The Path of Evolution

Chapter 184 ANSWER BALL

The third element is the most magical, even Zhao Hao himself did not expect it.

In the past, Weiwei said that he seemed to have a hidden wood attribute. Zhao Hao was dubious because he didn't get any prompts and was very sure that he had not turned on the "Wood Affinity".

But now, he had to admire his girlfriend's attentiveness, it seemed like that was the case.

When he entered that guidance state, the nearby flowers, plants and trees suddenly came to life, emitting wisps of imperceptible energy, converging towards Zhao Hao's location.

As mentioned before, the energy of guidance is directly proportional to the artistic conception.

Zhao Hao has only activated the primary blood affinity, and currently can only control the blood elements inside his body.

The intermediate level Ice Affinity is relatively powerful. He activates the frost elements within a radius of one kilometer.

And that kind of thing that seemed to be friendly to the wood startled Zhao Hao, and he felt that energy from a hundred miles away was rushing over. Don't think that there are no plants on the ice sheet. There are a large number of plants growing in this cold place, and each of them is extremely tenacious and dares to fight against this harsh natural environment.

The gathering of three elements that were impossible to defeat with eight poles put Zhao Hao under great pressure.

He was not sure whether these elements were compatible. If there was a system failure, he would probably bleed from his orifices and explode to death.

Fortunately, such a tragedy did not happen. The three gathered elements produced a subtle chemical reaction.

It’s a long story, but in fact, only one second passed between Zhao Hao and the proprietress.

The hint of seductive playfulness in the corner of the landlady's mouth disappeared, replaced by an indescribable solemnity.

It can be seen that the proprietress is very confident. She did not try her best to deal with a junior like Zhao Ritian, which is somewhat of a test. This stunning creature who was so mesmerizing that she would not pay for her life never expected that when she was about to succeed, a layer of air waves appeared on Zhao Hao's body, blocking her extremely sharp white bone claws.

The air wave was indescribably weird, and it directly entangled the white bone claws. The landlady used six successes, but she was unable to pull out the white bone claws. She gritted her teeth and tried 80% of her strength, but still couldn't pull it out. Then she used ten percent of her strength, half of her face under the butterfly mask turned red, but she still failed...

The enchanting eyes behind the butterfly mask of the landlady sparkled with unspeakable resentment.

She could see that Zhao Hao was going through a process that ancient warriors dreamed of - enlightenment!

This made the landlady very hurt. She originally wanted to show off her skills and teach Zhao Hao to behave better, but she didn't expect to make a wedding dress for this boy.

She was very sure that if Zhao Hao hadn't taken action himself, Zhao Hao might not have been able to reach this level after groping for a long time by himself.

At this time, Zhao Hao was so high-spirited that he wanted to shout, "Who can eat my shit?"

After crossing the invisible gap, his state of disillusionment improved by leaps and bounds, reaching a level higher than before.

When he tried to use this artistic conception to communicate with the three elements, it had unexpected effects.

The three elements communicated well with him, the atmosphere was joyful, and the interior was very united.

Under his guidance, the three elements worked separately, forming a wonder that outsiders could not imagine.

The blood element was the first to respond to the call, as if to say: "Make feet and legs..."

The ice element also kept up with the pace of organization, as if to say: "Composing the torso and arms..."

And the powerful wood element showed its dominance: "I will form the head!"

Zhao Hao was completely confused, and a voice in his heart shouted: "Voltron, the protector of the universe!"

Then, as if he was cheating, he grabbed the landlady's heart with great momentum.

Many people who like to play basketball love answer-ball.

In a basketball game, after a player from one team makes a shot, the other team immediately responds with a shot in the same way. To put it simply, if you shoot a three-pointer, I will shoot you a three-pointer in return. You come over and dunk, and I dunk back. This model is also very common in the NBA. Great gods such as Jordan, Kobe, and Iverson are all representatives of this aspect.

Zhao Hao's idea is very simple, it's answer-ball, you attack my heart, and I will attack yours.

He succeeded!

The three elements gathered together to form a catch that caught the proprietress off guard and she was hit on the spot.

But now, there's a problem.

The heart of a woman is the left breast, and Zhao Hao caught a tall and plump part.

The feeling is amazing and strong, definitely more than D-cup, and so intense that it is immeasurable.

Zhao Hao's simple counterattack led to an unsophisticated consequence.

His answer-ball this time, he caught a big ball...

The landlady was filled with shame and anger. Someone had caught her sensitive area. She could neither move forward nor retreat. Her cheongsam and long hair moved automatically without wind, and a thunderous force erupted from her whole body, trying to knock Zhao Hao away.

At this time, the boss's wife was like a young lady who refused to admit defeat. She could not bear to lose to a junior, and she could not accept that her proud part was so easily caught by an animal.

This time, she used her full strength.

A powerful air wave spread out. The air wave was extremely thick. It did not form a shock wave to collapse the house, but pushed it out like a door panel, which was enough to shock the mutated strong man until he vomited blood.

The intention of the proprietress was very obvious, she was going to blow Zhao Hao out like a kite with its string broken, and teach him a painful lesson about the cost of attacking his chest.

However, this is of no use.

After the three kinds of natural energy converged, a strange black hole in the void was formed, which actually had a terrifying devouring force and swallowed up all the terrifying air waves in the shape of the door panel of the landlady. The scene was like eating marshmallows for a big eater, eating them up in just a few bites.

The landlady was at a loss. Originally, she had the mentality of senior seniors taking exams to become juniors, and she never thought she would lose. But the truth is very disappointing. This young man suddenly gained the upper hand.

There was a cramping pain in the left chest, and the proprietress felt that her life was in danger.

To put it crudely, as long as Zhao Hao exerts his strength, he can crush her narrow mouth.

Normally speaking, Zhao Hao's palm power was enough to shatter the boss's wife's heart.

Zhao Ritian was seen maintaining an unsightly posture, holding the ball on the boss's left breast with his right hand.

And this guy has another occupational disease... He always likes to catch basketballs with one hand, and he has developed a habit since then. He can't help but grab spherical objects when he encounters them. His hands are big and his fingers are long. He can grab a basketball with one hand just as easily as a girl grabbing an apple with one hand.

Now, at this moment, his habitual ball-catching action doesn't look so obscene.

Let's have a wave first...a ball...Well, let's start with a chapter to satisfy everyone's cravings. The next chapter is being revised and will be updated later. Lao Niu tries his best to convey the pure content of three correct views.

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