The Path of Evolution

Chapter 553 Domineering President 666

"Junior sister, hurry up, the saints of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance are coming!"

Hearing this, the woman in green became serious.

She took a deep breath and asked: "Senior brother, there are two saints in the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, namely the Yaoguang Saint and the Destiny Saint. Which one are you talking about?"

Gu Chen smiled bitterly and said: "The Yaoguang saints have been ascending for many years. Of course I am talking about the destiny saints!"

The woman in Tsing Yi showed shock for the first time, just like an ordinary person who happened to meet the Secretary-General of the United Nations when he went to the public toilet and couldn't help but feel shocked.

The two of them rested for a while and then flew towards the distance at high speed, with the intention of getting as far away from the Emperor's Palace as possible.

During the retreat, Gu Chen looked up at the sky from time to time, his solemn expression never dissipating.

The sky he looked at was blue, no different from a normal sky.

Thousands of feet high in the sky, within the clouds that are difficult to see through with the naked eye, there is a huge island suspended.

The area of ​​the island exceeds 10,000 square kilometers, no less than the municipalities of China.

On the island, there are appearances paved with ancient strange stones and a city.

There are magnificent palaces standing in the city, just like the heavenly palace in fairy tales.

On the high city wall, there was a girl in a white dress sitting. She had no shoes on, her two white and tender feet were dangling, and she was not afraid of falling from the top of the city.

The girl held a beautifully bound book in her hands.

Anyone on earth will be shocked when they see this book, because it is just an ordinary book printed in China. As we all know, if anything without spirituality is brought into the second-order heaven, it will break into powder on the spot. How did the girl bring the book in front of her?

The cover of that book is very ecstatic. A girl full of hanging silk is lying in the arms of a cold male god. Next to it is written in a sexy font - "Overbearing President 666: Little Assistant GOGOGO"...

The girl was fascinated by the book and was infected by the stories in the book.

She had a low point of laughter and tears. Sometimes she laughed like a silver bell, and sometimes she cried and wiped away tears. Her emotions were affected by the plot in the book.

After a long time, she shifted.

I don’t know how the girl acted. She was originally sitting on the city wall, but she mysteriously landed on the edge of the suspended island hundreds of miles away.

She stood on the edge of the island, not afraid of falling at all, overlooking the earth from a distance of thousands of feet.

A normal person standing at such a height would not be able to see anything on the ground, but the girl seemed to have a panoramic view of everything in the world.

She saw Gu Chen flying by, and she chuckled: "Kunlun disciple, that's all."

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Gu Chen flying by at this moment was fleeing.

Although the Primordial Chaos used by Zhao Hao before was powerful, Gu Chen still had a way to resolve it. Moreover, he judged that Zhao Hao could not use such a big move a few times. What really made Gu Chen fearful was the coercion coming from deep in the sky. The looming suppression made his inner breath flow sluggishly, and his heart was in turmoil.

According to the sect's secret information, Gu Chen had already guessed who was releasing the pressure in the sky.

He kept in mind the admonitions of his elders, as long as he encountered that existence, he would run as far as he could.

"The Destiny Saints are indeed well-deserved... This method of suppressing them from a distance and taking things lightly is not inferior to the master's uncle. The Destiny Saints have come early and late, but they have entered the game at this time. What is the meaning of this? The world is probably going to be in chaos."

Gu Chen had escaped hundreds of miles away, and his heart could not be calm for a long time.

On the Hanging Island, the gaze of the girl in white shifted to the woman in green.

"is her?"

The girl looked at the woman in green seriously, and a playful smile appeared on Qingcheng's face.

Immediately afterwards, she turned her eyes, and her eyes seemed to have traveled through the limitations of time and space, and fell on Zhao Hao, who was looking at a loss in the Emperor's Palace. She couldn't help but sigh softly: "The world is a board, and life is a chess. My poor little Master Zhao. , if you can't jump out of this chessboard, you will just change from a small chess piece to a big one..."

In the Emperor's Palace, many people were as confused as Zhao Hao. It was really hard for everyone to understand why Gu Chen, who had the upper hand, suddenly left just as he said.

Zhao Hao wanted to understand the cause and effect, but he got caught in an unexpected incident.

Speaking of which, the white lotus formed into a bud, after wrapping Xue Qing into a ball, made no further moves, as if waiting for an opportunity, or waiting for someone to add the finishing touch.

Until Zhao Hao used the move of Primordial Chaos, the creation of White Lotus changed.

It absorbed part of the chaotic atmosphere and formed a fruit shape as a whole.

Seen from a distance, the Creation White Lotus does not look like a flower, but more like a fairy peach.

The fairy peach suddenly appeared with a black hole-like opening, like a piranha, and swallowed Zhao Hao who was closest to it in one mouthful.

"Xiao Hao!"


Zhao Zhicheng and Su Yurong were shocked and tried their best to attack Bai Lian, who was huddled in a ball.

The couple's attacks had no effect at all. They were instantly knocked out and their souls were almost three-dimensional.

Others also tried to break the White Lotus of Creation, but it also had no effect, and instead caused damage to the soul.

"Everyone, please be patient and listen to me." Princess Xiang stared at the White Lotus of Creation for a long time, then suddenly stood up and spoke: "It may not be a bad thing for Mr. Zhao to leave. You might as well be patient and wait a while."

Everyone was half convinced and half doubtful that Princess Xiang was originally from the demon clan. God knows what she was worried about.

Xiao Fenfen had another opinion. He knew Princess Xiang's identity. The Flower of the Other Side of Good and Evil is a plant in nature. In terms of fame, it is almost the same as the White Lotus of Creation. Princess Xiang is a demon who uses plants and trees to become spirits. She knows the tricks of plants thoroughly, and her judgment is relatively reliable.

So Xiao Fenfen said: "I signed a blood contract with the boss. Through the contract connection, I can sense that the boss is still alive at this time. This white lotus created by Lao Shizi is too evil. No one can break it. It's better to listen to the girl Xiang. We’re just waiting here for the results.”

The people who had nothing to do could only wait like this.

At this time, Zhao Hao was in a small space less than two meters in diameter, a bit like being trapped in a peach-shaped bottle.

In front of him, stood a beautiful girl who exuded that different aura.

The girl looked strange, half frost and half fire, two completely different powers constantly emerging from her body.

She kept bombarding the "wall", trying to create a gap and escape.

Occasionally she would jump up and bombard the "roof", but this was of no use.

She fell into a state of madness, completely unaware of the sudden appearance of Zhao Hao, and all she could think about was bombarding the inner space of the Creation White Lotus.

Brother-in-law Zhao's first reaction when he saw such a crazy sister-in-law was that he was a little shy.

He remembered that when he saw Weiwei's naked body for the first time, he was so nervous that he was at a loss what to do and his eyes were filled with stars.

The red pepper in front of me has bare feet and no hair on her body...

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