The Path of Evolution

Chapter 351 Changes in Aoki Blade

"A primitive creature that unlocks three gene locks is a rare creature?"

Zhao Hao murmured to himself, thoughtfully.

The area he was in was different from the second-order evolutionary world mentioned by Zou Batian and others. The experience summarized by his predecessors is not suitable for him. Now he can only explore on his own and open up an evolutionary path that suits him.

"Is this the best monster in the game?"

Zhao Hao remembered an online game he had played before. There was a kind of top-level monster hidden among some ordinary monsters, and there was a chance of revealing small top-level equipment.

"According to this, the golden civet cat is also a rare creature. It's a pity that nothing was revealed."

Zhao Hao felt deeply regretful, and the moment he killed the golden civet cat, he activated the White Deer Auspiciousness.

He had a strange feeling that after entering the second-level evolutionary world, the blessing effect of White Deer Xiangrui seemed to be weakened. If Bailu Xiangrui increased the explosion rate by 50% before, the increase now is less than 20%.

"There must be rare creatures in this place. Don't worry, sooner or later a spiritual weapon will explode."

Zhao Hao cheered himself up, which was considered joy in suffering.

The weapons and armor of the first-level evolutionary world are collectively called combat uniforms.

The weapons and equipment of the second-level evolutionary world are known as spiritual weapons.

The main function of the so-called spiritual weapon is to increase spiritual power and spiritual skills.

The next day, Zhao Hao roasted the golden civet cat again and divided it into several portions to eat frugally.

When he had nothing to do, he studied Xiao Zhao Fei Dao. This kind of copycat version of spiritual magic has no grade, and it is difficult to distinguish what grade it is. Fortunately, Zhao Hao had a reference point. The blast bullets sprayed by the blast rabbit were judged to be D-level by the King's Eye. According to this calculation, the Gengjin flying knife, which is more powerful than the blast bullets, is at least a D-level item.

"D-level spiritual arts are already so sharp, aren't those advanced spiritual arts going to heaven?"

Zhao Hao has a longing for the second-level evolutionary world and is eager to meet masters from all walks of life.

When the colorful beam of light first arrived, the first batch of humans who entered it, those with E-level combat skills, were all very popular. For example, in the Guitou Gang of that era, rare evolvers who had learned E-level combat skills could serve as elders.

Now that Zhao Hao is still in his infancy in the second-level evolutionary world, having D-level spiritual skills is already very good.

Compared with many human beings who became slaves, Zhao Hao's starting point was not low.

"I searched for this pool for several days before I found it. It should be a relatively rare water source within a few hundred miles. There must be animals coming here to drink water... Well, it looks like I'm back to my old job."

Zhao Hao is planning for the future and has no plans to go exploring for the time being.

He adopted the old routine: squat at the water source and wait for various animals to come to his door.

Recalling the days when he and Dahei stayed by the spring pool, Zhao Hao felt a lot. Time flies, he hasn't done this kind of thing for three years, and he has a feeling of "I haven't been a big brother for many years".

On August 8, 2017, Zhao Hao celebrated his 24th birthday.

According to ancient Chinese customs, Zhao Ritian at this age has entered his zodiac year.

On this day, in Villa No. 6, Moon Bay, Zhonghai, Zhao Zhicheng and his wife prepared a table of meals with sad faces.

As night fell, Father Zhao said, "Don't wait, that child won't come back today."

"The child's father, it's almost half a year old. Do you think something will happen to our son?" Su Yurong said worriedly. Her son traveled thousands of miles and the mother was worried. She was waiting for her son to come home every day. I even cooked a sumptuous meal today, looking forward to my son coming home for his birthday. But when it got dark, there was still no sign of Zhao Hao.

"Don't be so arrogant. This is Xiao Hao's birth year, so be careful of the good and the bad." Zhao Zhicheng complained, and comforted: "I think back then, when our son was born in sports, he had full mutation genes in half a year, and he was better than the ancient warriors. He is even more powerful than the special forces. This time he ascended to the top and became a top first-order super evolved person. With such a high starting point, there must be no problem. Put your heart back in your stomach. Maybe he has become a great master in the second-order evolutionary world now. I’m thinking of visiting an ancient city before returning to my country.”

"Is it that easy? I heard that everything is difficult in the second-level evolutionary world. Humans can be captured by monsters and become slaves if they are not careful." Su Yurong became even more worried.

"You should think of the worst. Fatty Zhang once said that those who became slaves were teleported back to the country. Our son has not come back for half a year, which means that he is not a slave and is still fighting guerrillas with monsters." Dad Zhao said. Very sensible.

"But it's been less than half a year since he ascended. Can he fight those monsters?" Zhao's mother always had various worries.

"You, mother-in-law, are you done yet?" Father Zhao said he couldn't hold on any longer: "When the child grows up, he can't control his mother. He has his own path to take. It's useless for you to worry about it all day long. Let's live our own lives. Just take good care of your health and wait until your son comes back. Don't get depressed and sick like last time and become as thin as a stick. How worried will it be to see Xiao Hao when he comes back?"

Su Yurong was speechless. She lowered her head and sent a message to Annie on her mobile phone: Girl, how long do you have until you reach spiritual ascension?

A few minutes later, Annie replied: Soon.

Same time, different place.

Zhao Hao sat by the pool, staring at the sunset in the sky in a daze.

"Is it because of all the bad luck in this year?"

Zhao Hao's tone was very lonely, and his eyes were a bit doubtful about life.

For half a year, he used the waterfall pool as his base camp and searched for a way out. As a result, he failed countless times. This area seemed to have no end. Zhao Hao checked all the maps thousands of miles away in all directions, but could not find a road leading to the outside world.

What's even worse is that he has been living a miserable life of being full and hungry.

This area is very strange. Most of the creatures that appear there are small creatures, the heaviest of which does not exceed fifty kilograms.

Zhao Hao sometimes had to wait for several days before he could get a beast to come to drink water.

The longest time, he waited for eighteen days.

If he hadn't hidden some life-saving barbecue, he would have starved to death.

As the saying goes, you have eaten your last meal but not your next one, and that is what he is talking about.

For a while, Zhao Hao dreamed of meeting an eight hundred kilogram wild boar, enough to feed him for a month.

Not all animals that come to drink water are rare species.

The barbecue he had eaten a few times had not added any genes at all.

This kind of life is indeed like hell mode for Zhao Hao.

He has never played a single-player game for so long. Living alone in a place where birds don't lay eggs for a long time, the loneliness is enough to drive people crazy. Even humans who have become slaves can at least communicate and say a few words with the demons who have strong language skills. In the past six months, Zhao Hao had no one to talk to, so he could only talk to himself to relieve his boredom.

"It's time to change into a pair of prosperous red pants!"

Zhao Hao brewed and brewed, his thoughts were sublimated, and he brewed such a crystallization of thoughts.

He pulled out a piece of sun-dried scarlet animal skin and tied it randomly around his waist.

The messy hair and the dazzling red animal skin apron are similar to those of the Crazy Croods.

The man who changed into red pants suddenly changed his mind.

An evolving thing in the sea of ​​consciousness has undergone tremendous changes.

That thing is the Aoki Blade that has evolved for a long time!

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