more like a steal in basketball. This simple action is accompanied by a terrifying image of destruction, and its power is not weaker than Uzumaki Naruto's Rasengan.

The landlady wanted to show off Zhao Hao's worth, but Zhao Hao didn't want to test the strength of the landlady. In a sense, the two are both competitors and collaborators. They are all psychic evolvers, so competition is inevitable. If the mysterious ancient city cannot be opened, the two may still need to cooperate to hunt for psychic crystals.

Zhao Hao concentrated the Gang Qi on his right arm, and the entire arm glowed with a metallic luster, like an indestructible unicorn arm... In the blink of an eye, the unicorn arm and the white bone claw collided together.

A strong and vast artistic conception came from the white bone claws, shaking Zhao Hao's arms to numbness.

As we all know, artistic conception often represents a person's truest character, and even reveals the nature that even the caster himself does not know. The artistic conception attached to the white bone claws of the landlady revealed too much information.

Anyone who has met the landlady thinks that this woman is delicate and charming, a soft and charming creature. Most of the time, she is still a little woman who knows how to restrain her sharp edges, giving up the opportunity to be in the limelight to men. She is willing to contribute silently behind the scenes. This trait makes countless men crazy.

But now, Zhao Hao felt that it was a disguise.

It was really unimaginable to him that a woman's artistic conception could be so fierce. She had a domineering aura that swept across the world. It was sharper than Xiaodao's purely offensive dual artistic conception, and even better than Dong Qiantian's fierce fighting to the end. The artistic conception is even more overbearing. When that artistic conception is released, it's like a high-ranking queen reigning over the world. Anyone who doesn't surrender to her will suffer disaster.

At that moment, a historical celebrity flashed in Zhao Hao's mind - Wu Zetian.

Wu Meiniang once also showed a virtuous and virtuous side, and she was also a mother who respected the world. However, this woman's pursuit was not only to be the mother of the world, but she eventually became the only female emperor in China for five thousand years.

Zhao Hao felt an indescribable sense of crisis in his heart, and subconsciously he did not regard the boss's wife as a woman.

In this fight, he had a clear understanding of the strength of the landlady.

Compared with Niu Pigeon Pigeon, Boss Lady is slightly weaker.

Compared with Zhao Ritian, the boss lady is not only a little stronger.

Her artistic conception of sweeping across the world is similar to Zhao Hao's artistic conception of destruction. Its core essence is to sweep everything, and anything that does not surrender to her will be completely destroyed.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. If two creatures that are too similar come together, a war will inevitably break out.

As we all know, Zhao Ritian is a man with Olympic spirit. He can respect someone, love someone, and protect someone, but he will never surrender to anyone.

When he met the landlady who used artistic conception to force him to surrender, Zhao Ritian was stimulated and his whole person was on fire.

At this moment, all he could think about was one thing: go all out to crack the opponent's overwhelming artistic conception!

For some people, stress can overwhelm them and they never recover.

For others, pressure can turn into motivation.

Zhao Hao belongs to the latter.

That huge pressure turned into huge motivation in the blink of an eye, creating an opportunity for a breakthrough.

"Your mutated genes have reached full value, you can try to ascend..."

A thought came, Zhao Hao's last mutant gene was belatedly arrived at this time.

With just a little mutated gene, the combat power has only been increased from 717 to 720, which is not obvious. But Zhao Hao was like a shotgun. His mind entered another world, and everything he thought and saw was different from before.

The last bit of mutated genes meant that he had crossed a chasm.

That gap is the watershed between mutant evolvers and ascended evolvers.

Zhao Hao passed that watershed and saw another world.

Some questions that he couldn't figure out before became suddenly clear at this moment.

Some things that he couldn't understand before suddenly made sense at this moment.

For example, during the battle between White Deer and the Blood Demon Sword Demon, the super shock wave generated during the collision created a huge crater with a radius of ten miles in the Endless Forest. Zhao Hao still couldn't understand how they did it. Even if he was a top mutant evolver, he couldn't even blast out a ten-meter crater, let alone a huge crater covering ten miles.

Until today, Zhao Hao understood the principle.

There are two main reasons why Sister Lu and Brother Jian can cause so much damage.

First, their mutated genes have already reached full value and have crossed the invisible gap.

Creatures that have crossed that gap can already be classified as "ascended evolvers". This kind of evolver has a unique advantage. They can not only use their own power, but also borrow the energy of nature!

Human power is sometimes poor. No matter how powerful a person is, his power is ultimately limited. The universe is boundless, and the power it contains is endless. Once you learn to borrow the energy of nature, your combat effectiveness can be increased tenfold or even a hundredfold.

When he fought against Niu Gegege in the air and faced that huge palm in the sky, to be honest, Zhao Hao was very confused. He didn't understand how the other party did it. At that time, Niu GeGe did not appear in the wooden house in the middle of the lake, but he formed a giant palm. It lasted for several minutes in mid-air, hitting wherever he pointed without accidentally injuring any grass or trees. To him this was completely unbelievable behavior.

Now Zhao Hao understood that the giant palm was not made of condensed Gang Qi at all.

Cow Pigeon Pigeon triggered certain natural elements in the Neutral Land, and used those energies to condense into a giant palm. That giant palm came from nature, and eventually returned to nature, maintaining a delicate balance.

After Zhao Hao reunited with his girlfriend, he learned many secrets of the martial arts world. He discovered that the path taken by the flying upgraders was the same as that of the ancient warriors. In fact, the high-end ancient warriors had been pursuing such a realm - guiding the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for their own use. .

The so-called aura of heaven and earth is a term used by ancient people. To paraphrase modern people, it is the energy of nature.

Second, the use of artistic conception.

Once upon a time, Zhao Hao thought that the main function of artistic conception was to help condense Gang Qi and increase attack power.

This kind of understanding is quite superficial, and it would not be an exaggeration to call it naive.

For example, if you think that veteran drivers refer to drivers who have been driving for many years, you are a bit naive. Today, Zhao Hao has transcended that innocent stage and entered a new level.

Condensing Gang Qi is only one of the functions of artistic conception.

Artistic conception can be understood as the will of the evolver himself, which determines the evolutionary path that person will take. Its main purpose is actually to feel nature and have subtle communication with the energy body between heaven and earth.

This kind of communication is wonderful. Everyone has different opportunities, different physical attributes, and different energies that can be directed. For example, Xuewei has been trying to communicate with the ice elements in nature recently, trying to borrow those elements for her own use.

The artistic conception is directly proportional to the guiding ability. The stronger the artistic conception of an ascending evolver, the stronger the natural energy he guides.

In the past, Zhao Hao felt that his SS gene lock was useless, and he even felt that he had a huge shortcoming compared with other evolvers - he had never been able to develop attribute attacks.

It wasn't until he met the boss lady today that he realized how lucky he was.

SS-level gene lock - elemental affinity!

The reason why this gene lock is judged to be SS level is not without reason.

There is only one natural element that most evolvers can borrow. For example, Fengyun Sword can already guide a little of the wind element, Xuewei is trying to guide the frost element, and Zhao Ritian, the moment he crosses the gap, he is indeed very lucky. God, he discovered that he could channel three completely different natural elements!

The first is the blood element, which comes from the blood affinity he opened in the Valley of Flames.

This element does not come from the outside world, but from inside Zhao Hao's body. It can even be explained in a very scientific way.

The human body has many hematopoietic organs, such as bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, etc. that can produce blood cells. Zhao Hao's body formed a magical small universe. He was able to guide the blood element in this small universe. Wherever the blood flowed, his body was further strengthened.

This is not over yet, the boiling blood element can quickly replenish physical strength. The physical energy consumed by Zhao Hao's full blow was recovered in the blink of an eye, feeling like a perpetual motion machine.

The second is ice element, which comes from his intermediate ice affinity.

Don't forget, Zhao Hao is in an ice and snow castle, which is probably the coldest place in the evolutionary world with the densest ice elements. He didn't exert much force, and the overwhelming ice element swept over him. His menacing posture seemed to say: "Brother, I'm here to help you!"

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