The Path of Evolution

Chapter 337 If you like it, chase it

"Mother Zhao, I have something new in my store, come and try it."

"Mother Zhao, I have a new style of women's combat uniform. You can try it on."

"Mom Zhao, your teacher Xiao Zhao... No, does Professor Zhao have a partner? I have a niece who is very good."

Su Yurong walked on the streets of Baiyu Ancient City, and many shopkeepers greeted her warmly.

Today, everyone in Base No. 6, from the person in charge to the major shop owners, knows that she is Zhao Hao's mother. Su Yurong enjoyed treatment like an old Buddha in this ancient city.

Many people affectionately call this hero’s mother Zhao Ma.

Zhao Ma was still very principled and did not take advantage of the masses and returned to the city lord's mansion with a smile.

In the mansion, there was a beautiful foreign girl with blond hair practicing embroidery.

"Your hands are so skillful. None of the masters in the tailor shop can embroider as well as you." Su Yurong came over to take a look, praised her, and then pointed out something: "Girl, you are so clever and handy, you shouldn't do this."

"Auntie, what should I do?" Annie also realized that there was something in the other person's words.

Su Yurong looked around and suddenly came to the point: "There are no outsiders here. Tell auntie the truth. Do you like our Xiaohao?"

Annie was stunned and immediately lowered her head, a blush flashing across her face.

"I'm sorry, I watched it on TV and thought that you Westerners express their feelings more directly, and Western girls who dare to fall in love will be shy." Su Yurong is a person who has been there after all, and after seeing Annie's reaction, she knows everything she needs to know.

Anne couldn't answer the question at all and waited weakly for the next sentence.

"Let me tell you the truth. In the past, I just thought you were pleasing to the eye and I had a good impression of you." Su Yurong expressed her feelings directly: "After two or three months of inspection, Auntie likes you more and more. Especially my son When I was criticized by countless people, you knew how to comfort me and make me feel at ease. The most important thing is that you had confidence in my son. Even during that time, when his father and I were worried and helpless, you firmly believed in me. He has a way of taking care of trouble.”

Speaking of this, Su Yurong said with emotion: "Xiao Hao is still young. Although he has some abilities, in fact, many times, he himself doesn't know what he wants. I watched him grow up, and I understand that he lacks the most. What. Behind him, he needs a good girl like you."

"Auntie, maybe you misunderstood. The person he needs in his heart is not me." Anne said sadly.

"I know he used to like Weiwei very much. This kid hasn't figured it out yet. When he figures it out, he will understand who is the one who can accompany him throughout his life." Su Yurong said with a tone of experience: "If Weiwei is still here, that's okay. Although I don't understand what happened between them, I guess that Weiwei is probably gone. Do you know what I, a mother, are most afraid of?"

"Are you afraid that he will never marry?" Anne asked cooperatively.

"This is one of my worries. If that boy decides to become a monk, his father and I will be worried to death." Su Yurong said with a bitter smile: "Another point is that Xiaohao sometimes likes to get into trouble and does things to extremes. I'm afraid One day he can't think about it anymore and looks for a few substitutes. He really wants to bring home those messy goblins outside. I can't even imagine that scene."

Anne was silent. In this era, after experiencing emotional trauma, many people try to use substitutes to offset the pain in their hearts, or use decadent nightlife to anesthetize themselves. For a while, she was also worried that Zhao Hao would have those symptoms.

In her opinion, Zhao Hao's persistence was only because he had not fully accepted the reality, had not given up on Weiwei, and was dreaming of an illusory dream. Once he suddenly wakes up one day, he may go to an extreme as Su Yurong feared.

"Girl, when it comes to this, Auntie won't hide it anymore. In our country, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a big problem since ancient times. Daughters-in-law are afraid of meeting an evil mother-in-law, and mothers-in-law are also worried about meeting an evil mother-in-law. A strange daughter-in-law. Some couples get divorced not because the couple no longer have feelings for each other, but because the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are incompatible." Su Yurong told stories from ordinary people: "I once had a colleague who divorced his husband. It’s because she and her mother-in-law don’t get along at all.”

After making this preparation, Su Yurong showed a gentle smile: "Fortunately, there is no such problem between you and me, so Auntie supports you. Don't think that I am an old woman who is not a couple. You and Xiaohao once Sharing joys and sorrows is based on emotion. When he really wants to find someone to live with, I think you are the best candidate. "

Anne was flattered and a little dumbfounded. This situation of bypassing the person involved and getting approval from the man's parents first was not what she had imagined.

After thinking seriously for a moment, she said in a helpless tone: "Auntie, thank you for your concern. You may lack a little understanding of the world of young evolvers. When I met him before, everyone was a rare evolver. We are equal to each other. But now, I can no longer keep up with his pace. After he ascends, this gap will become wider and wider."

"We are not talking about fighting, so is the difference in strength so important? The great heroes in ancient times did not find beauties who could fight. Look at Xiang Yu, the King of Chu, and Yu Ji, aren't they also stories that will last forever?" Su Yurong said she couldn't understand. .

"In this era of universal evolution, many things are different from those in ancient times. If one day he really wants to find someone to accompany him, I think it should be a girl who can fight side by side with him. Only in this way can the relationship between them be We have a common language and topics. That person may be Xue Qing, maybe the boss lady, in short... it won't be me." There was a sense of seeing through the essence in Annie's tone, and an indescribable flash of light flashed in her big sapphire eyes. of sadness.

"I've never seen the boss lady before. That girl Xue Qing is not bad in nature, but she is too impatient and likes to take risks. Auntie, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart. I don't want my daughter-in-law to go out and kill people all day long. She can be at home. Just marry your husband and teach your children." Su Yurong had a very traditional concept in this regard, and then asked: "Have you ever thought about what you would do if Xiaohao was with someone else?"

Anne said softly: "It's enough for him to live a good life. If you like someone, you don't have to force them to be with you."

"Silly girl, this is the fate of the tragic supporting actress in the soap operas that we aunts love to watch. You are young and have a lot of years to live, how can you think like this?" Su Yurong felt unworthy for Annie and immediately said: "You are right about one thing. If you want to be with him, you have to follow his footsteps."

As she spoke, she took out a jade box.

In recent months, Zhao's mother has used her own way to test this foreign girl.

Today, it seems that there is a result. Su Yurong made her decision: "Although Xiaohao never said it, I know that the boy is about to ascend. Like his father when he was young, he likes to go out and have no one. Stay with him. Take the things in this box and catch up with him as soon as possible. If you like it, go after him. You are a good girl. Don’t let auntie down."

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