The Path of Evolution

Chapter 257 One shot into the soul

Three people walked out of the Void Gate at the entrance to the Tower of Life and Death.

Zhao Hao was anxious to send his father home and said: "Uncle Zhang, please leave your contact information. I will contact you when I go to the fourth floor."

"Xiao Zhao, don't call me that. We have our own business. If you want a reward, just call me Fat Brother." Fatty Zhang is under great pressure. Since he has seen Xiao Zhao's terrifying strength, he cannot afford to be "Uncle Zhang" With this title, I handed over a business card while speaking.

"That's it for now. I'll send my dad home first." Zhao Hao took the business card and said.

"It should, it should, you and your family have a good reunion." Fatty Zhang said very cooperatively: "If you can't contact me in China, go to the [Hunter Inn] at Base No. 1, which is a small shop opened by our hunting group. , I will keep in touch with the shop."

It was obvious that Fatty Zhang was very interested in the fourth floor of the Tower of Life and Death.

Being able to team up with an expert like Xiao Zhao on an adventure was something Fatty could only dream of.

And Zhao Hao's goal is not just the fourth floor, he wants to go to the sixth floor of the Tower of Life and Death.

The top priority was to send his father home. It was impossible for him to take his father to the fourth floor for adventure.

The father and son teleported to the center of Zhonghai. After passing the security check, Lao Zhao saw that his son was leading the way in the wrong direction and reminded him: "Xiao Hao, what are you doing going to the old house?"

Zhao Hao smiled and said, "Go home."

Lao Zhao couldn't help but sigh: "Silly boy, that house has been sold long ago."

"I bought it again." Zhao Hao coaxed: "I added hundreds of thousands more, and the fat aunt was immediately attracted. It can be regarded as a perfect return to Zhao. Last month, I even found someone to renovate it."

"Why spend this wasted money? It's better to buy a new house." Old Zhao seemed to be teaching his son how to behave, but his eyes were somewhat pleased.

"I have lived in that house for more than ten years. I have feelings for it and don't want to change it." Xiao Zhao is nostalgic.

"That's right. After living there for more than ten years, who can have no feelings?" Lao Zhao felt a lot. The house in the city center was the first house he bought with his hard-earned money after working hard for a long time. He was very fond of that house. The feelings of the house are deeper than anyone else.

Back home, Zhao Zhicheng was even more emotional.

The decoration of the house and the furnishings of the furniture were just as he remembered.

After several hardships, I returned to the past, and everything seemed like a dream.

After his son made two cups of tea and sat down, Lao Zhao asked: "Your mother is at Base 3, when can she come back?"

Zhao Hao said: "Come on, Manager Fang will go online near the security check every day to receive my messages. I have already left him a message on WeChat. Mom should go home by evening at the latest."

"Come on, follow me to buy some food. Dad will make something delicious. Let's have a good time together." The family of three was about to be reunited. Lao Zhao was very excited and talked about his glorious deeds: "Son, you should also practice your cooking skills when you have time. . I think back then, there were a lot of people chasing after your mother. At that time, my family situation was not good and my salary was not high. Even if I cooked good food, your mother would not be able to drive her away after eating it. "

Zhao Hao has heard this story eight hundred times. He used to feel that his ears were calloused, but now he has a different feeling when he hears it. He said with some worry: "Dad, Fatty Zhang was here a few days ago, so it was not convenient for me to speak. Can you tell me Let me tell you, how many years do you have left to live?"

"Why do you ask?" Lao Zhao's expression changed.

Seeing his father's reaction, Zhao Hao's heart sank and he said nervously: "Dad, when I treated you last time, I found that your vitality was very weak. We can't delay this kind of thing. Tell me the truth. I Let’s figure it out.”

"You kid, you have really grown up." Lao Zhao knew that he could no longer hide it, so he told the truth: "When I was doing business with Lao Qin in the past, I saved a batch of evolutionary crystals. My own original genes are full, and I am the first The first evolution failed. I didn't dare to tell your mother, and I didn't let her go to Base No. 1 for fear of worrying her. Later, when I entered the Tower of Life and Death, I thought about whether I was going to die, so I might as well take a gamble and evolve a second time, but it still failed. Already..."

"How many years are left?" Zhao Hao's heart was in his throat. Two failures had cost him thirty years of life. At his father's age, he probably didn't have much time left.

"The upper limit of my lifespan was eighty, but now, hehe..." After Lao Zhao said it, he couldn't continue and showed a bitter smile.

"Just over a year left?"

Zhao Hao was shocked. His father was about to turn forty-nine, and the upper limit of his life span was only fifty years.

"Don't be so surprised. To be honest, when I was in the Tower of Life and Death, I didn't expect to come back alive. Now you and your mother are alive and well, and I'm back. The family is reunited. Dad is already very satisfied. ." Lao Zhao had a sense of seeing his death without regrets: "From now on, I will treat myself as a retired old employee and walk around. When I was young, I swore to your mother that I would take her to see Sanshan. "Five mountains, visit the great rivers and mountains of our motherland, it's time to fulfill this oath."

"Dad, you used to tell me that everything depends on human effort. You still have a chance to evolve, don't give up." Zhao Hao encouraged him, but felt that the effect was not very good, so he added: "You can learn Liangyi Divine Fist. Yes, please have some confidence in your son. I can use S-level combat skills, and I am also capable of using advanced evolution techniques!"

Lao Zhao smiled happily: "Okay, dad has confidence in you, and I will evolve again when the time comes."

"By the way, no matter who sells to you in the future, you will ignore it. You don't need to think about evolution techniques below A level. I will find a way." Zhao Hao said: "This year, you and your mother will go on a trip to relax. , don’t worry about anything, everything else will be taken care of by me.”

Seeing that his son has the aura of being the head of the family, Old Zhao said weakly: "Then don't tell your mother about my affairs, lest she toss and turn and lose sleep. What if I evolve successfully in the future and add ten or eight years to my life? Life span, there’s no need to mention it anymore.”

"Okay, I understand."

As soon as Zhao Hao finished saying this, his mother opened the door and went home.

The family of three was enjoying themselves happily, and this familiar old house was filled with laughter and laughter.

After spending a week with his parents, Zhao Hao set off again and went to Base No. 1.

He had a hunch that good things would explode on the fourth floor of the Tower of Life and Death, including advanced evolution techniques.

These days, the average life expectancy of people in developed countries is relatively long, and it is said to be around seventy years old. For a young man in his twenties, even if evolution fails twice and loses thirty years of life, he can still survive for another twenty years. But middle-aged and elderly people are not so chic. Once evolution fails, half of their feet will be in the coffin.

Under this premise, advanced evolution techniques have a price but no market.

As we all know, the wealth of this world is mainly in the hands of middle-aged and elderly people. As the saying goes, the richer you are, the more you fear death. Every time a C-level evolutionary technique comes out, it will cause the rich to rush for it, and the price is frighteningly expensive. And these people are snatching up advanced evolution techniques just to increase the success rate of evolution, hoping that they can live a few more years after evolution.

Zhao Hao is very ambitious. The 30% success rate of C-level evolution technique is still too unreliable in his opinion. The minimum standard he set for his father was A-level evolution, preferably S-level high-end products.

There are many inns in Base No. 1, which are more expensive than five-star hotels. They are usually rented to guests for refining and crystallizing. Zhao Hao walked into a [Hunter Inn] and met Zhang Hongbin.

This is the property of the hunting group. Fatty Zhang had been looking forward to it for a long time. He invited Zhao Hao into Room No. 1, took out two big bags, and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhao, time is a bit tight, I don't have much to collect. In this white bag, there are a total of 120 mutant crystals, both elementary and intermediate. In this black bag, there are exactly 1,000 high-level rare crystals, please click on them."

Zhao Ritian was unfamiliar with Base No. 1, and it was very laborious to collect the synthetic materials for Pandora's Box. Seven days ago, he just said casually, and Fatty Zhang got the job done.

At present, the price of high-grade rare crystals in Base No. 1 is stable at around 8,000 yuan, and one thousand crystals is 8 million. However, mutated crystals are not within the scope of macro-control, and their prices have remained high. A primary mutated crystal sells for more than 100,000 yuan, and the 120 mutated crystals in the white bag cost no less than 15 million.

Fatty Zhang didn't say anything. He paid for so many things at his own expense, which surprised Zhao Hao: "Fat brother, you paid for the crystallization of more than 20 million yuan yourself, aren't you afraid that I will run away?"

Zhang Hongbin laughed heartily and said: "Haha, I can't afford so much money myself. Many of the things in it are the assets of our group. Xiao Zhao, don't blame me for speaking out. Even if you don't come, I can still pay for these crystals at the original price." Selling it is just a small favor for you."

"Thank you for your hard work." Zhao Hao counted twenty-five cash checks with a denomination of one million.

"You don't need that much, just give me 20 million and I'll make it up." Fatty Zhang only accepted twenty checks.

"You have helped so much, I can't let you lose money." Zhao Hao insisted on giving an extra five million, but before the other party could refuse, he changed the subject: "I will stay in your inn for a few days and take a little rest. .”

"Okay!" Fatty Zhang didn't hesitate, and said excitedly: "There happens to be an auction the day after tomorrow, and I heard that there are mutant suits up for auction. I also want to collect a good set, so as not to drag you down on the fourth floor of the Tower of Life and Death. leg."

"Auction? I also have some things to take away."

Zhao Hao chatted with Zhang Hongbin for a few more words and looked at the fat man with admiration.

Fatty Zhang has a typical pig-faced look and a clear heart. He has a good way of dealing with people. Not to mention the crystals he paid more than 20 million in advance, from beginning to end, he never asked Zhao Hao why he wanted to buy a large number of evolutionary crystals. This kind of understanding of life Zhao Ritian was very satisfied with his attitude.

After Fatty Zhang left, Zhao Hao closed the door to make trouble.

He threw two ghostly light crystals into the magic box, and then luxuriously put in two mutated crystals.

Pandora's box shook violently, and the scene was unprecedented.

After a few seconds, the lid of the box opened and Zhao Hao was in a mess.

He finally experienced the legendary shot into the soul.

What was synthesized for the first time today turned out to be a mutant suit part!

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