The Path of Evolution

Chapter 348 Xiao Zhao Flying Knife

To say that Zhao Hao's ascension failed, this theory cannot withstand scrutiny.

First, his combat power doubled.

Secondly, he obtained the title of Divine Power, the Eye of the Heavenly King.

Unless this was all an illusion, everything he experienced was an illusion arranged by a peerless powerful man.

Zhao Hao had a vague idea. The Gale Rabbit and Golden Civet Cat he met were really incredible. Such strange things that are impossible to encounter in reality can only appear in dreams or illusions.

Just when he was confused, the golden civet cat took action.

He kept his standing posture, waved his front paws, and immediately unleashed his ultimate move.

Zhao Hao was startled. After all, the Gale Rabbit needed about a second to cast a spell, but the golden raccoon cat only took half a second to release the spiritual power flying knife, which was equivalent to a prompt skill.

The Gengjin Flying Knife moved at an outrageous speed.

The reason why the blast bullet is fast is because the blast rabbit has the wind attribute, which has an innate speed bonus.

The reason why the Gengjin Flying Knife is fast is only because of one thing: power!

In the football world, there is a saying: Miracles come from hard work.

As long as the player shoots hard enough, the ball will fly fast enough. There are some famous sluggers in football who shoot the ball at a speed exceeding 150 kilometers per hour.

The operating principle of Gengjin Flying Knife also works wonders with great force.

The golden civet cat has innate metal properties and is born with an unstoppable power of Geng metal. This kind of power is similar to a magic weapon that can sharpen iron like clay, and is extremely sharp.

The flying knives transformed by this power are powerful enough and the rate of fire is astonishingly fast.

In the valley, a figure flashed.

Zhao Hao used all his strength to avoid the golden flying knife that could kill him instantly.

He dodged twice in a row, but still couldn't avoid the fatal flying knife.

The reason why spiritual art is spiritual art is because it has spirituality.

The transparent beads spat out by the Gale Rabbit are relatively single and attack in a straight line like bullets. The golden civet cat's flying knife has already taken a high-end route and can actually turn in mid-air...

That thing was like a tracking missile. It would chase wherever Zhao Hao ran.

Even though Zhao Hao reached a speed of forty meters per hour, and even though he had an instinct for prediction, it was still very difficult to dodge.


The Gengjin flying knife turned the third corner and flew past, grazing his scalp.

A few strands of short hair fluttered in the wind and fell to the ground.

Zhao Hao was sweating all over his body, as if he was just one centimeter away, his life would be in danger.

God knows, the limit of the Gengjin Flying Knife is to make three turns.

After three changes in the air, the deadly flying knife turned into golden light spots and dissipated in the wind.


The golden civet cat screamed strangely, looking very angry.

It is not as cheap as the Gale Rabbit, its nature is quite simple and direct, and it follows a simple and unpretentious route. After a failed move, the golden civet cat waved its front paws again, and another Gengjin flying knife whizzed out.

At that moment, the confused creature turned into a golden civet cat.

It saw the human across from him raise a middle finger, and on the tip of the middle finger, a white-gold flying knife emerged. Except for the difference in color, the throwing knife is almost exactly the same as its signature skill.

Bang bang bang!

The white-gold and gold-colored flying knives seemed to have eyes, colliding fiercely in mid-air.

That scene was like a flying sword fight made with special effects in a fairy tale movie, it was dazzling.

The flying knives in the air collided three times in a row, each chasing the other in a roundabout way.

After the third violent collision, the two flying knives turned into light spots and dissipated at the same time.


Zhao Hao looked up to the sky and laughed, looking so awesome that he almost flew up.

He was not sure about the properties of the golden civet cat, so he took a gamble with the mentality of giving it a try.

Copy the opponent's routine through the King's Eye, and after a try, the results are gratifying.

After all, he has a high-level affinity with metal, so it's not too easy to simulate metal properties.

And he has rich experience in this area.

He had studied the golden dragon's probing claw move for a long time before he ascended, and he knew the move with this attribute very well. Now it has been changed to Gengjin Flying Knife, which essentially changes the soup without changing the medicine. It has a high-end and skillful performance when used.

Legend has it that there is a copycat version that is even better than the original version.

This is what the ancients said, and some apprentices develop better than their masters.

The flying knife like the golden civet cat has a maximum range of about 150 meters. And Zhao Hao used the platinum flying knife released by the high-level golden affinity to have a maximum range of 200 meters, almost catching up with the sniper rifle.

In fact, the platinum flying knife he used was more agile and elegant than the golden civet cat's flying knife.


The golden civet cat roared, as if he was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

The Geng Gold Flying Knife can be said to be its unique skill.

Now there is actually a human who has used the same trick. It is not difficult to imagine the psychological shadow of this civet cat.

In anger, it launched a faster and more powerful Gengjin flying knife.

"Monster, look at my little Zhao flying knife!"

Zhao Hao is high-spirited and has a sense of familiarity with Li Xunhuan, the idol of his generation.

Seeing that the opponent had stolen his own trick and dared to be so arrogant, the golden civet cat was so angry that he was internally injured. Its mood at the moment was like the Supreme Treasure in Journey to the West: You stole my grapes and you still attack my mother?

It controlled the Gengjin flying knife, gave up the collision with the opponent's flying knife, and directly attacked Zhao Hao's heart.

Zhao Hao wanted this effect. The platinum flying knife also did not collide with the opponent and flew towards the golden civet cat's head.

At this moment, Zhao Ritian only wanted to say one word: Dear viewers, show-time!

His body was filled with a layer of golden light from head to toe, and every inch of his body was filled with a dazzling metallic sheen.

The shining golden appearance resembles the golden Arhat in Buddhist murals.

Immortal golden body!

Zhao Hao kept doing nothing and turned on this life-saving gene lock, which only lasted for 10 seconds.

He got a double insurance and moved his body a little.

The civet cat's Gengjin flying knife hit the center of his chest, missing his heart.

Zhao Hao only felt a slight tingling sensation and was immediately full of confidence in the immortal golden body.

The golden civet cat was not in such a good mood. It was shocked to see that its powerful flying knife only made a white mark on the man's body, not even a minor wound.

At the same time, the opponent's platinum flying knife was close to its head.

The golden civet cat truly unlocked the existence of five genetic locks, showing its extraordinary qualities.

In the martial arts world, a common saying is used to describe a warrior who is agile: as agile as a civet cat...

A golden afterimage appeared in the sky, and the golden civet cat showed off three consecutive flashes, easily avoiding the platinum flying knife.

After all, it is very familiar with the trajectory of the flying knife, and it is flexible enough, so it is not difficult to dodge.

Zhao Hao was not surprised at all by this, he was just doing a preliminary test.

Next, is the real show of Tihua.

Before the golden civet cat could launch another offensive, it suddenly became extremely humane and froze for a moment.

In mid-air, two platinum flying knives appeared.

You read that right, two!

The two flying knives were in tandem, forming a pincer attack.

"Meow woo woo..."

The golden civet cat was forced to jump up and down by the two flying knives and screamed strangely.

The sound it made seemed to be asking: You... how did you do it?

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