The Path of Evolution

Chapter 554 The courier boy in the evolutionary world

Brother-in-law Zhao and sister-in-law from the harmonious world, even in the evolutionary world, still maintain their positive energy, and there are no indescribable sex scenes, expressing the qualities that the people of a legendary superpower should have.

The two simply touched each other's lips, not even sticking out their tongues.

Xue Qing was shaken all over, and this trembling had nothing to do with the relationship between a man and a woman. Originally, she just wanted to do an impulsive thing before she died. Little did she know that this subconscious move would cause a chain reaction, and the thing that Zhao Hao passed into her body would resonate strongly with her body that had been transformed by the Creation White Lotus.

"I'm going to suffer!"

Zhao Hao felt cold. He and Xue Qing were squeezed together and could no longer speak.

A strange pressure formed in the nearby space. Neither Zhao Hao nor Xue Qing could move or even twist their necks. They always maintained the posture of their lips touching each other. The Yuan forces of both sides are pulling each other, creating a subtle friction.

"Mother Xipi, I was tricked by that vixen!"

Zhao Hao cursed secretly and quickly figured out the cause and effect.

He encountered two nine-tailed fox altars in his life, each with mysterious objects sealed inside them.

That altar on the Wanli Icefield had a bead sealed inside it. After being unsealed, it turned into an ancient beast soul, the red panda Po.

As for the altar in the small valley during the Holy Sound Trial, Zhao Hao initially thought that there was only the middle chapter of the Sutra of Chaos and nothing was sealed there.

Looking back now, he realized that he was wrong and his underwear was all wrong.

As his vision and experience continued to improve, Zhao Hao was able to discern that the ancient altar blessed with nine huge pillars was not only used to seal a certain object, but to put that object in a state of frozen suspended animation. Maintaining its vitality in this way can ensure its immortality for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years.

What was sealed, or nourished, in that valley altar was the remnant soul of the nine-tailed fox!

And that nine-tailed fox should be the incarnation of the Ten Thousand Demons Emperor.

After sorting out this clue, Zhao Hao also solved the doubts in his heart.

When he first met the phantom of the nine-tailed fox, he was wondering. That vixen was too upright. It replenished his soul power, taught him the Primordial Chaos, and guided him to the Heavenly Demon Labyrinth to hunt for treasure... Then The nine-tailed fox never asks for anything in return, he is simply a living bastard!

Only today did Zhao Hao understand that the nine-tailed fox had created an illusion.

This illusion completely deceived Zhao Hao, so that he was unknowingly used as a weapon by the nine-tailed fox.

"I don't have much time..."

At that time, after the nine-tailed fox said this weakly, his thoughts conveyed the maze map, and then completely dissipated.

Zhao Hao was still very cautious at that time. He ran the Nine Heavens to check and found that there were indeed no traces of foreign objects entrenched in his body, indicating that the remaining soul of the nine-tailed fox had really dissipated.

Unexpectedly, the remnant soul of the nine-tailed fox used a secret technique that was hidden from the world and remained hidden in Zhao Hao's body.

There is no doubt that the remaining soul of the nine-tailed fox has been waiting for a perfect opportunity.

And that timing requires a certain way to be activated.

Zhao Hao made a bold assumption. That activation method was probably Primordial Chaos!

The nine-tailed fox taught him the ultimate killing move like Yuanshi Chaos. On the one hand, it was to give him a life-saving skill so that he would not die before finding the Emperor Palace. On the other hand, the greater role of Yuanshi Chaos is to be a key that unlocks the true secret of the Emperor's Palace!

Why didn't Phantom attack Zhao Hao from beginning to end?

In the past, this was a difficult problem that Zhao Hao couldn't even figure out, but now this problem has become very simple.

Because he had mastered Primordial Chaos, there was a natural aura of chaos in his body, so Phantom had never considered him as a target.

When he used Primordial Chaos against Gu Chen, the time the Nine-tailed Fox had been waiting for was finally ripe.

When the nine-tailed fox used the soul shadow to communicate with Zhao Hao, she might have realized that Zhao Hao was not the host she wanted, so she regarded Zhao Hao as a medium. In layman's terms, Zhao Hao is a courier boy who safely delivers the "express delivery" of the nine-tailed fox to the host chosen by the Creation White Lotus.

And Xue Qing is the chosen host.

There is a very complicated process and there are many questions. For example, why does the nine-tailed fox know that the White Lotus of Creation can definitely choose the host?

Speaking of which, I have to mention Gu Chen.

If Gu Chen hadn't jumped out and started chirping, Zhao Hao really wouldn't have been able to find a standard answer.

According to Gu Chen, the Ten Thousand Demons Emperor and her own clone seemed to have formed two completely different personalities, which were incompatible with each other. Before the Ten Thousand Demons Emperor ascended, he sealed her clone. And the clone with its own will has been waiting for a comeback.

Following this line of thinking, everything makes sense.

As early as ten thousand years ago, the Nine-tailed Fox, which had not yet been sealed, had reached a certain consensus with the Creation White Lotus.

In other words, the unfathomable Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons deliberately left such a back-up plan to allow her clone to cause trouble with Creation White Lotus ten thousand years later.

Zhao Hao sorted out a clear idea: 1. He met the remnant soul of the nine-tailed fox in the valley altar, and became a courier boy in a daze; 2. He went through hardships and worked with everyone to open the gate of the Emperor's Palace; 3. He used Primordial Chaos to activate the White Lotus of Creation; 4. He and his sister-in-law talked to each other and completed the task of the courier boy...

The clearer the thoughts in his mind, the more Ma Maipai surged in his heart.

From beginning to end, he was a pawn.

An indescribable sadness came to my heart.

Although Xiao Zhao is now very powerful in combat, there are some aspects where he has not yet started.

For example, he didn't know what kind of game the demon clan's bosses were planning. What's even more tragic is that he still doesn't know what kind of aircraft the top human beings are building. For example, Zhao Hao knew nothing about Gu Chen, which organization he belonged to, and what he wanted to do while hiding in the second-level heaven.

When he mastered the Sky Fury Sword, for a while, Zhao Hao's mentality was like this: No matter how powerful you are, I will defeat them all with one strike.

He did the same thing. When faced with difficulties, he just did it and walked sideways in the first-level evolutionary world.

After arriving in the second-level evolutionary world, he discovered that some problems could not be solved by pure strength.

"Did I choose the wrong path, wrong from the beginning?"

Zhao Hao fell into contradictory self-doubt and even had a tendency to deny himself.

When a person self-doubts to self-denial, he will gradually lose confidence.

There are too many such examples in the sports world. Many talented players who became famous at a young age were verbally criticized by the media and fans because of their poor form in a few games. Some of them were unable to show confidence under pressure and were reduced from potential new stars to second or third players. Flow players. And those who can withstand criticism, withstand abuse, and persist in believing in themselves when others criticize them, often grow into superstars.

"No, there is nothing wrong with the evolutionary path I want to take! If you want to blame me, I am too weak. If I were stronger than Gu Chen, I could capture him on the spot and torture him to force him to tell the truth. Back then, I was in the Endless Forest I was playing single-player, knew nothing about the evolutionary world, and had never even heard of the Neutral Land. Later, I caught Guardian Sun who was pretending to be dead from the Guitou Gang, snatched his Wolf Warrior mount, and forced me to get the information I wanted. Because I am stronger than him, many things become easier. Yes, as long as I am stronger than my opponent, all problems are not problems!"

Zhao Hao's confused eyes suddenly became extremely determined.

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