The Path of Evolution

Chapter 249 Seeing an old friend again

Zhao Hao woke up in a cave and found that he was naked.

If a girl wakes up in this situation, she will strongly suspect that she has encountered some kind of indescribable tragedy.


Zhao Hao fully expressed his feelings with this word.

He was certain that the second inner demon had emerged.

Unlike the dizzying signs when Ren Wuji appeared, there was no sign at all when the second inner demon appeared.

"Did you show up while I was asleep?"

Zhao Hao changed his clothes to hide his shame and thought about this crucial issue.

Although running the Nine Heavens can restore physical strength, Zhao Hao still needs to sleep. His sleep time is not as long as a normal person's eight hours, usually four to six hours. Sometimes he dreams about Weiwei and wakes up suddenly in the middle of the night.

"Damn, if the second inner demon is like sleepwalking and comes out to cause trouble while I'm asleep, then I have no defense at all."

Zhao Hao was under great pressure and remembered what Bai Lu once said.

According to Sister Lu, the more powerful the body is, the less likely it is to derive inner demons.

There are exceptions to everything, and people with strong bodies may also be possessed by inner demons at certain special times.

Once inner demons appear, the stronger the person's body, the stronger the inner demons derived from them will be.

"What did he do for ten days?"

Zhao Hao picked up the watch that showed the year, month and day and looked at it. Ten days had passed from the last time he fell asleep to the day he woke up today.

In other words, the second inner demon took away control of the body for ten days.

This invisibly proves the power of the second inner demon. Ren Wuji usually only controls it for two or three days. As Zhao Hao's soul strengthened after learning to visualize, Ren Wuji could not control it for even one minute.

After taking the Awakening Fruit, Zhao Hao's soul strength increased exponentially, but as soon as the new inner demon emerged, he took control of it for ten days. It is not difficult to guess how powerful it is.

"What the hell is that?"

Zhao Hao scratched his head, and his head grew bigger and bigger as he thought about it.

He doesn't know who the second demon is or what his abilities are.

In other words, when he hears others talk about a big devil in the future, he has no idea that the devil is himself.

If the devil caused a big disaster, Zhao Hao would have to take the blame and help clean up the mess.

"Brother, the fish is grilled, come and try it!"

A familiar voice came from outside the cave.

Zhao Hao walked out and took a look, and was immediately dumbfounded.

In the far east of the desert, old friends meet again.

After Dahei, he met an old friend again.

Looking at the wretched young man walking towards him, Zhao Hao said in disbelief: "Bitch Dragon?"

"Brother, didn't you agree, please call me Handsome Dragon!" Bitch Long said with a shy face: "Although I can't beat you, I am also a principled man. If you don't call me Handsome Dragon, I won't Accompany you to go against heaven."

Zhao Hao was confused: "Lao San, what are you talking about?"

The bitch dragon looked like he was about to cry without tears: "Brother, stop playing around. I already recognize you as my eldest brother, what else do you want?"

"Bitch Long, you're not in the right state." Zhao Hao began to worry about his roommate: "I sent you a WeChat message after returning to China, but you didn't answer my calls. Is there something wrong with you in the past few months?"

"Am I not in the right state?" The bitch Long was beating the ground and crying. The greatest sorrow in the world is not being treated as a psychopath by a normal person, but being treated as a psychopath by a normal person.

Suddenly, as if he was electrocuted, he stared at Zhao Hao in shock: "What did you just say, WeChat?"

Zhao Hao took care of his roommate's feelings with the same kind of care for mental patients: "Yes."

The bitch dragon trembled and said eagerly: "I just want to ask, what is your name?"

This child is very ill!

Zhao Hao sighed secretly and sympathized with his roommate's plight.

He had read on the Evolutionary Forum that there were many people with poor psychological quality who had been frightened in the evolutionary world, and their minds became very abnormal. Some were even frightened to death, and some people became incontinent after returning home.

The Jian Renlong in front of him couldn't even remember his name. It looked like the situation was serious.

So Zhao Hao said kindly: "I am Zhao Hao, your roommate. Do you remember that I used to show off to you and fly with you?"

"Boss?" Jian Renlong exclaimed and suddenly started crying again. He burst into tears and said, "Brother, don't do this. If you don't play tricks like this, my brain will split!"

"Have you seen the other me?" Zhao Hao had a flash of inspiration and grabbed his roommate's shoulders in excitement.

"The other you?" Jian Renlong was so schizophrenic that he risked his life and said, "I don't believe you are Zhao Hao unless you can answer a few questions for me."

Zhao Hao breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, you say it."

Jian Renlong: "Who is the girl I like?"

Zhao Hao: "No need to say this, Xunmei."

Jian Renlong: "What is the password of my network disk?"

Zhao Hao: "rinimei1314."

Jian Renlong was moved: "Last question, what is my special hobby when masturbating?"

Zhao Hao: "You like to wear a condom, it lasts longer."

"Boss, is it really you?" Bitch Long was confused and even more excited than Zhao Hao. He grabbed his roommate's hands and said in a trembling voice: "Since you are you, who was the person known as Xia Liuge a few days ago? ?”

Zhao Hao was very embarrassed. After thinking for a long time, it was not his roommate who was sick, but him himself. He laughed and said: "Brother, there is something wrong with my practice. Sometimes I become another person. Just think that I have a split personality."

"So that's the case, no wonder!" The bitch dragon suddenly realized and expressed concern: "Boss, there is a precedent for your situation. I have seen several cases on the Internet, all of which were stimulated in the evolutionary world and led to splitting. Don’t worry. With medicine so advanced and the world of evolution so magical, we will always find a way to cure you."

Zhao Hao was very touched that the other party did not avoid him because of his illness. The relationship between his pathetic roommates in college was still reliable.

After calming down, he asked: "What do you think that person's name is?"

"The song of summer, the summer of summer, the ruthless stay, the song of poetry!"

"Sounds very obscene." Zhao Hao was worried about his future. The second inner demon was different from Ren Wuji in terms of ability and personality. God knows what trouble he would cause.

The bitch Long said: "I think it's okay, the other you is not nasty. That guy is so hot that he gets angry at the slightest disagreement, just like Master Akai in "Naruto"."

Zhao Hao asked: "Has he shown any abilities?"

"Yes, I saw it once with my own eyes!" Bitch Long said with lingering fear: "He made a fire dragon and burned down an entire mountain forest. The fire dragon didn't look like the aura of a mutant master, and I don't understand how he did it. Arrived."

After a pause, Bitch Dragon added: "By the way, he is called the Balrog."

The ice demon Ren Wuji, the fire demon Xia Liuge.

what the hell is this?

what-are-you doing?

Zhao Hao is full of worries, he knows how to play with the inner demon city, and he comes up with a set of nicknames.

After finally destroying an ice demon, a completely opposite fire demon appeared.

After calming down his frantic mind, Zhao Hao asked, "Did he make any trouble, like beat you up or something?"

"No, Xia Liuge is a very fiery and passionate person, a bit like how you felt on the court." Bitch Long commented objectively: "I feel that this person is not essentially bad, just a bit funny. His personality is more like a middle-aged boy."

"Middle school boy?"

Zhao Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He never expected that he would split such an inner demon.

The bitch dragon nodded: "I'm not slanderous, I'm not bragging, I'm really good at it, and my way of speaking is quite two-dimensional. Just like the characters in the anime, their arrogance is exposed, and they will go against the will of heaven if they don't agree with each other."

Zhao Hao said: "How long have you known him?"

"I met him three days ago. As soon as we met, he wanted to accept me as his little brother and take me to the sky. I definitely couldn't defeat him. I gave in with tears and accepted him as my big brother... Anyway, that's it Sorry, I will shed tears if I talk too much." Bitch Long wiped away bitter tears.

Zhao Hao asked: "What has he done in the past three days?"

The bitch dragon thought for a while and said: "I feel like that guy still has a childlike innocence and doesn't do much. He just walks around and looks around. He seems to be very curious about everything. Oh, and also, that guy is very edible, and He doesn’t know how to do it himself, so he orders me to help him grill meat and fish all day long. His appetite is as big as Luffy’s, and it’s scary. I saw him eat a whole wild boar yesterday, which is hundreds of kilograms of meat!”

Zhao Hao said nervously: "Third brother, did you deliberately say nice words to comfort me because of our previous friendship? Actually, you don't have to do this. I hope you will be truthful. Brother needs to confirm what the other me has done. .”

"I'm not comforting you. I understand your situation. Only by seeking truth from facts can I help you get the right medicine." Bitch Long patted his chest to confirm: "What I just said was based on my conscience and has no moisture at all."

Zhao Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the information given by Bitch Dragon, the Fire Demon was not as cold-blooded and murderous as the Ice Demon.

"By the way, boss, when did you return to China?" Bitch Dragon began to reminisce about the past.

"About two months ago." Zhao Hao said: "I can't contact you when I go back. The second and fourth sons have also lost contact."

"That's really unfortunate. I haven't been back for three months." Bitch Long sighed: "The second brother did well. After graduation, he joined a well-known family search agency. The salary was quite high and he also had tasks. Dividends. The fourth child was not so lucky. When Base No. 1 was first opened, he refused to listen and went out to fight the little monsters with all his heart. He died young."

Zhao Hao's eyes dimmed and he mourned for his dead roommate.

According to incomplete statistics, more than ten million humans have died in the evolutionary world.

The dead are gone, but the living continue to explore this unknown and mysterious world.

After a long time, Zhao Hao asked: "I saw your name as the king of breeding on the Internet, and some people said that you are the [little prince of last-hitting]. Aren't you at Base No. 1? Why haven't you gone home for three months?"

"Do you think I don't want to go back?" Bitch Dragon said with a mournful face: "Don't mention the little prince of last-hitting, I just shed tears when I say it. I have activated a B-level gene lock called [Lucky Blow], when I fight monsters , as long as I make the final blow, good things will easily come out. MLGBD, it’s this genetic lock that makes me unable to return home!”

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