The Path of Evolution

Chapter 258 The advent of the mythical beast

Immortal Crown: An advanced mutant battle suit that can greatly increase the head's ability to withstand hits after wearing it. One of the four-piece immortal set. Collect the immortal armor, immortal boots, and immortal cloak to activate the set effect.

Zhao Hao's eyes became wet when he saw the properties of that thing.

The attributes of the Immortal Crown are actually not very good, but it is one of the Immortal Sets.

Zhao Hao has already owned the immortal boots and the immortal cloak. If he adds an immortal armor, the whole set will be complete!

He put on the Immortal Crown, took a look in the mirror, and found that it was not a helmet, nor something like a protective crown, but a black headband, similar to the headband commonly used by NBA stars.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Zhao Hao regained a little bit of his previous enthusiasm. When he was playing basketball in the past, he also liked to wear headbands. It had two main purposes, one was to absorb sweat, and the other was to look cool.

"Synthesizing intermediate rare crystals..."

"Synthesizing the primary primitive battle suit..."

"Synthesizing useless wood..."

After entering the soul, Zhao Hao's character plummeted.

The Nether Light Crystal only increases the success rate of synthesis, but it does not mean that good things will be produced 100% of the time.

Zhao Hao had already realized it and was mentally prepared. Today, the Immortal Crown was worth the price of admission. Even if all the 25 million in materials were wasted, he would not lose money.

After synthesizing garbage more than a dozen times in a row, Zhao Hao's character began to improve again.

"Synthetic intermediate mutant weapon: Qingfeng Sword..."

Zhao Hao instantly got rid of his non-chief identity and felt as if he was possessed by a European spirit.

Mutated weapons have always started at a million dollars, among which sword weapons are the most valuable, especially swords, which are most in line with the traditional Chinese aesthetics. Even if some rich men don't know how to sword, they like to wear a sword to show off on the street. In previous auctions at Base No. 1, it was normal for a mid-level mutant sword to fetch five million, and it was not unusual for a rich man to bid for ten million.

"From now on, please call me Emperor Ou!"

After escaping, Zhao Ritian developed a mysterious self-confidence.

As a result, he experienced more than forty tragedies in a row...

He couldn't bear to look at the combined things.

Seeing the last two mutant crystals, Ou Huang was a little confused.

"These two crystals are of high-level mutation. My fairy sister Guanyin Bodhisattva, can you give me some face?"

Ou Huangzhao kept praying and synthesized the mutant crystal for the last time.

Maybe it was the fairy sister who appeared. What came out this time was quite extraordinary.


After combining the hell horse last time, Zhao Hao combined the mount for the second time.

Since it is quite an unusual mount, it must be more than the primitive level.

I saw an auspicious beast appearing in the room. Judging from its external shape, it has a lion's head, antlers, tiger's eyes, an elk's body, dragon scales, and an ox's tail. The tail is hairy like a dragon's tail and has one horn. Bring meat.

This creature is indeed the mythical beast in ancient Chinese legends - Qilin!

[Mo Qilin: An evolutionary mount that has evolved to its peak and can ride the wind and turn over clouds and rain. Currently at the intermediate level of mutation, it can absorb the power of evil spirits and transform the filth of the world into spiritual energy to strengthen itself. This mount is permanently bound and cannot be transferred or traded. 】

Zhao Hao was stunned, completely stunned.

Who can endure the sudden evolution of the mythical beast?

He is also considered a veteran in the evolutionary world. He has never seen such mythical beasts as the blue dragon, white tiger, and unicorn. He once thought that these creatures were also legends in the evolutionary world. Who would have thought that using a magic box to create such a mythical beast mount today is really incredible.

"Pandora's box is indeed magical..."

Zhao Hao muttered to himself absentmindedly, not accepting the huge happiness for a moment.

Since giving the mutated snow lion to Weiwei, Zhao Hao has not had a high-end ground mount. He usually rides a rare war horse. He has long wanted to get an awesome ground mount. Today, the fairy sister was so generous that she gave him a magical object that he never expected.

What he gained today was really amazing. The 120 mutant crystals in the white bag were synthesized a total of 60 times, resulting in a mutant suit, a mutant Qingfeng sword, and a mythical beast mount.

Worth it!

Sajia’s life is worth it!

Zhao Hao rode Mo Qilin around the spacious room, feeling that the people on earth could no longer stop him.

This night, he was so excited that he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

After getting up the next day, Zhao Hao finally calmed down and continued to do things.

There are still more than a thousand ghost crystals, and there are a thousand high-grade rare crystals in the black bag.

He synthesized it five hundred times, consuming a thousand Nether Light Crystals, and the results were gratifying.

A high-end rare mount!

A primary mutant mount!

Three pieces of mutant-level combat uniforms!

This is what Zhao Hao gained from 500 synthesises. On average, he produced one good thing every 100 times.

This also allowed him to figure out a rule. The higher the grade of raw materials, the higher the probability of synthesizing the best products. Yesterday, I used mutated crystals to synthesize it sixty times, and on average, I got a top quality one in twenty times, which speaks volumes.

Zhao Hao was in a happy mood, wandering around the ancient city of Zhongzhou alone, and went to the auction house at sunset.

He plans to put a few things up for auction and make a huge profit at tomorrow's auction.

Seeing the gorgeous and charming woman at the reception desk, Zhao Hao was in a daze for a few seconds.

Her name is Xueying, and she is a direct descendant of the Xue family.

This woman took an unconventional path and decisively married an old man in his sixties after graduating from college. Three years later, the old man died. Since he had no children, Xueying received all the inheritance.

That year, Xueying was twenty-five years old and had a net worth of several hundred million.

She became one of the richest people in the Xue family and had a strong say within the family. Later, she ran a prosperous company and met many big shots. After the opening of Base No. 1, Xueying, who had a vision for development, held shares in the Zhongzhou Auction House, served as the general manager of the auction house, and occasionally served as an auctioneer.

Xueying, who is 30 years old this year, is already a well-known strong woman in China and often appears in financial magazines.

Zhao Hao had an impression of this woman, not because he had read a magazine, but because of a chance encounter a few years ago. That weekend, he went shopping with Weiwei and met Xueying in a large shopping mall. According to the family hierarchy, Xueying was Weiwei's elder sister. Xueying was very enthusiastic at the time and bought a few small gifts for Weiwei.

Zhao Hao could not afford any of her so-called small gifts at that time.

Zhao Hao was a little shocked at that time, but he didn't take it seriously. He thought it was normal for his elder sister to give gifts to his younger sister.

Unexpectedly, when Weiwei went to the bathroom halfway, Xueying's face suddenly fell, and she said something that Zhao Hao could not let go of many years later: "If you can't even afford a bottle of Chanel, don't bring your girlfriend to such an expensive place. Please stay away from Weiwei in the future. If you want to be the son-in-law of our Xue family, if your family doesn’t have 100 million, you won’t consider it at all!”

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