The Path of Evolution

Chapter 352 Secret Treasure of Water Curtain Cave

Zhao Hao's body was filled with a soft green light.

The light is like a dead tree blooming into spring, full of vitality and vitality.

After a moment, something flew out from Zhao Hao's eyebrows.

It was a sky-blue scholar's shirt with a simple shape.

"Weapons actually turned into clothes?"

Zhao Hao was dumbfounded. He never expected that the evolution rhythm of the Aoki Blade would be so extraordinary.

He put on the cyan scholar's shirt, just like the Aoki Blade back then, but he didn't realize that this thing had any properties.

"Well, I must have opened it the wrong way. This thing has evolved and it definitely has properties. After I take a bath, wash it, and pray sincerely, I will try the effect of this dress."

Zhao Hao attaches great importance to the azure gown because the original Aoki Blade was looked down upon by the Mirage Emperor.

Although he couldn't understand the reason, he could imagine that this thing was unusual.

The waterfall pool, which changed during this time, formed a gourd shape.

The larger part is still the original water pool. The smaller part was dug out by Zhao Hao himself, and he also dug a ditch to bring the water from the pond.

This small pool is his bath.

If you jumped into the original pool to take a bath and then drank the water in it, the taste would be too strong.

Zhao Hao soaked in the bath and washed himself, as if this could activate the properties of the blue gown.

There is no way, you have to understand his current state. Being alone in this lonely world, the boredom and pain in the balls have long been beyond the horizon. For a few days, Zhao Hao was so bored that he counted the number of fallen leaves in the valley.

"Lonely... No, not lonely!"

Zhao Hao felt this and suddenly changed his tune.

There is a reason for this change of mouth.

Don't forget that he still has three inner demons that he has yet to deal with.

In the past six months, the Flame Demon Xia Liuge appeared six times.

The inner demon comes out once a month on average, which also allows Zhao Hao to figure out the rules.

The first time Xia Liuge appeared that year was because Zhao Hao and Dahei reunited and chased him for several days, but Dahei still left him. At that time, Zhao Hao felt indescribably empty, lonely and cold. Weiwei left and Dahei also left. That feeling made him extremely lonely.

It was that night that the Balrog possessed him for the first time.

Later, Zhao Hao went to the Tower of Life and Death to find his father, and the family was reunited. The loneliness in his heart was much less, and Xia Liuge never appeared again.

And after he ascended, one can imagine the loneliness he endured in this hellish place where birds do not lay eggs.

Whenever he feels lonely as snow, or empty and cold, Xia Liuge will appear.

After understanding the rules, Zhao Hao became more vigilant. He worked hard day and night, trying to keep himself in an optimistic mental state and not give his inner demons a chance to take advantage of him.

He didn't know what Xia Liuge, the flame demon, did every time he appeared.

But he had an intuition: possessed by inner demons, he probably wouldn't do anything good.

"After all, I am a man with two hundred spiritual powers, and my leveling speed is much faster than that of Jin Chaozui."

Zhao Hao soaked in the bathtub, forcibly brushing off his sense of superiority.

Evolver: Zhao Hao

Title: King of Heaven

Second-order original genes: 50

Second-level rare genes: 25

Second-order variant genes: 0

Second-level psychic gene: 0

Combat strength: 2000

Spiritual power: 100

Life span: 190

Titled magical power: Eye of the Heavenly King

Gene lock:

1. Level A - Violent

2. SS level - elemental affinity

3. S level - Immortal Golden Body

Evolution: "Nine Heavens", "Chaos Sutra"

Combat skills:

1. Crazy fighting swordsmanship, S-level combat skills (capped)

2. Wuji Nine Transformations, A-level combat skills, current evolutionary energy 886295/1 million

Spiritual Skill: Xiao Zhao Flying Knife

After working hard for half a year, Zhao Hao only got 50 points of original genes and 25 points of rare genes.

The spiritual power formula of the second-level evolutionary world is no different from that of the first-level evolutionary world. One point of original gene is equal to one point of spiritual power, and one point of rare gene is equal to two points of spiritual power. By analogy, the full level of second-level psychic power should be one thousand points of spiritual power.

Zhao Hao's total spiritual power is only 100 points.

The reason why it is called two hundred spiritual powers is because the ancient beast pattern doubles the bonus, with 4000 combat power and 200 spiritual power.

Back then, when Zhao Hao was in the first-level evolutionary world, his mutant genes reached full value in half a year. Now when I compare them, I can see how superior they are. I have to lament how frustrating the difficulty mode of the second-order evolutionary world is.

After possessing spiritual power, the Xiao Zhao Fei Dao he used was even sharper.

This sharpness made him feel lonely because he could not find an opponent for a long time.

Not to mention opponents, it is not easy to encounter even a creature that can breathe.

After washing, Zhao Hao put on the cyan scholar's shirt, with his long hair flying, and he had the vague master style of the mid-blue shirt.

However, he still hasn't figured out the properties of that blue shirt.

At this time, you need to adjust yourself.

A man who enjoys hardship can always get a happy G-spot.

"MMP, finally we have an authentic fig leaf!"

Zhao Hao's eyes were moist and he seemed very moved.

To be fair, he had been in the second-order heaven for half a year, and today he put on real clothes for the first time.

"According to Wong Kar-wai's logic, the distance between me and a master is only a pair of shoes..."

Zhao Hao is conducting divine expansion and researching new topics.

In the movie "Ashes of Time", Ouyang Feng's criteria for judging a master are mainly based on whether the opponent is wearing shoes. That day, young Hong Qigong appeared wearing a pair of straw sandals, looking so different, fresh and refined...

Zhao Ritian, whose balls were so painful, actually accepted this setting, feeling that all he needed in his life was a pair of shoes.

He stood in the valley and posed in the wind, and was suddenly attracted by a fish.

In the larger pool, a fish jumped out of the water. It seemed to be startled by Zhao Hao at the edge of the pool. Suddenly, it did a full Thomas Spin in mid-air and jumped behind the waterfall.

"There are actually fish in the water?"

Zhao Hao was shocked. He had been stationed here for half a year and had never found any fish, shrimps or crabs in the pool.

It’s not his fault. After all, he regards the waterhole as a place to drink water and save his life. It’s impossible for him to jump in naked and catch fish. If I don't catch it, I will be terrified if I drink the water in it every day.

Zhao Hao can't control that much now. He hasn't eaten for two days and is in urgent need of supplementary food.

The fish that jumped out of the water weighed at least four or five pounds, which was enough for him to have a full meal.

There was a flash of green light, and Zhao Hao's whole body shot behind the waterfall.

He was prepared to fall into the water, but once he got in, he was miraculously grounded.

Behind the waterfall, there is a cave.

Zhao Hao wiped the water droplets from his hair and thought of the holy place he most longed for in his childhood: Huaguo Mountain and Water Curtain Cave.

Behind the waterfall is an inconspicuous mountain wall, which is why Zhao Hao didn't pay attention to this place before. But at the angle where the current is the most turbulent and just blocks the outside view, there is another mystery.

There is a half-meter-wide stone crack on the mountain wall.

Zhao Hao walked along the crack in the stone and saw a long and narrow passage.

After walking a hundred meters along the passage, we reached the end, where there was a stone room.

Zhao Hao walked to the door of the stone chamber and saw a dazzling light.

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