The Path of Evolution

Chapter 336 Welfare is coming

Qiao Guoliang has been very nourished recently, and the spring breeze is proud of his horse's hoof disease.

He benefited from the various advanced weapons handed over to the Japanese Dog Corps. Later, he won the field training base of Lieyan Valley, which he did not have any credit but hard work. The most important thing is that he is Zhao Hao's introducer.

Zhao Hao was promoted not long ago, and Qiao Guoliang, who had been in the position of colonel for two years, was also promoted to senior colonel. Now he is the deputy chief instructor and deputy chief of staff of the Blade.

Everyone inside the Blade knows that Zhao Hao and Zou Jiannan are both hands-off bosses, and the real person in charge is Qiao Guoliang.

Qiao Guoliang himself also understood that neither Zhao Hao nor Zou Jiannan were people who were greedy for power. The path they wanted to take was different from that of ordinary soldiers. Commander Blade will retire in a few years, and it is a sure thing that he will take over the Blade.

What pleased Qiao Guoliang the most was that Zhao Hao did not return to the Zhao family in Tiannan. Now that the rightful owner has expressed his stance, the Qiao family is confident. Even if Tiannan has repeatedly requested to transfer Zhao Hao, the Central Military Region will not let him go.

"Liu Li, master is leaving first. These snacks are enough for you to eat for a few months. I will come see you another day."

On this day, Master Zhao also left Hanging Island happily.

He brought a lot of gifts to meet his apprentice, as everyone must ask for something from a gift. What he mapped was the hiding place of various super creatures. Liuli couldn't stand Master Zhao's hard work and used purple bells to force the twelve eldest brothers to reveal some information.

In the end, the twelve dung beetles could not withstand the pressure and revealed the territory of the five junior monsters.

The refining crystallization of five primary monsters is 5 points of psychic genes. If you are lucky, you may gain 10 points of psychic genes by eating flesh and blood and adding some more. Master Zhao had no reason to be unhappy and left humming a song.

Returning to Base 6, he met Annie, and the two happily reminisced about the past.

At Su Yurong's strong request, Zhao Hao taught Annie the Chaos Sutra.

He didn't understand why, but his mother liked this foreign girl so much.

Considering that Annie's evolution level was not high, Zhao Hao just followed the trend.

The legendary saying "too strong to have any friends" also has some truth to it.

Along the way, Zhao Hao has fewer and fewer friends around him.

Yang Dingtian ascended, Dong Qiantian ascended, and even Scarlett and Chris ascended. Zou Batian Shenlong is nowhere to be seen, Qin Sheng is busy conquering the entertainment industry, Red Pepper is also busy with official duties, Huajiao and Yang Hong are thinking about having a second child, Xiao Duan is experiencing a normal student life, and Bitch Dragon actually talks to Liu Xuan When they fell in love, the most exaggerated one was that Zhang Dekai had a cross-border romance with a Thai.

The F4s in the neutral land have collectively soared.

Today's neutral ground has become a scenic spot around Base No. 3.

There are also several old acquaintances from Ping'an Inn. Only Xiao Ma is still running the new Ping'an Inn at Base 3, and the others have disappeared without a trace.

The most mysterious person among them is none other than the proprietress.

Since the opening of Base No. 3, the proprietress seemed to have disappeared from the world, completely disappearing.

No one knows whether she returned to China and lived a stable life, or whether she had already ascended to the second-level evolutionary world.

That afternoon, a special guest came to the city lord's palace in Baiyu Ancient City.

The visitor was someone arranged by the Duan family at Base No. 6, who came specifically to invite Zhao Hao to meet Duan Simin.

Zhao Hao knew that many things would be decided during this meeting.

He handed over Base No. 6. The answer will be given today as to how the superiors will deal with it.

It was the first time that Zhao Hao walked into the place where provincial leaders lived in Zhonghai. Duan Simin and his wife were very enthusiastic. Qiao Ruifang personally cooked a home cooked meal to entertain Xiao Zhao.

After eating and drinking, Zhao Hao was invited into the study. Duan Simin's opening remarks were very cordial: "Xiao Zhao, last time you went to the capital to compete, you left in a hurry. The old man has been looking forward to meeting you, but I didn't expect you to say you were leaving. Just leave.”

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive at the time. Hot-blooded, young people are so hot-blooded. I will definitely ask Mr. Duan to come and apologize next time." Zhao Hao also learned to say polite words.

"Then I'll take it seriously, don't fool me." Duan Simin laughed, as if treating his nephew, and made the atmosphere more relaxed: "The old man wanted to come to Zhonghai to see you, but the medical staff stopped him. He has no bones. That's great, as for the other one, his identity makes it difficult to move around, so please bear with me."

"I'm serious, I, the junior, should be the one to visit the old man." Xiao Zhao was flattered.

"Your words are enough. Let's talk about business." Duan Simin set the stage for the foreplay and entered the topic seriously: "On behalf of the leader, I would like to send you a message. Your contribution to the country is as follows. They all see it. From now on, as long as there are no issues of principle involved with your family of three, excluding the Tiannan Zhao family, the relevant departments will do their best to facilitate you."

This is considered a favor and a promise.

But Xiao Zhao is not very satisfied. This kind of promise is too false. Do you dare to make something more real?

As if he had seen through this guy's thoughts, Duan Simin immediately said: "At present, the overall planning of Base No. 6 has been completed, the investment promotion work is on track, and the funds from all parties are basically in place. It has been decided from above that the investment promotion for Base No. 6 will be Twenty percent of all profits goes to you.”

Zhao Hao said weakly: "Uncle Duan, I'm not good at math. What is twenty percent?"

"The current benefits brought by all the houses and major projects in Base No. 6 are roughly 80 billion Chinese national currency." Duan Simin said astonishingly: "16 billion of them belong to you personally."


Although Zhao Hao had long been mentally prepared that Duan Simin would help him obtain benefits, he still did not expect that the benefits would be so great.

Tens of billions were hit on the head, and Xiao Zhao was knocked unconscious instantly.

This is too real, happiness comes so suddenly.

He has personally witnessed the planning of Base 3 and Base 6. There are tens of thousands of related staff. It is a complex and large project, and the wages of these employees alone are not a small amount. If the superiors can share 20% of his profit, it can be regarded as a huge investment.

"Are you not satisfied?" Duan Simin misunderstood and complained: "To tell you the truth, Fengyunjian is in a similar situation to you, but the Feng family's share from Base No. 5 is only 10%. In order to help you more Fighting for those ten percentage points, the old man would have a red face and quarrel with others."

"No, I'm very satisfied. I'm just a little surprised by the generosity of the boss." Zhao Hao gave up when he saw that it was good. Compared with the hard experience of Base 3, the benefits brought by Base 6 were indeed beyond his imagination.

"That's good." Duan Simin breathed a sigh of relief. If Xiao Zhao was too greedy, he would be embarrassed. Some things would be difficult to deal with in the future, so he immediately gave out benefits: "Also, starting from this year, the transaction tax of Base 6 will , 20% of which will be transferred to your personal account. The bank will ask you to go through the procedures, and Secretary Tian will help you solve these minor problems tomorrow."

Zhao Hao was surprised again. The benefits came one after another.

He couldn't hold it back and asked, "How much is the annual transaction tax?"

“Base 6 has just been opened, so it’s difficult to judge the specific data.” Duan Simin said: “The annual transaction tax of Base 1, which is currently the most mature, is around 5 billion. Based on this data, you can get 1 billion dividends every year in the future. You sign it later and this policy will remain unchanged for fifty years."

"Fifty years?" Zhao Hao didn't quite understand the meaning behind this.

"You have to understand our difficulties. No one knows what the world will be like in a few decades." Duan Simin pointed out.

Zhao Hao finally understood. This is like the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region, which also has fifty years of self-control. No one can say what the future holds. Duan Simin has no idea what he wants to do in fifty years' time. To be able to do this is to be regarded as the ultimate benevolence and righteousness.

Zhao Hao felt the sincerity of the other party and became very talkative: "Okay, that's it."

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