The Path of Evolution

Chapter 248 Flame Demon Xia Liuge

In the far east of the desert, old friends meet again.

Seeing Dahei swallowing the boulder, Zhao Hao thought of Sister Lu's eight-character mantra again.

Could it be that Sister Lu already knew about the existence of the Awakening Spirit Fruit?

Zhao Hao had an inexplicable feeling that he came here because of these eight words, met Dahei, and got the enlightenment fruit. Most importantly, he dealt with his first inner demon.

When Bai Lu suddenly showed up to have a heart-to-heart with him, Zhao Hao didn't believe it was a coincidence. Sister Lu seemed to have come with a mission and spent a lot of effort to help him control his inner demons. He still can't understand why Bai Lu has this Such Bethune spirit.

If Sister Lu's help in dealing with inner demons is the first step, then guiding Zhao Hao to obtain the enlightenment fruit is like the second step.

This strange feeling lingered in Zhao Hao's heart.


The boulder Dahei swallowed was spat out again.

The huge boulder flew out like a cannonball, smashing a big crater into the mountain wall in the distance.

Dahei looked at Zhao Hao with complicated eyes and ran away.

"Heishai, wait for me!"

Zhao Hao spread out the wings of the Black Eagle King and chased after him.

Dahei ran faster, his eyes looking very tangled.

"Can't we continue to have fun? Why must we separate!"

Zhao Hao's mood at this time was like a song: Why do we still have to separate in the end despite falling in love...

His bad temper got stronger and he chased Dahei all the way.

The scene was just like when he was pursuing Weiwei, he fought and failed, and fought and failed, just risking his life and stalking her.

"Brother Hei, you are my brother, okay? Stop running away. We are invincible with our two swords together. Didn't you like our neighbor's little flower dog before? Don't say anything. I will help you be a matchmaker when you get back!" "

Zhao Haofei kept beeping in the air, using both soft and hard tactics, including the beauty dog ​​trick.

Dahei was so happy that only an afterimage remained, and his eyes flashed with an indescribable pain.

After half a day, Zhao Hao slowed down.

Even though the special effects attached to the Black Eagle King's Wings can reduce physical energy consumption, it still consumes physical energy after all. It's like walking. It's effortless at first, but if you keep walking for several hours, your thighs will become sore and your calves will become weak. Zhao Hao, who was flying at full speed, couldn't stand it anymore. The distance between him and Dahei was getting farther and farther. He needed to stop to eat and drink to regain his strength.

After resting for an hour, Dahei had already disappeared without a trace.

"I don't believe you are a perpetual motion machine!"

Zhao Hao's Olympic spirit burst out and chased Dahei in the direction where he disappeared.

This pursuit lasted three days and three nights.

Dahei has decided to leave without leaving any traces.

Zhao Hao felt infinitely sad. Everyone around him left one by one, and now he couldn't even keep a dog.

Everyone has his or her own ambitions, and even dogs have their own ambitions these days.

Zhao Hao stood on the top of a mountain and looked up into the distance. He seemed to be the only one who existed within a radius of thousands or even tens of thousands of miles. As far as the eye could see, there were only continuous mountains and winding rivers. This kind of loneliness was overwhelming.


Zhao Hao faced the wind on the top of the mountain and roared with all his strength, as if he was venting something.

Anyway, no one was around to see him. He was so unscrupulous that he roared out all the emotions he had stored up in his heart.

He found that the stronger he was and the higher he stood, the lonelier he felt inside.

The loneliness of the legendary master is probably like this.

"I have a little donkey that I never ride. One day I rode it to the market on a whim..."

A little donkey was running in the mountains, with a young Chinese man sitting on the donkey's back, humming a song leisurely.

The young man was in his early twenties, had sinister features, and exuded a wretched temperament inside and out. As the old saying goes, people should not be judged by their appearance, and this person is somewhat famous in Base No. 1.

His name is Jian Renlong, and he graduated from Zhonghai University.

When he was in school, he had a popular title - King of Breeds!

Jian Renlong carried the spirit of seeking truth, love, and seeds to the extreme. He spent four years in college tirelessly collecting seeds of art, benefiting several generations. His reputation has spread throughout all the male dormitories. Whether they are seniors who have graduated or juniors who have just entered the school, they all remember this sentence: If you want seeds, look for the bitch dragon.

Well, Jian Renlong also has a nickname, called Bitch Dragon.

In the evolutionary world, the name of the King of Breeds is even more resounding.

When Base No. 1 was first opened, Bitch Dragon, like many passionate college students, teleported in to join in the fun. Perhaps it was his spirit of seeking truth, love, and seeds that moved God. As soon as he walked out of the base, he picked up a seed.

That name is the Three-Day Spiritual Tree.

At that time, Bitch Dragon was young and passionate, so he dropped a drop of blood on the street of Base No. 1. The seed actually took root and sprouted on the spot, attracting countless people to watch. In just three days, the seed completed the entire process of germination, flowering, and fruiting, and the final fruit was a sharp dagger.

Some of the onlookers took photos and videos, recording this magical scene and posting it on the Internet after returning home. It was the first time that people on earth had seen the magic of evolutionary seeds, and one can imagine the sensation it caused.

Since then, Jian Renlong has become popular. Some gossip netizens have fleshed out his college experience. Many animals who firmly believe that "leaving pictures but not seeds will cause chrysanthemums to be stabbed by thousands of people" admire Jian Renlong so much that they praise him as an idol in the seed industry. level person.

During that time, there was a joke circulating on the Internet: When it comes to seeking seeds, I only obey the bitch dragon!

In this autumn with falling leaves, Jian Renlong fled to the end of the world riding a little donkey.

Suddenly, the fire shooting into the sky attracted his attention.

A mountain forest ahead was engulfed in flames, and the trees were burning. Such forest fires occurred from time to time in the evolutionary world. Jian Renlong was not surprised. What really shocked him was the thing above the forest.

A ten-meter-long, bucket-thick, lifelike fire dragon soared in the sky.

Wherever the fire dragon passed, even the air burned.

"Is there really such a thing as a dragon?"

Jian Renlong gasped and lay motionless on the ground.

That fire dragon destroyed a mountain forest in the blink of an eye, which was definitely not something a rare evolver like him could contend with.

Jian Renlong took his donkey into the sea of ​​consciousness, lay down in a pile of rocks, and disguised himself as a stone.

The fire dragon in the sky lasted for about ten seconds, then suddenly exploded into countless sparks.

"Damn, what is this, a combat skill?"

Jian Renlong was frightened and judged that the fire dragon was released by someone, which made him even more frightened. According to his knowledge, in this world, humans are more terrifying than evolved creatures.

"Hahahaha, who else, who else can take my move?"

Accompanied by wild laughter, a figure flew out of the burning mountain forest.

He was a handsome, tall and straight young man. Wearing a strange dark red robe with bare feet, he walked out of the fire without even a single hair being burned.

The young man in red robe is like a ball of fire, with a very burning aura.

Jian Renlong glanced at the other party from a distance, and felt a rush of blood rushing from the soles of his feet to the sky. He couldn't help but be infected by the red-robed young man, and started to burn.

"Lonely, Invincible is so lonely!" The young man in red robe walked barefoot in the mountains and fields without touching the ground. The soles of his feet were extremely smooth and white. He sighed to himself: "If it weren't for loneliness, I wouldn't be so lonely. Sora was born. Well, well, I am a man born from invincible loneliness. Only a man like me can go down this lonely road of evolution!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the red-robed young man's eyes flashed, and his lightning-like eyes glanced at the hiding place of the bitch dragon, and said loudly: "No need to hide, if you are a real man, come out and confront me!"

The bitch Long stood up timidly and looked at the red-robed young man in disbelief. His whole body was shaking and his throat was dry. He swallowed and spoke weakly: "Old... boss?"

"Boss? You are a spineless thing. Do you think I will let you go if you recognize me as the boss as soon as we meet?" The young man in red robe was fiery and said something: "However, I admit that you are very discerning. An invincible man like me cannot refuse someone with vision. From now on, you are my little brother, hahahahahaha!"

The bitch Long was pounding in his heart, feeling that the young man in red robe in front of him was different from the person he was familiar with. He was not sure whether the other person was deliberately pranking him, so he said weakly: "Boss, I haven't seen you for more than a year, how did you become like this?" ?”

The young man in red robe stopped laughing and asked curiously: "Have I seen you before?"

"Isn't this nonsense? We live in the same dormitory and have been roommates for two years!" Bitch Long said worriedly: "Boss, are you okay? Have you lost your memory?"

"You just lost your memory. Your whole family has lost their memory!" The young man in red robe got angry as soon as he said it, and said viciously: "Your method of getting close is too cheap and not straightforward at all. I despise you very much."

"Who is trying to get close to you!" Bitch Long was about to cry and said more and more worriedly: "Boss, your problem is very serious. Forget it, let me give you a friendly reminder. Do you remember dormitory 606, Building E, Zhonghai University? ?”

"What is that?" The young man in red robe was a little confused.

Bitch Dragon collapsed on the spot: "Then do you still remember Zhao Hao? You won't forget who you are, right?"

"Zhao Hao? Huh, don't mention this name! A real man like me, disdain to be compared with that heartbroken sissy!" The young man in red robe said angrily: "Listen carefully, my name is Xia Liuge. You can call me Balrog!"

"Dirty...dirty brother?" Bitch Long began to doubt life. He looked at his former roommate with incredulous eyes and strongly suspected that he had met a stranger who looked exactly like Zhao Hao.

"It's Xia Liuge, the summer of summer, the ruthless Liu, the song of poetry!" The young man in red robe corrected the bitch Long's slip of the tongue, and coaxed: "Remember, the name of my flame demon Xia Liuge, It will spread all over the world! I’m determined to be the Evolutionary King!”

"Are you the man who is destined to become the King of Evolution?" The bitch dragon was shocked and tentatively followed the other person's train of thought. He felt that the young man in red robe was not an ordinary tease and could get angry anytime and anywhere.

"Have you noticed all this?" Xia Liuge glanced at Bitch Dragon with admiration, and became angry again on the spot: "Young man, I am very optimistic about you, and you will hang out with me from now on. Let's move towards it together Run across the sky and sweat the sweat of youth! Burn, my youth! Burn, my blood!"

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