The Path of Evolution

Chapter 599 You are the biggest regret in my heart

"He didn't leave."

"He still remembers that I love to eat millet and red bean porridge..."

Bao Lu was upset and burst into tears.

The expected worst-case scenario did not happen, but instead the best-case scenario that existed only in fantasy emerged.

The ups and downs in life came too suddenly, and the strong impact caused her tear ducts to collapse.

It was most difficult for Zhao Hao to adapt to the crying girl: "Okay, why are you crying?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

Bao Lu refused to give in. He took out a tissue to wipe his tears and turned his attention to the breakfast of love.

Then she started a big sweep, sweeping away all the things Zhao Hao had bought, no matter how bloated her stomach was.

"You still have such a great appetite."

Zhao Hao was filled with emotion, and he had the impression that Bao Lu was the type who dared to compete with boys on who could eat more, but was not worried at all about gaining weight. This kind of girl who doesn't gain weight no matter what she eats and has an amazing figure can easily attract hatred, so many little girls in the school didn't like her.

Confucius said: When your stomach is full, your heart will not panic.

As long as Zhao Hao was still in front of her, Bao Lu remained extremely calm, and the gloom in her heart was swept away. She got to the point: "I thought you left without saying goodbye so early in the morning. You first need to explain to your sister that you are here this time." Xiangcheng, let me be mentally prepared for how long you plan to stay."

"About two or three weeks." Zhao Hao said truthfully. In twenty days, he and Ji Sanbian will go to see the legendary Bahuang Liuhe.

"So long?" Bao Lu looked happy: "What are you planning to do next?"

"I don't have any plans, I'm just wandering around. I didn't even find a place to live. I went to buy breakfast this morning and found out that I only had a few dozen yuan left in my pocket. Sister, considering the kindness of the past, how much can you take me in? Oh my God?" Zhao Hao continued to remain honest. Without using his mobile phone to pay, he had less than 100 yuan in cash.

Bao Lu smiled like a flower and squeezed Zhao Ritian very comfortably: "You are even more shameless than before. I dare you to plan to live in my house from the beginning. Are there any girls like you? All the rich and handsome people live in big hotels, with them. Girl, let’s go have a candlelight dinner or something, how can you ask for support even though you’re so good at it?”

"How expensive is it to stay in a hotel? When I was in college, I stayed in a hotel once and my body ached for several days. It still hurts when I think about it now." Xiao Zhao is very down-to-earth and does not regard himself as an outsider at all: "I was thinking We all slept last night, so I might as well just stay here and not leave."

"Your sister, who has slept with you?" Bao Lu couldn't help but curse.

"Didn't we sleep in the same bed last night?" Zhao Hao looked innocent: "What do you mean, do you want to be irresponsible?"

"My banana, you are the one who is responsible for whom!" Bao Lu exploded directly. Every time she was alone, she wanted to talk to Zhao Hao, but when they were together, they couldn't have a good chat at all. , we would get into an argument within three sentences, and we couldn't help but bicker with each other.

"Think about it this way, if a man brings a girl home and sleeps on the same bed, does that man have to take some responsibility?" Zhao Hao explained the facts and reasoned: "The same principle can be proved. As a helpless and confused person, I am a single man who was brought home by you and slept in another bed. You must be more or less responsible for me."

"Okay, this is what you said, don't regret it in the future!" Bao Lu suddenly smiled, Zhao Hao's familiar cunning luster flashed in his big eyes, and then said: "If you are responsible, I will be responsible to the end. This is my territory, From now on, I am the queen, and you must obey orders, you know?”

"Let me tell you, is this the rhythm of role-playing?" Zhao Hao became a little interested.

"Do you have any objections?" Bao Lu asked arrogantly.

"No objection at all. No objection at all."

Zhao Hao happily accepted this setting, and suddenly felt that life was colorful and full of sunshine.

He looked like a male servant and said eagerly: "Your Majesty, how should we arrange today?"

Bao Lu said without thinking: "I told you last night that today I will be a tour guide to show you the scenery and food of Xiangcheng."

Zhao Hao showed a cheerful smile: "No problem, where should we go next?"

Bao Lu seemed to have already planned: "First go to the place where outsiders usually go when they come to Hunan, and let's go climb Yuelu Mountain!"

Zhao Haoran got excited: "I just like this kind of activity full of positive energy, don't say anything, just start walking!"

"Wait while I change clothes first."

Bao Lu trotted upstairs, every step filled with joy.

She changed into a fresh and beautiful sports skirt, giving her a dynamic girlish beauty.

Seeing the way Zhao Hao looked at her, the senior sister decided that she would stick to wearing this style with her in the future, regardless of whether outsiders said she was pretending to be young.

Next, Bao Lu showed off the aura of an experienced driver, driving her new red BMW 3 Series, known as a woman's car, and took Zhao Hao off.

At the foot of Yuelu Mountain, Bao Lu stopped the car and asked, "Do you want to walk up or take the cable car?"

Zhao Hao was very considerate: "You are the queen, you have the final say."

"Then take the cable car, it's very exciting."

Bao Lu went to buy a ticket and took Zhao Hao on the cable car.

When he saw that thing, Xiao Zhao almost cried.

He had taken a cable car before, but it was the type similar to an elevator. People felt more at ease in it, at least feeling a little down to earth.

The cable car in Yuelu Mountain is a wonderful sight, and it can be called the most unsafe attraction in the country.

This kind of cable car just hangs a double chair in mid-air, without safety belts or any protective measures.

You can't give in at the critical moment in front of a girl, so Zhao Hao bit the bullet and sat on it.

He thought he would get to the point soon. Unfortunately, he was wrong this time and his underwear was all wrong.

The cable car in Yuelu Mountain is a bit like trying to reach the top of the mountain. It has to glide in the air for a long distance, which takes about twenty minutes.

Zhao Hao only felt nervous after sitting for five minutes. He had lost all his strength. If he fell from a height of tens of meters, he would definitely turn into a meat pie. Even if he turned on the Immortal Golden Body to save his life, he would probably fall bruised and swollen, so he weakly asked: "Can someone die if they fall from this place?"

Bao Lu said with a smile: "Well, this is a suicide sanctuary. Several people jumped from the cable car out of curiosity before."

Zhao Haofang asked: "Then you are still so calm, aren't you afraid of falling?"

"With a master like you here, what should I be afraid of?" Bao Lu was full of confidence and even deliberately shook a few times while speaking. There was a reason for her confidence. There was once a first-order mutated evolver who deliberately jumped off a cable car in search of excitement, but did not fall to his death. In her opinion, with a second-order evolver like Zhao Ritian sitting in charge, she had no reason to be afraid.

"You're not afraid, I'm afraid!" Zhao Hao felt bad all over. The swaying cable car gave him a sense of danger that he might fall down at any time. Men are all about saving face, and he was embarrassed to say that he had lost all his power at the moment.

Bao Lu turned his head and looked at him differently: "Your face is already pale, don't you have a fear of heights?"

"Well, there is one thing..." Zhao Hao followed his plan.

Bao Lu stopped shaking immediately, took Zhao Hao's hand and sent warmth: "Don't be afraid, sister will protect you."

As she said that, she locked fingers with him.

Zhao Hao suddenly felt at ease and felt a different kind of love.

When he and Weiwei were together before, they always wanted to protect each other. With Bao Lu, he became the protected party, which felt very fresh. A king like him, who is known as the hope of all mankind in the evolutionary world, is suddenly protected by a weak woman. This feeling is indescribable.

The two of them successfully reached the top of the mountain, admired the beautiful scenery, and saw the haze in Xiangcheng early in the morning.

In the time that followed, their activities were full of positive energy. Bao Lu took him to visit many places, to eat at the famous Fire Palace, and to buy the stinky tofu that Mao Zedong was said to be full of praises for... She He even took Zhao Hao to buy some clothes. He was like a doting boy. He also specially made several sets of German team jerseys of different styles. Before he knew it, it was getting dark.

This night, Bao Lu learned from his past mistakes.

Considering that Zhao Ritian would be fast asleep again before early in the morning, Her Majesty the Queen got clean at eight o'clock in the evening, wearing sexy pajamas, dangling in front of Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao, who was sitting on the bed watching TV, was not stupid. He could not turn a blind eye to the seductive senior sister. He couldn't calm down anymore and spoke his heart: "Don't block my view, let me watch this episode." After watching One Piece, Luffy will soon fight BIGMOM!"

"You bastard, I'll chop you to death!"

Bao Lu exploded again. Her junior classmate came back and watched TV fiercely after taking a shower. He claimed that he had been in the evolutionary world for many years and had not had time to catch up on many American TV series and animations, so he wanted to make up for it. She originally thought that this was Zhao's excuse to stay in her bedroom on purpose. Who knew that the beast was real? From seven o'clock in the evening to nine o'clock, she was completely addicted to the world of One Piece.

She had been wandering in front of him for an hour, all she had to do was sway her waist and hips, and the dialogue in exchange was: Don't block my sight...

Which girl can endure this situation?

Baolu's small universe exploded, and a hungry tiger pounced on the sheep, throwing Zhao Hao onto the bed.

Zhao Hao seemed a little embarrassed: "What do you want to do?"

Bao Lu revealed the smile of a female gangster: "What do you think I want to do?"

Zhao Hao said weakly: "Can you wait a moment and let me finish watching this episode?"

Bao Lu exploded for the third time, bit him on the neck, and said angrily: "If you watch TV again, believe it or not, I will bite you to death?"

Zhao Hao gave in: "Your Majesty, am I going to be reversed?"

"You have a beautiful idea!" Bao Lu rode on him, maintaining a condescending posture, and said domineeringly: "I don't know if I am the regret you want to make up for, but I can tell you responsibly that you are The biggest regret in my heart! This time you sent a sheep into a tiger's mouth and landed on my territory. Don't blame me for being rude. I don't know if I still like you as much as before. Now I just want to do one thing, make up for it. The biggest regret in my heart!”

Zhao Hao thought about it seriously and said, "Okay, I'm willing to make that regret."

Before he finished speaking, his mouth was blocked.

The following story can only be described by omitting five thousand words.

A few minutes later, Zhao Hao stretched out a hand and rummaged around on the bedside table, as if looking for something.

Bao Lu, confused and confused, asked confusedly: "What are you looking for?"

Zhao Hao breathed rapidly and used two words to convey positive energy to the majority of teenagers: "Condoms..."

Bao Lu held down his hand, put her mouth to his ear, and exhaled like a blue breath: "No, I'm on a safe day today."

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