The Path of Evolution

Chapter 598 The Story of Knee Pillow

The ups and downs in life sometimes come suddenly.

Shen Jia didn't understand why the leather-clad man suddenly appeared and why he suddenly disappeared.

When the emptiness and chaos dissipated, the leather-clad man glanced at her and walked away.

Zhao Hao came out safe and sound, and seemed to be having a great time chatting with the man in leather.

"A misunderstanding."

These four words are Zhao Hao's only explanation.

Then, he disappeared into the night with Baolu.

Shen Jia returned to the hotel alone, tossing and turning.

She always felt that she was not safe, but there was nothing she could do about it. The man in leather clothes was incredible. Even if she flew out of Xiangcheng overnight, he could still track her easily.

After much thought, it was the safest to stay with Zhao Ritian. However, Zhao Hao was not her bodyguard and could not be always available. Besides, even a blind person can see that Xiao Zhao is busy dating, and it is not convenient for Dr. Shen to be the light bulb.

Back at Bao Lu's residence, Zhao Hao leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

Too many things happened during this trip to Xiangcheng, and he needed to sort out his thoughts.

"The guy in the leather jacket is a second-level evolution, right? Have you ever fought before? Are you injured? Let me see." Bao Lu was frightened for a while after returning home. She always felt that the man in the leather jacket was very special, so she said Maybe it caused a hidden injury to Xiao Zhao.

"We haven't done anything yet. We can sit down and talk about some things. We all live in a civilized society and there is no need to fight and kill all day long." The agreement between Zhao Hao and Ji Sanbian was a secret. He didn't say it clearly, but politely let the students know. Sister said with relief: "In short, there is no conflict between me and him, you don't have to worry."

Bao Lu was not very relieved and talked about another thing: "I was really confused tonight. How did your friend in the box deal with Young Master Zhu? Who was your friend? It’s difficult to fight, but Mr. Zhu’s family has a background, and if things get serious, your friend may not be able to leave Xiangcheng.”

"Since I left him there, of course I believe he has the ability to solve the problem. Just put your heart back in your stomach." Zhao Hao smiled. The matter of the sharp blade involved a confidentiality level. He didn't even tell his parents, so he said He told a beautiful lie: "Don't look at that friend of mine who looks wretched, but has a very big background. He owed me a favor in the evolutionary world before, and today it is settled. I am not worried, so what do you have to worry about?"

Bao Lu breathed a long sigh of relief and thought about it carefully. If Xingyu Cake couldn't hold the scene, Zhao Hao wouldn't go out to watch the night view with her.

In her opinion, even first-order mutant evolvers can make friends with high-level people. It is normal for second-order evolvers like Zhao Hao to know a few big names. At this thought, her hanging heart returned to her stomach.

When the nervousness in her heart disappeared, she realized that she was alone in the same room with him.

The two of them ran back together before, and it seemed to Bao Lu that they were trying to escape. When people encounter danger, their first reaction is to go home. Most people believe that home is the most reliable haven. But now, that sense of crisis has disappeared, and the nature has also changed.

Bao Lu’s immediate feeling right now is: I brought a man home to spend the night...

This made Baolu a little nervous. Her parents had only been to this single apartment a few times, but other than that, she had never let any outsiders come in.

She quietly took a few deep breaths and pretended to be calm: "You have helped me so much since you came here. How do you want sister to repay you?"

Zhao Hao said without hesitation: "There is no need to repay you. Give me back the knee pillow you owed me."

Bao Lu couldn't laugh or cry: "After all these years, you are still fussy about it?"

Zhao Hao coaxed: "It's necessary, you promised it yourself. Who would have thought that you would let me go."

Bao Lu was speechless, and his thoughts returned to the past.

In that youthful era, Zhao Hao was addicted to animation for a while and was shocked by the knee-pillow plot. He dreamed several times that he became an otaku in the anime, resting his head on the smooth thighs of the beautiful lady, enjoying life to the fullest...

You know, Zhao Ritian is a person who pursues his dreams. He puts his dreams into practice, and one day he has the courage to make such a request to Baolu.

At that time, Bao Lu was so honest and touching: "No problem, you can carry my sister's schoolbag for a month, take me home for evening study, and treat me to barbecue on the way. I will promise you."

Ever since, Zhao Haoran got angry.

During those years, classmates could see that after school every day, Zhao Hao went to pick up Bao Lu and shamelessly carried the pink schoolbag of his senior sister.

At the same time, Zhao Hao contributed all his new year's money and pocket money, and invited his seniors to barbecue every now and then.

After persisting like this for a month, Zhao Hao ushered in the first spring in his life.

But he didn't expect that his spring was too short, and his senior sister's words would make him enter the winter of his life.

That weekend, when Zhao Hao asked for a knee pillow, the senior showed a mischievous smile: "I'm joking with you, but you actually take it seriously?"

It hurts my heart, old man!

That day, Zhao Hao was very injured.

His whole body was in bad shape, and he looked like an innocent boy who was attracted by Green Tea.

He didn't speak to Bao Lu again for several weeks.

During those days, before going to bed every day, Bao Lu would gnash his teeth and curse a few idiots. In her mind, or in the minds of most of her classmates, she and Zhao Hao were considered a couple when they walked together after school. However, they were stubborn and didn't even consider the matter of deep love. She couldn't bear to think about the knee pillow.

Although she usually had little fights with her male classmates and seemed very lively and outgoing, it was really shameful for her to have a little boy lie on her lap while wearing a short skirt.

At that time, she seriously thought that if Zhao Hao followed the lead and developed a relationship with her, then she could consider accepting the knee pillow plot. But that naughty boy was so simple that he never thought about anything else except the knee pillow. He acted like a good brother and showed loyalty all day long, which made Bao Lu break the contract in anger.

Many years later, looking back on that past incident, Bao Lu felt regretful.

She often thought that if she had generously offered her knee pillow, she might have gotten together with Zhao Hao naturally. It was just the girl's reserve and shyness, as well as the pride that came from being praised by the stars on campus, that made her hurt Zhao Hao in a prank in the end.

This incident triggered a chain reaction. Later, on her sixteenth birthday, she took the initiative to hug her, but Xiao Zhao already had a shadow in his heart and regarded it as a prank.

Today, twelve years later, Bao Lu's thoughts have sublimated and she has made her decision: "Baby, I can't see that you are so persistent. Why don't you just use a pillow on your knees? Sister, I will help you!"

The telephone poles blown away by Typhoon Maria last time had just been repaired, but this time the typhoon came again and the power was cut off again. Living too close to the sea sounds very artistic at first, but in fact it is very tragic. Unfortunately, Lao Niu lives in a typhoon-prone area. The updates will not be stable in the next few days, so please forgive me.

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