The Path of Evolution

Chapter 324 God’s Turn

Zhao Hao invited the two of them into the study without speaking, wanting to hear what the other party had to say.

Although he was not involved in officialdom, he often acted as a listener and allowed his sister-in-law to talk about certain things. In addition, after staying at Sharp Blade for a while, Zhao Hao had some understanding of some of the rules within the system.

In his opinion, there are only three possibilities this time.

One is that Duan Simin burns bridges across the river and doesn't care about Zhao Hao's life or death after getting the No. 6 base. This possibility is relatively low. After all, Zhao Hao is still employed at Sharp Blade. If they really want to break up, it will not benefit both parties.

The second situation is that the three families who join forces to deal with Zhao Hao are very powerful, so strong that both Duan Simin and Qiao Guoliang are afraid of them. In this case, Duan Simin was in a dilemma and couldn't make a choice for a while.

The third possibility is more realistic. Duan Simin may have followed the highest intention and deliberately left Zhao Hao alone for a while to let the stupid young man experience the power of the navy. When he becomes a public enemy and is surrounded by enemies from all sides, the higher-ups will step in to solve the problem. To put it bluntly, this is a typical slap in the face and then a sweet date. It is also the legendary emperor's mental trick that combines kindness and power.

With these realizations, Zhao Hao was very calm.

He also has to decide on future development plans based on the reaction from above.

"Xiao Zhao, I'm sorry. I was hosting a work meeting in the morning, and I didn't know about this incident on the Internet until noon." Duan Simin condescended to him and apologized as soon as he came in. His attitude was very correct.

At his height, it is not an exaggeration to say that everything is in order, and it can be understood even without prior knowledge. As for whether he was really unaware of it, it was worth considering. Zhao Hao said weakly: "Weren't posts like this deleted very quickly in the past? Why weren't they deleted today?"

"I was just going to talk to you about this." Duan Simin got down to the topic: "I would like to make two simple points. First, there has been a strange atmosphere on the Internet recently. People generally believe that only warriors and special forces are powerful. This is different from The concept of universal evolution runs counter to the concept. The state spends a lot of manpower and material resources to research civilian evolution techniques and conduct pilot university training, aiming to allow the majority of people to evolve to a high level, rather than a few special groups standing at the top of the pyramid."

Zhao Hao said silently, the above concept is worthy of recognition.

Duan Simin paused and then said: "This time we did not avoid the issue and allowed netizens to discuss it. We just took this opportunity to tell the people a truth. People who are not warriors or special forces may also lay down an evolutionary base. Xiao Zhao, you He happens to be such a role model that teenagers should learn from.”

"Am I still considered a role model now?" Zhao Hao laughed at himself, he was already being hacked.

"Haha, such a small problem is not a problem in front of you at all. Xue Gucheng was also questioned at first. He showed off for a month and shattered the rumors. Many people turned from doubting him to worshiping him. To use today's fashionable words, , you just become a fan." Duan Simin hinted, and took care of Zhao Hao's emotions: "Of course, if you want to delete the post, then I will judge it immediately and resolve it within an hour."

Zhao Hao felt embarrassed because the other party was so upright and asked: "Didn't you mention two points? What is the other point?"

"The second point is that it involves your family affairs. I can't make any independent decisions, so I came here to ask for your opinion." Duan Simin seemed a little embarrassed, but also showed enough sincerity.

"My family affairs?" Zhao Hao was dumbfounded. What the hell is this?

"It seems that you still don't know that this time the Zhao family of Tiannan has intervened, and things have become more complicated." Duan Simin finished.

"What does the Tiannan Zhao family have to do with me?" Zhao Hao couldn't understand it at all.

Duan Simin was startled when he heard this. Xiao Zhao's reaction was beyond his expectation.

"I think you are too cruel, are you so determined not to recognize your ancestors and return to your clan?" Qiao Guoliang next to him couldn't listen anymore.

"I don't understand what these words mean." Zhao Hao became more and more confused as he listened.

"I know that your family has objections to the Tiannan Zhao family, but you don't want to pretend to be stupid with me." Qiao Guoliang said: "Your grandfather, Zhao Jinhong, and the head of the Tiannan Zhao family, Zhao Jintian, are brothers. According to the genealogy, you should be a direct descendant of the Tiannan Zhao family."

"Impossible, are you mistaken?" Zhao Hao looked confused: "My grandfather was an ordinary worker before his death, and he had no brothers or sisters. It's just that the names are a bit similar. Could you have mistaken him?"

Seeing his reaction, Duan Simin and Qiao Guoliang were dumbfounded.

Both of them could see that Zhao Hao didn't know anything about his family background.

"I'm sorry, you really don't know anything. It seems that your grandfather and father have never revealed the truth to you." Qiao Guoliang sighed: "We can't admit the wrong person. Since your elders haven't told you, I won't do it for you. You go and ask. Ask your father."

Zhao Hao felt something in his heart and thought carefully about it. Sometimes his father seemed weird, as if he was hiding some secret. He planned to ask his father for a clear explanation of this kind of thing, without asking outsiders to inquire.

After calming down, he raised a question: "Even if I have a relationship with the Tiannan Zhao family, why would they add insult to injury?"

Duan Simin didn't speak, but motioned with his eyes to Qiao Guoliang to take the blame.

Instructor Qiao said with a depressed look on his face: "This... is your family matter after all, we can't talk nonsense."

Zhao Hao didn't force it either. The top priority was to find out the truth from his father.

None of the three possibilities he speculated happened.

A divine turning point occurred, and a fourth possibility emerged.

Before leaving, he said to Duan Simin: "I can participate in the opening game on October 8th."

Duan Simin was overjoyed when he heard this: "Okay, I'll make arrangements."

He had already invited Zhao Hao to the Evolver Exhibition Game. At that time, Xiao Zhao said he would think about it and seemed reluctant to go. This time Zhao Hao took the initiative to ask for help, and it seemed that he decided to show his strength in front of the people.

After Duan Simin left, Qiao Guoliang did not leave, staring at Zhao Hao with burning eyes.

"Anything else?" Zhao Hao asked.

"Of course, I am here to commend you on behalf of the sharp blade." Qiao Guoliang Surong said.

"Don't you think I've lost face with Sharp Blade?" Zhao Hao said.

"Don't say such depressing words. Once a sharp sword, a sharp sword for life. We never abandon our comrades!" Qiao Guoliang said enthusiastically: "Everyone knows your abilities and is proud of you as a sharp sword. You don't know, but I heard that The brothers are all very angry about what happened online, and the three Xinghua demons are clamoring to kill those trolls."

Zhao Hao felt warm in his heart. After spending a long time with those soldiers, he also developed a sense of comradeship.

"I'm here to inform you that I will find a time to go to the headquarters to receive an award ceremony. Note that it is the headquarters of the Central Military Region. You kid, you will definitely be promoted to senior colonel this time." Qiao Guoliang said with envy and hatred: "I have never seen anyone promoted to colonel. If you get promoted as quickly as you do, you can just hang around and get some qualifications, and you will definitely be promoted to major general when you are thirty. I have never heard of such a young general."

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