The Path of Evolution

Chapter 349 Ancient Beast Pattern

Releasing two vitality flying knives at once is undoubtedly a show-off.

Zhao Hao originally had a sudden idea to try it out, but he didn't expect that he would be enchanted by it.

There are actually traces of this kind of cool operation.

First of all, high-level gold affinity comes with very powerful bonus effects.

Secondly, on the second level of the Nine Heavens, the five elements belong to gold.

Don’t forget that the first two levels of Zhao Hao’s Nine Heavens have already reached Great Consummation!

When he was running the second level of the Golden Technique, simulating the metal spirit technique, it was so easy to use his arms and fingers.

The two flickering flying knives put tremendous pressure on the golden civet cat.

It was clumsy from left to right, dodging in front but not behind, and was about to be hit.

Suddenly, the golden civet cat huddled up like a hedgehog, its body shining with golden light.


Two flying knives hit it like a kitchen knife hitting a steel plate.

There is no doubt that the golden civet cat has unlocked an active defense gene lock, similar to the immortal golden body.

As expected of an awesome creature with five gene locks unlocked, this civet cat has more trump cards than Zhao Hao.

Zhao Ritian, who was at the Dihua Show, felt a little confused.

He was not sure how long the golden civet cat's defensive genetic lock could last. If it lasted for more than ten seconds, he wouldn't be able to handle it. The immortal golden body he currently has activated only has seven or eight seconds left.

Zhao Hao suddenly released two platinum flying knives.

Controlling two flying knives at the same time is his current limit.

In the second-level evolutionary world, there is something called [spiritual consciousness], which Westerners call spiritual power. The stronger the evolver's spiritual power, the stronger his spiritual consciousness. Zhao Hao currently has no spiritual power, and his spiritual consciousness relies entirely on the blessing of vitality. According to his personal exploration, when his spiritual consciousness reaches a certain level, it is possible to release five flying knives or even ten flying knives at once.


Each platinum flying knife attacked the golden civet cat several times in succession, but still could not hurt it at all.

Zhao Hao's eyes widened and he carefully observed the changes in the internal structure of the golden civet cat. He came up with a bolder guess: If he simulated the golden civet cat's aura movement technique at this time, could he secretly learn the opponent's powerful defensive gene lock? ability?

If you can learn it secretly, that would be incredible.

At this time, the golden civet cat's body is like one of the hardest metals in myths and legends...geng gold.

The defensive power of this hardness is no less than that of the immortal golden body.

Unfortunately, his suspicions were shattered by reality.

After the golden civet cat opened the gene lock, a mist shrouded its body.

Zhao Hao's eyes were sore from staring at him, and he couldn't see the opponent's tactics.

He finally understood that even the King of Heaven could not see through things like gene locks.


Zhao Hao fired two more flying knives and chased and beat him fiercely.

He firmly believed that the golden civet cat's genetic lock would not last too long.

Once the defensive gene lock fails, his Xiao Zhao flying knife can pose a fatal threat to the civet cat.

At this moment, the huddled golden raccoon cat suddenly moved.

It was struck by six flying knives, delayed for about five seconds, and then used a big move!

Generally speaking, in the evolutionary world, ultimate moves that require five seconds of charging are very scary.

For example, Zhao Hao's sword-drawing and slashing skills were once his trump card for making a fortune. As long as he is given five seconds to build up his momentum, the huge sword light he releases will amaze the audience every time.

I saw that the civet cat was covered in golden light, erupting with a soul-trembling aura.

Again, he is indeed an awesome creature with five genetic locks unlocked, and he has no friends at all. The first two gene locks of animals and plants are generally passive effects, often passively increasing defense or speed. After reaching the third gene lock, it is likely to be an active effect. This kind of creature with five gene locks cannot be killed casually. It can activate various heaven-defying gene locks at the slightest disagreement.

Seeing the golden civet cat's ultimate move, Zhao Hao felt a chill go down his spine.

A golden flying knife ten meters long and three meters wide suddenly fell from the sky.

That's no longer a flying knife, it's a super big knife no matter how you look at it.

There is no doubt that the golden civet cat has opened another gene lock that increases power, and the power of the giant sword in front of him has increased several times.

The golden broadsword seemed to have eyes as it slashed straight at Zhao Haotian's spirit cap!

Zhao Hao activated his body skills to the extreme and dodged several times in a row, but still could not escape the lock of the giant sword.

That was the reason for the shivers down his spine. At this moment, he felt that his life was in danger.

The last move of the blood-charming sword demon's killing sword technique is known as the sure-hit sword.

This sword can break through space barriers and lock onto the target, making it impossible for the opponent to dodge.

The ultimate move that the golden civet cat used seemed to have a [sure hit] effect.

It's a long story, but the golden sword fell from the sky with just a flick of the finger.

Zhao Hao gritted his teeth and went to catch the big knife that was coming towards his head.

Although the lasting effect of the Immortal Golden Body was still there, he still had a sense of crisis in his heart.

At this moment, he only regretted that he did not practice Tietou Gong hard...


The giant knife in the air hit Zhao Hao right in the head.

Zhao Hao's whole body seemed to be shorter in an instant, like a wooden stake driven into the soil.

He felt like the world was spinning, and there were stars in his eyes, and he couldn't tell the difference between north, south, west, and east.

The immortal golden body was worthy of being an S-class gene lock, blocking the physical damage caused by the giant sword, but the sequelae caused by the huge impact force still made Zhao Hao feel overwhelmed. It's like you are wearing an iron helmet and someone hits your head with a wooden hammer. Although the helmet is not broken, the impact is enough to give you a concussion.

Zhao Hao's mind was in a mess, and several things that were evolving in the sea of ​​consciousness were also affected.

One of the things moved strangely.

The cocoon of light that wrapped the ancient beast soul suddenly dissipated, and the red panda Abao jumped out, conveying such a sentiment: Mother Xipi, who dares to disturb me from sleeping in?

Among the various treasures collected by Zhao Hao, the ancient beast soul can be said to evolve the fastest. Sometimes it can be evolved in just half a day, and sometimes it only takes a few days. It's the same this time. Less than a week after Zhao Hao arrived in the second-level evolutionary world, the red panda Abao has already completed his evolution.

Soon after, two groups of light, one black and one white, appeared above Zhao Hao's head, forming a Tai Chi diagram.

As soon as the black and white Tai Chi diagram appeared, the golden giant sword was like a moth flying into the flame, turning into countless golden ash.

A majestic red panda walked out of the Tai Chi diagram, but had no intention of participating in the battle, as if it could not afford to lose this person by joining a battle of this level. Its body changed rapidly, and it actually got into Zhao Hao's wrist, forming a tattoo-like panda pattern.

"The ancient beast soul evolved into the ancient beast pattern..."

"Ancient beast pattern: a passive attribute tattoo that permanently doubles the host's combat power and spiritual power, and can evolve again..."

After the evolution, Po is overall not as good as before. In the past, red pandas had a team aura and the ability to be a treasure hunter. Now the team halo is gone, and it is only useful to Zhao Hao alone.

However, this thing can continue to evolve and new features should be enabled in the future.

Zhao Hao didn't have time to think about it. The top priority was to deal with the domineering golden civet cat.

"Come on, let's have a taste of my decisive killing side!"

Zhao Hao shouted loudly, and two platinum flying knives flew out.

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