The Path of Evolution

Chapter 342 Who is the King of Heaven?

On the top of the mountain stands a palace.

In the palace, there is a mirror.

The scene in the mirror is enough to make all human beings feel incredible.

The picture in the mirror was a young man walking on the black ladder, his eyes becoming more and more determined, exuding an indomitable Olympic spirit... Everyone on earth knew that young man's appearance, he was the so-called top first-order evolver. Zhao Hao.

In front of the mirror, stood a tall woman.

She wore a unique golden robe, which was extremely luxurious and had a noble temperament unique to the royal family. This woman is very tall, about 1.8 meters tall. The golden hair that was as dazzling as the sun was even more frighteningly long, at least more than two meters long, with the tips hanging to the ground, exuding a magical temptation.

The woman's appearance is even more peculiar. She has long golden hair, but she is not the kind of blonde beauty that people on earth are familiar with. Her facial features are different from those of Western women on Earth, and also different from those of Eastern women. To put it bluntly, she is not an Earthling. She is like one of those super-beautiful girls in anime, so beautiful that it makes people think she is not a real person.

A golden light emitted from the woman's pupils, creating a magical connection with the mirror.

In that scene, it was as if she was able to communicate with the figure in the mirror.

"You're not her!"

When a cold shout came from the person in the mirror, the woman in gold robe suddenly groaned and her body was shaking.

The young man in the mirror became more determined and strode forward towards the black ladder.


When he walked through the nine hundred steps, the woman in gold robe in front of the mirror could no longer restrain him and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

It was obvious that she had used some kind of heaven-defying secret technique, but it failed to achieve the desired effect and suffered backlash.

"Damn it!" the blonde woman yelled angrily. Her disheveled appearance was very ferocious, and her face became a little twisted and crazy. She asked herself something more complicated than "Who am I and why do I want to live?" Question: "When a mere ant soars, why do I want to stop him on a whim? Why, why do I feel that uneasy feeling in my heart? He is just a little reptile, why should I be afraid of him?"

At the same time, everyone in the second-level evolutionary world, whether human or demon, was attracted by a major event.

In every ancient city of the Demon King, all the wise creatures are paying attention to a towering stone tablet in the city. The stone tablet was engraved with mysterious tadpole inscriptions, and some of the characters on it were beating constantly.

This kind of stone tablet, called the title list, is found in every ancient monster city.

The ranking on the ban list is not static.

Some creatures are uniquely blessed by nature. Once they succeed in cultivation, they will receive a god-given title and their ranking will rise sharply. In addition, there is also a very practical way to challenge. For example, if a creature ranked 80th on the title list defeats a creature ranked 50th, then the former's ranking will be raised to 50th.

On this day of this month of this year, a mysterious creature named [King of Heaven] caused a sensation. His ranking started from the 100th place and kept rising, exploding the anus of the top creatures in front of him who had long been famous...

The ninetieth...

No. 50...

The 30th place...

The sky-rocketing speed of the King is jaw-dropping.

This situation has been extremely rare since the ban list began.

In recent years, such strange things have happened frequently.

The first was Mirage Emperor, who jumped directly to the first place. Then came King Bailu, which soared to ninth place. Nowadays, another king has emerged, and he has a strong tendency to enter the top ten.

Sure enough, the King of Heaven pushed the ninth King Bailu to the tenth place, and the ranking continued to rise.





Finally, at the sixth position, the king stopped.

"This world is going to be in chaos..."

Many thousand-year-old monsters in the ancient city made similar sighs.

The dust has settled, and the rankings of the latest round of account bans are as follows——

First: Mirage Emperor!

Second: Silver Fox King!

Third: Peacock King!

Fourth: King Dapeng!

Fifth: King of Brute Force!

Sixth: King of Heaven!

Seventh: Mermaid King!

Eighth: Blood Demon King!

Ninth: King of Ten Thousand Swords!

Tenth: King Bailu!

The Mermaid King, Blood Demon King, Ten Thousand Swords King, and Bailu King, who were originally ranked sixth to ninth, were pulled down one place. The most miserable one is the Scorpio King. I think he was ranked seventh back then, but because the Mermaid King came to power, he dropped to eighth. Later, the Mirage Emperor was born and dropped to ninth place. Later, King Bailu counterattacked and dropped to tenth. Good thing now, as soon as the King of Heaven comes out, the King of Scorpio falls directly out of the top ten.

The tenth place and the eleventh place are completely different concepts.

Usually people discuss the top ten, but no one thinks about who is in the eleventh place...

In this troubled time, no one has tried to detect the psychological shadow area of ​​​​Scorpio King. The high-level evolved creatures in major ancient cities are all thinking about a very profound question: Who is the King of Heaven?

Before the King of Heaven appeared on the title list, no one had ever heard of his name.

When he appeared, he was full of mystery.

Many old monsters speculate that the Heavenly King should be a monster that ascended from the lower world, and may be the star of hope for the monster clan.

Of course, some people don't see it that way.

In the second-level heavenly realm, there are hundreds of ancient demon king cities, the most famous of which is none other than Silver Fox City.

This ancient city was named after the Silver Fox King.

Before Mirage King ascended to the throne, Silver Fox King ranked first on the title list, and this ranking lasted for thousands of years. Even though the Silver Fox King is now downgraded to second place, the respect of countless demon clans for him has not diminished at all.

What is awe-inspiring about this demon king is not only his strength, but more importantly his wisdom and identity.

As the saying goes, the fox demon clan is as cunning as a fox. The fox demon clan is called the smartest group in the demon clan, and the Silver Fox King is known as the most wise man in the demon clan. He has solved many disputes within the demon clan and has a very high prestige.

The Silver Fox King also has another identity. He is the leader of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance in the second-order heaven. The Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons, who attained enlightenment as a nine-tailed celestial fox, takes great care of his fellow fox clan members, which can also be interpreted as nepotism. The upper echelons of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance are made up of the fox demon clan.

On the day of the big change in the title list, three distinguished guests were welcomed into Prince Silver Fox's residence.

One of the women was wearing a dazzling colorful dress. Her graceful and graceful figure was perfect, and her face was breathtakingly beautiful. Even her arrogant aura of disregarding the world's heroes seems to be taken for granted by others. She is the Peacock King, the superpower ranked third on the title list.

Another man wearing golden armor had a naturally hooked nose and eyes sharper than those of an eagle. He is the Dapeng King, ranked fourth on the title list, and is said to be the fastest demon king in the second-order heaven.

The third guest was a burly man with a sturdy back and a muscular body. He exuded a terrifying sense of power, as if he could destroy a mountain with just one move. He is known as the most powerful demon king in the second level heaven realm, the King of Brute Force.

On the main seat, there sat an old man in silver robes with white beard and hair. From a human perspective, he had the head of a deer and the eyes of a rat. He looked like a thief even if he didn't fight - the Silver Fox King.

These four demon kings have always been among the top five in the title list for more than a thousand years. Moreover, they have a high say in the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance. In layman's terms, they are the four standing committee members of the second-order evolutionary world.

It is no exaggeration to say that these four demon kings determine most affairs in the second-level heaven.

As long as it is something they jointly decide, no one can change it.

The Brute Force King's character is as simple and rough as his appearance. He is impatient. As soon as he enters the door, he yells: "The Mirage Emperor appears, the King of Heaven is in chaos...Old fox, could this prophecy be fulfilled?"

"This prophecy has been circulating for two thousand years. It's hard to tell whether it's true or not, so why make such a fuss." King Dapeng snorted coldly. He and King Brute Force were old enemies, and they always tried to push each other's backs every time they met.

"This is the prophecy left by the Lord. When will the Emperor make a mistake?" The Peacock King suddenly interjected.

As soon as she opened her mouth, King Dapeng was speechless.

King Brute Force said again: "Old fox, you are good at calculations, have you ever figured out the origin of the King of Heaven?"

"Not long ago, I had a fortune telling." The Silver Fox King looked like a very easy-going old man. He was not angry at being called an old fox. He said slowly: "The fortune tell is very vague. That king of heaven is probably not a demon."

"Is it the human race?" A ray of light flashed in King Dapeng's eyes.

"Fart, it's impossible for such a strong person to appear among those weak humans." King Brute Force looked down on humans, with deep contempt in his words, and said, "Could it be the remnants of the demon clan?"

"It's possible. There are still some remnants of the demon race in the first-order heaven realm that have not been cleaned up. It is reasonable for one or two outstanding ones to emerge." The Peacock King said.

"Peacock, you don't have to let other people's ambitions destroy your own prestige. It's only sixth on the title list, but it won't make much waves." King Dapeng was even more arrogant than King Peacock, and said with confidence: "So what if Mirage King ranks first? It’s not like we have to stay at the top of Longshan. The four of us work together and have no fear of any opponent!”

"That's wrong. The Mirage Emperor is dormant in Longshan, not because he is afraid of us." The Silver Fox King spoke slowly: "The Mirage Emperor appears, and the Heavenly King is in chaos... The Mirage Emperor has already understood a hint of heaven's secrets and is waiting for a certain opportunity. Now. Now The King of Heaven has come out, and the world will be in chaos, and I’m afraid we won’t have a stable life in the future.”

"Old fox, you are just cowardly. You are afraid of this and that all day long. You are afraid of the front and the back. You are so cowardly!" King Brute Force said angrily: "The King of Heaven has just ascended and is still young. Killing him would be like killing a dog. . Regardless of whether he is a human or a demon, and he is not one of my demon clan, his heart must be different. I will kill him now!"

"Old Xiong's words are reasonable. Solve this trouble as soon as possible and nip it in the bud." King Dapeng rarely unified his views with King Brute Force, and then revealed his truest intention: "There is also the Mirage Emperor, although there are monsters She is destined to be the emperor, but after all, she has only ascended recently, and her skills are not as good as mine. Rather than letting her stiffen her wings and ride on our heads to dominate us, it would be better..."

As he spoke, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

As soon as these words came out, both the Peacock King and the Brute Force King were a little moved.

The Mirage Emperor is currently dormant. The main reason is that after ascension, all aspects need to be improved. In another hundred years, when she has reached a certain level of cultivation, the four standing committee members may not be able to control her even if they join forces.

"The Mirage Emperor's ambition is not in the second-level heaven. She will ascend again sooner or later. You don't have to worry unfounded. The third-level heaven is the main battlefield of the Demon Emperor..." The Silver Fox King was very calm: "As for the heavenly king, before you enter, , the old man made a fortune. The location of the King of Heaven is roughly located in the land of the netherworld..."

"The Land of the Netherworld?" King Brute Force raised his eyebrows. Even though he was a super demon king, some places still made him wary. He immediately changed his tone and said, "Big Bird, you fly very fast and travel ninety thousand miles a day. The task of killing the King of Heaven is left to you!"

King Dapeng's face turned green, and the indescribable Blue Skinny Shiitake Mushroom said with a mournful face: "Well, now that the King of Heaven has arrived in the Netherworld, he won't live long without my taking action."

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