The Path of Evolution

Chapter 343 Titled magical power - Eyes of the Heavenly King!

Regarding Weiwei in front of him, Zhao Hao had difficulty distinguishing between true and false.

The reason why he cracked this game was because of a kind of trust.

He firmly believed that if Weiwei was really alive, she would either have gone to find him long ago or would be waiting for him somewhere. All in all, he would definitely not show up to cause trouble when he was ascending the 800 steps of the ladder.

Because of this belief, Zhao Hao continued to move towards the black ladder.

As he walked further and further away, Weiwei behind him became more and more blurry.

Once he was free of this illusion, nothing could stop him.

Nine hundred steps!

Level nine hundred and ninety-nine!

Qin Sheng and everyone on the drifting island breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Zhao Hao stepping into the sky door.

Soon the ladder disappeared, and so did the sky gate. When people on the beach came to their senses, someone took a video with a mobile phone or DV. When it was uploaded to the Internet, it would cause another round of sensation. So far, no images have recorded the process of human ascension. Zhao Ritian passively set a precedent.

Zhao Hao, who walked into the Sky Gate, was not immediately transported to a certain area of ​​the second-order evolutionary world.

He was wrapped in a thick black fog and could not see his fingers.

He could feel that the thick fog was carrying him flying non-stop, and he didn't know where he was going.

Strange to say, the thick mist contains extremely rich spiritual energy. A smell of it will make you energetic, and a breath of it will cure all diseases... Zhao Hao doesn't feel any hunger or thirst by swallowing and exhaling that spiritual energy.

At this moment, he is studying his own changes.

"Ascension is successful, combat power doubled..."

"Psychic ascension, life span increased by one hundred years..."

"Acquired the innate magical power: Heavenly King's Eye..."

Wave after wave of thoughts came, impacting Zhao Hao's nerves.

He could personally feel that he had undergone an essential change, or a qualitative leap.

Evolver: Zhao Hao

Title: King of Heaven

Second-order primitive gene: 0

Second-order rare genes: 0

Second-order variant genes: 0

Second-level psychic gene: 0

Combat strength: 2000

Spiritual power: 0

Life span: 190

Titled magical power: Eye of the Heavenly King

Gene lock:

1. Level A - Violent

2. SS level - elemental affinity

3. S level - Immortal Golden Body

Evolution: Nine Heavens, Chaos Sutra!

Combat skills:

1. Crazy fighting swordsmanship, S-level combat skills (capped)!

2. Wuji Nine Transformations, A-level combat skills, current evolutionary energy is 862369/1 million!

Spirituality: None yet

Sure enough, as Jin Chaozui and Zou Batian said, after ascending, their combat power doubled to two thousand.

Generally, people who mutate and ascend can increase their lifespan by a decade. Human beings who are psychically ascended can increase their life span by one hundred years. Zhao Hao had failed to evolve continuously, experienced the embarrassment of only having a few years left to live, and understood the value of lifespan better than others. Now that the upper limit of his life span has reached one hundred and ninety years, he can live a leisurely and leisurely time.

"King of Heaven?"

Zhao Hao was a little surprised by his new account.

In the past, his titles were nothing more than [Original Evolved, Rare Evolved, Mutated Evolved], which didn't sound outstanding, and was no different from Passerby A or Song Bingyi.

It's different now. It feels like a daughter-in-law has become a mother-in-law after many years of marriage. The title of Heavenly King is different at first sight. He is simply handsome yet unrestrained, elegant yet slightly elegant, and elegant yet slightly domineering.

"Since I have been given innate magical powers, I should be ranked in the top 100 of the title list. How high is my ranking?"

Zhao Hao noticed a detail and was very curious.

Jin Chaozui, Zou Jiannan, and Wan Shitong have all learned about him. The creatures in the top 100 of the second-level title list will definitely be able to obtain the title magical power, which is equivalent to the effect of an extra gene lock.

Zhao Hao obtained the title magical power and successfully entered the top 100 on the title list.

It's a pity that the title list stands in the ancient cities of the major demon kings. At the moment, Zhao Hao is still shrouded in that thick fog, unable to find his direction in life. He has no chance to see the title list with his own eyes for the time being.

He studied the so-called [Heavenly King's Eye] and found that this thing was a bit special. It didn't have attribute introduction like the gene lock, and it didn't convey any ideas. He had to explore it by himself.

Regarding eye pupils, Master Zhao also has experience.

He once had the Night Walker, a giant mantis that could become invisible and had magical compound eyes, which helped him a lot. Before his ascension, he gave the Night Walker to the Bitch Dragon. This thing particularly suited the Bitch Dragon's obscene style.

There is also the Eye of Life and Death of the Blood Demon Sword Demon, which also relies on its eyes to detect all things. It can be understood as a kind of [Eye Technique].

After accumulating all this experience, it was not very difficult for Zhao Hao to study the King's Eye.

After some exploration, he initially discovered a function of the King's Eye.

If the compound eye of the dark night is a slow-motion replay, and the pupil of birth and death is an illusion that can be broken, then the eye of the king is a trace back to the origin.

When he used his Heavenly King's Eyes, he suddenly saw through the dense essence. It was a mist formed by strange energy, with a guiding effect. It seemed to be controlled by a powerful creature and wanted to guide Zhao Hao to a certain place.

With this discovery, Zhao Hao broke into a cold sweat.

In fact, when he ascended, he felt something was wrong. The gate that appeared in the sky looked too much like a giant beast from the wild. The mysterious ladder burning with black flames also reveals an evil spirit. But he had no choice but to shoot as the arrow was on the string. There was no turning back, otherwise he would have given up on his ascension.

"Is that giant beast going to pick me up and eat me in one bite?"

Zhao Hao had a suspicion and his pressure suddenly doubled.

But it’s already here, so there’s no point worrying about it.

He carries forward the bachelor's spirit and takes care of himself as soon as he comes.

After an unknown number of days, the thick fog began to descend.


Zhao Hao landed lightly on the ground, and the thick fog surrounding him dissipated.

Zhao Hao raised his eyes and looked around, thinking about MMP in his heart, but he didn't know whether to say it or not.

I remember when he first entered the evolutionary world and was randomly teleported to the Endless Forest. There was food and drink there, and it was considered a blessed place. But now, there are dark and bare hills all around. There are no flowers, grass or trees, no wild fruits and animals to satisfy hunger, and no mountain springs and streams to quench thirst.

Ordinary people who don't eat or drink for a week are basically dead. Although the second-level evolvers are stronger, they can only last for two weeks at most, which is far from reaching the legendary level of inescaping.

What Zhao Hao is currently thinking about is not how to defy the heavens, but about very down-to-earth things: food and drinking water.

When he first entered the first-level evolutionary world, at least he still had a set of clothes, a big black dog beside him, and he also picked up the biscuits and cans left by Bi Dejin. And now...several things in the sea of ​​consciousness have each transformed into a cocoon of light and entered a state of collective evolution. It is not known when or what month they will be able to evolve successfully.

Zhao Hao was naked from head to toe, with no clothes, shoes, combat uniform, and no space to store props.

This kind of true nothingness made Zhao Ritian, who was naked, shed tears in his heart.

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