The Path of Evolution

Chapter 323 Wanting to impose a crime

Since ancient times, some people are angry and others are evil.

Zhao Hao had long been mentally prepared. Compared with the previous people who had established the evolutionary base, he was not that famous, and he was neither an ancient warrior nor a special soldier. According to his estimation, many people would doubt his strength, but he never expected that the black spots on the Internet would find new ways to appear out of thin air.

A guy who claimed to be an insider broke the news: Zhao Hao united eighteen masters, some of whom were hired with money. Those eighteen people desperately attacked Base No. 6 and died together. In the end, Zhao Hao took advantage.

This post aroused heated discussion, and there was actually a picture and the truth, and it captured the tragic death of more than a dozen people outside Baiyu Ancient City. Judging from the pictures, Base No. 6 had not yet been opened at the time. Several P-picture experts had identified it. The pictures were all original and had no trace of modification. The post immediately seemed very convincing.

As soon as this post came out, people were angry, and Zhao Hao suddenly became a public enemy.

Zhao Hao looked at the picture carefully and felt that it was the original picture and that someone had prepared it long ago.

Looking at the reply below, he remembered a word that bitch Long often said: buy the navy.

The poster was not just one person, but most likely a studio under the instigation of someone else. As soon as the post came out, hundreds of trolls immediately came to support him. Three people became a tiger, and everyone talked about it. So many people started to criticize, and the people who read the post immediately believed it was true, and they followed the post one after another to criticize Zhao Hao.

When most people think a rumor is true, then the falsehood can become true.

If Zhao Hao hadn't been involved, he would have thought he had invited eighteen cannon fodder when he saw this post.

When he decided to attack Baiyu Ancient City, Qiao Guoliang said that doing so was "very troublesome".

Sure enough, Yue Liusu's family began to fight back.

If Zhao Hao guessed correctly, those who died in the picture should be soldiers of the Suzaku Special Forces Brigade. When Yue Liusu led the team to attack Baiyu Ancient City, no one was wearing military uniforms, which must have caused casualties and left records.

Netizens don't know these inside stories, they just want to vent their emotions.

"Damn, this is really an era where idols are shattered. I just made Zhao Ritian my idol yesterday, is it shattered today?"

"This is the price of being a fan. Who allowed you to follow such a scumbag?"

"Look at this rhythm, Zhao Ritian is really looking for someone to do it for him."

"That's not called fighting on behalf of others, that's called stabbing in the back. Didn't you see the picture? Several people were stabbed in the back. There is only one truth. The eighteen masters fought with the super creature and both were injured. Zhao Hao took the opportunity to kill the super creature. Then... hehe, he attacked his own people and claimed to the outside world that he had conquered Base 6 by himself."

"It makes sense. What a world record? The truth is so dirty and dirty!"

"I told you a long time ago, how could Zhao Hao, a mere sports student, conquer the ancient city?"

Countless comments and various tricks were used to criticize Zhao Ritian.

There is no need to accuse Zhao Hao of any crime. Some people exposed Zhao Hao's truancy in junior high school, saying that he had problems with his character and had not learned well since he was a child.

Zhao Hao personally experienced the harshness of human relationships in the Internet age and also experienced cyber violence.

Fortunately, there were a few people who sent warmth and made him feel that the world was not so dark.

"Don't listen to the original poster's nonsense. Zhao Ritian is very strong."

"On the top floor, in our Endless Forest, Zhao Ritian is definitely a well-known figure."

"It's necessary. He is a man who can never lose in a duel with a cow, a pigeon, or a pigeon. He has no problem conquering the ancient city."

"I think back then Zhao Ritian destroyed 800 people of the Black Dragon Society in one round, and was known as the master of swordsmanship along with Fengyun Sword. If you had seen his strength with your own eyes, you wouldn't say such childish words."

This group of netizens who support Zhao Hao are basically evolvers who have returned from the Endless Forest.

However, compared with the countless netizens, the number of such a small number of people is really too small.

"The Endless Forest? I'm not laughing, really."

"I have never heard of cows and pigeons. My child, please don't make your uncle laugh, okay?"

"If eight hundred members of the Black Dragon Society were wiped out with one move, then why would the Black Dragon Society be made of paper?"

"As famous as Fengyun Sword? Is this just riding on the popularity of Fengyun Sword? Don't put gold on your own face, okay?"

"Haha, the Endless Forest is a piece of land as big as a palm. How can it be nothing in the evolutionary world? Even if Zhao Ritian is the number one person in the Endless Forest, he is just a weakling compared to the world's masters."

"The correct answer upstairs is, how much ability can a person who can't even get into the top 100 of the Internet expert ranking list have?"

"Not to mention the rankings, some things can be seen at a glance. Canglong, Ren Tianqiong, Xue Gucheng, and Fengyun Sword are all famous warriors. The Yuwen Army is a well-trained special forces. The people who captured the ancient city in front are all Master, who can tell me who this Zhao Ritian is?"

"I can't imagine how an ordinary person conquered an ancient city, and it was also the largest city."

The small wave of voices supporting Zhao Hao was quickly swallowed up by a large wave of comments like a scourge.

This world is very strange. Some people naturally think that they are superior to others.

This is not the most terrifying thing. What is even more terrifying is that some people always feel that they are inferior.

A strange and twisted environment has formed on the Internet. Many people think that attacking ancient cities is the exclusive domain of ancient warriors and special forces, and ordinary people cannot do such a thing. It's hard to tell whether this is because of inferiority or inferiority. In short, a relatively ordinary person like Zhao Hao conquered the ancient city, but most ordinary people cannot accept this fact.

Zhao Hao himself was very calm. He was thinking about a question: What does Duan Simin mean?

In the past, posts like this were basically deleted instantly, without giving the public a chance to discuss them. This time, he let things slide, and the implications are worth pondering.

He comforted his parents, ate lunch carelessly, and continued watching the show.

By mid-afternoon, someone was speaking out.

Jian Renlong and Zhang Hongbin both supported Zhao Hao on Weibo, but they were not popular enough and were called dogs instead.

Not long after, a heavyweight posted on Weibo: "The Zhao Hao I know has long been capable of conquering the ancient city. It is impossible for him to find someone to do it for him. Don't be misled by some unfounded remarks."

"Ah, Goddess Qing actually spoke up?"

"The goddess is a senior member of the Evolution Bureau, so she seems to know the inside story."

"Since it is Goddess Qing who speaks, I will not scold Zhao Ritian."

"What's the inside story? There is only one truth: Xue Qing is Zhao Hao's sister-in-law!"

"Yes, someone found out yesterday that Zhao Hao's girlfriend Xuewei is Xue Qing's biological sister."

"Not only a biological sister, but also a twin sister."

"Let me choke you, you actually have this kind of nepotism?"

"Mrs. Zhao Hao is no longer a human being. She didn't say a word, and she actually asked her sister-in-law to take the blame?"

"+1 upstairs, from now on, I will be Zhao Ritian for the rest of my life!"

"Goddess Qing, the Sa family has always thought that you are a heroine with principles and a sense of justice. I didn't expect that you would actually speak for trash like Zhao Hao. I don't love you anymore. The Sa family doesn't believe in love anymore!"

"I'm sorry, Qing'er, please forgive me for turning from a pink to a bad person."

Xue Qing, who stood up and spoke out, did not shake the scene, but instead attracted a group of negative fans.

At the same time, another popular public figure spoke out. As a new great director, Qin Sheng has not changed his original intention, but still speaks so directly and offends people: "Can I ask some people to grow their brains? Can the ancient city guarded by super creatures just pull a few cannon fodder? I The mutated gene is 99 points. When I was outside the ancient city, I was shaken by the pressure of the super creature and couldn't stand even if I wanted to be cannon fodder! I just want to ask here, what is the meaning of the existence of those eighteen cannon fodder? "

"Director Qin, is it not because of the pressure of super creatures that you can't stand firm?"

"Didn't someone break the news a few days ago that Director Qin went to a nightclub and called out eight girls at once? His legs have already become weak, right? You haven't encountered a super creature, and you still can't stand firm."

"What are you talking about upstairs? Can you save some face for Director Qin?"

"Everyone should also understand that Director Qin and Zhao Hao grew up together after all."

"Really, then I will never watch his movies again!"

"What the hell? I watched the second part of "Path of Evolution" yesterday, and it was far worse than the first one. If you get a few lines from Pokemon, you will be an idol group. Can you please give the screenwriter some advice?"

"The most hateful person, Zhao Hao, is still in the movie. I feel sick when I see him!"

"I have already torn up the movie tickets my daughter bought, and I will firmly boycott any film in which Zhao Ritian appears... Well, unless Zhao Ritian goes overseas to make a bed action movie, then I will be merciful and give him a bite to eat."

“Top it, resist it resolutely, and won’t explain!”

Qin Sheng's statement was also heavily criticized, and his new movie was also thrown into the street.

Sometimes you have to lament the power of the people. Back then, there was a female star in Bangzi Country named Zhang Nala, who was one of the first people to come to China to make money. One time when she came again, a reporter asked her why she came, and Zhang Nala told the truth: "I have no money."

This is a true statement, and it is simply the conscience of the industry.

But in this world, telling the truth is too offensive.

Domestic fans were furious, accusing and yelling: Jang Nara, what do you think we are, a cash machine?

Since then, this girl has been banned.

With this lesson in mind, the celebrities from Bangzi Country later learned the lesson. Every time they came to make money, they would shout, "Fans from China, you are the best, and I love you the most. I miss you so much, so I'm here again." ...Actually, what they really want to say is, "You are a bunch of idiots, why don't you hurry up and pay for it"... In short, as long as you tell a lie, there will be people who will support it, so there are still a large number of groups who laugh.

Closer to home, "Evolution 2", which was boycotted by the public, failed at the box office.

The box office on the first day was over 100 million, but on the second day it was a surprise hit with a box office of less than 20 million.

Qin Sheng has set a new record. He is the first director in history to make such a twisty movie. The movie's box office twists are so exaggerated that they are more ups and downs than the plot of the movie itself.

Seeing that his friends were being hacked, Zhao Hao couldn't help but send a WeChat message to everyone, asking them to calm down. Only Red Pepper couldn't calm down anymore: "Classmate Zhao, what on earth are you doing behind your back? How come there are three people who paid to hack you?"

Zhao Hao was startled: "Which three?"

"The banker, the Hua family, and... the Tiannan Zhao family. When these people join forces, it is inconvenient for the relevant departments to delete the post." Red Pepper posted a fallen chat emoticon: "What did you do? You If you don’t know, why are you asking me?”

Zhao Hao was silent, waiting for a reply.

If he conquers an ancient city and ends up with this, then there is no need for him to talk about cooperation with his superiors.

The person who gave the reply arrived soon. That afternoon, Duan Simin and Qiao Guoliang came to visit him.

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