The Path of Evolution

Chapter 597 Season Three Changes

Ren Tianqiong can't even take one of his moves?

Bao Lu and Shen Jia's expressions changed at the same time. The Ren Tianqiong they recognized was a being as famous as Cang Long, a strong man who once laid down the No. 2 base.

Zhao Hao didn't speak and answered directly with body language.

He disappeared.

At the same time, the man in leather also disappeared.

It was late at night, and a piece of chaos and nothingness appeared on the deserted riverside.

Bao Lu tried to walk in, but failed. There was an invisible gentle force in the chaos, which gently pushed her out.

She and Shen Jia stood near the void, looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes, unable to understand what was going on.

Primordial Chaos!

This is the most powerful killing move that Zhao Hao can currently perform. Before returning home, he took the last soul-reviving fruit in order to save a life-saving move.

He doesn't need skill or physical strength, as long as his soul power is enough, he can use this special move.

This is why Zhao Hao still dares to run around after losing his skills.

Under normal circumstances, people who are hit by the Primordial Chaos will lose their combat effectiveness on the spot and be trapped in the void space at their mercy.

Occasionally there will be exceptions, such as Gu Chen, who was possessed by the Primordial Chaos in the Emperor's Palace, used a strange method to break free from the shackles, and rushed out of the chaotic realm. There is also the Mirage Emperor, who was not restrained in the decisive battle in the Holy City. He was alive and kicking in the chaotic space, and even absorbed the power of chaos hidden in the space.

This night, something unusual happened again.

The man in leather is the third creature in history to be trapped in the realm of chaos without losing his fighting power.

Being in that void space, he walked around, looking very surprised. After a moment, he showed a look of ecstasy: "Chaos space, your unformed small realm, is actually a chaotic space?"

At this moment, Zhao Hao felt bitter.

His only hope of defeating the leather-clad man was to use his domain power to restrain him, and then go over to make up for it.

And now the man in leather clothes is walking around in the chaotic space, looking very cool. Does Zhao Hao dare to go over and hit him?

What shocked Zhao Hao even more was that the other party actually said that his domineering and cool chaotic space was an "unformed small field"... This sentence contained too much information, and it seemed like this small field. It seems to be full of flaws, which indirectly reveals that the man in leather clothes has extremely profound attainments in such things as the field.

At this moment, what Zhao Hao was thinking about was not whether he could kill the other party, but how the other party wanted to kill him.

Even if he was in the Primordial Chaos, he still had no skills, and the opponent was very energetic. Once he pounced on him, the outcome was conceivable.

"Damn it, such a strong energy fluctuation?"

Zhao Hao, who was facing a formidable enemy, sensed the strength of the leather-clad man.

Previously, through the Heavenly King's Eye, he could only identify that the opponent had opened six gene locks, but he could not judge the specific strength.

But it's different in the chaotic space. This is Zhao Hao's domain, which can be understood as a small world he built with his own thoughts and aura. In this small world, no energy fluctuation could escape his perception.

Through this kind of perception, he sensed the other party's strong energy fluctuations.

The amplitude of that kind of fluctuation is almost the same as that of Gu Chen!

Zhao Hao's most conservative estimate was that the man in leather had cultivated at least dozens of yuan beads.

He wasn't sure how many yuan beads they were, but they were probably more than Zhao.

At this time, he chose a very risky, but the easiest way to bluff the opponent - pretending to be cool.

I saw Zhao Hao standing in the center of nothingness, with a face as lonely as snow, and a tone full of vicissitudes of life: "Have I let you down in this chaotic space?"

"No, no, no, I'm not disappointed at all. I'm so surprised! I didn't expect that a monster like you would be born among ordinary evolvers!" The leather-clad man's joy was beyond words. He looked at Zhao Hao with the eyes of a Huaichun girl. Prince Charming's tone became much gentler: "Brother Zhao, you and I don't know each other even if we don't fight. It will do no good to anyone if we continue to fight. I'm sorry, but if I want to break out of your imperfect chaos, Space is not difficult.”

As he said that, he showed his sincerity and took the lead to sit on the ground and said with a shy face: "You and I have no grudges in the past and no grudges in the near future. There is no need to fight to the death. Why don't we sit down and talk and discuss a solution that everyone can accept? What’s the plan?”

Dog said, you are so cooperative!

Zhao Hao wanted this effect. He looked extremely arrogant on the surface: "I don't even know who you are. What is there to discuss between you and me?"

The man in the leather jacket became more sincere: "Let me introduce myself first, after the third change in the next season, after the season cloth!"

Zhao Hao didn't express his position and just pretended to be cool.

He was as panicked as Messi. If the negotiations broke down and the other party came to force him, he would be dead.

As the saying goes, talking too much leads to mistakes. He wanted to see what the other party was planning and then take the right medicine.

Seeing how cold he was, Ji Sanbian took the initiative to find a topic: "To be honest, Brother Zhao, your chaotic space can help us achieve great things. In return, I am willing to lend Zhao the secret "Heavenly Domain Code" passed down by my ancestors. Brother, I will observe it for three days."

Zhao Hao continued to be cold: "I have never heard of the Tianyu Code, what is the use of that thing?"

"It's normal for Brother Zhao not to know about it. There are only a handful of people in the world who know about the Heavenly Domain Code. This secret code records profound domain methods that can help Brother Zhao reach a higher level." Ji Sanbian said. Tian Yu Dian is very proud: "With all due respect, Brother Zhao, this chaotic space is currently just a prototype. If it is perfected, it can become a world of its own. By then, even if Daluo Jinxian comes in, I am afraid he will not be able to escape. .”

Zhao Hao's heartbeat quickened, and it would be a lie to say he wasn't.

Ever since Gu Chen escaped from the chaos of nothingness, Zhao Hao knew that there was a loophole in his original chaos.

In other words, Zhao Hao's most powerful move will become useless against someone of Gu Chen's level in the future.

But he didn't know how to fix such a loophole. Until today, Ji Sanbian brought an opportunity.

Judging from Ji Sanbian's understanding of the chaotic space, the "Heavenly Domain Code" he mentioned should be true.

After pretending to think about it for a while, Zhao Hao finally expressed his stance: "What do you want me to do?"

"Twenty days later, on the night of the full moon, Bahuang Liuhe will reappear in the world. I hope Brother Zhao can help me." Ji Sanbian became excited and said quite boldly: "Before that, I would like to first give the "Heavenly Domain Code" Lend it to Brother Zhao for three days, no, one week!"

Zhao Hao almost laughed out loud. In twenty days, he will get rid of his weak state.

By then, having recovered all his skills, he will not be afraid of anyone he meets.

He was very curious about the mysterious Bahuang Liuhe, and he was also very curious about Ji Sanbian's life experience. If we want to find out whether Ji Sanbian, Gu Chen, and Niu Gege are mysterious masters from the same organization, this cooperation is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to test their depth.

At the same time, he also wanted to know whether there was a being on earth more powerful than the Demon Emperor. Ever since he heard Baimu Yaojun tell the story of Xuanyuan Huangdi, Zhao Hao had a guess in his mind that those mythical and legendary heroes might actually exist.

Updated continuously for 210 days, exactly 7 months, 666666666666666666

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