The Path of Evolution

Chapter 601 The bearded weirdo

Deng Pan left the study and walked towards the back garden.

Seeing the direction he was going, Wen Qinghe frowned. Master Deng was indeed going to go it alone this time.

In a bamboo building in the back garden, there lived a strange man. Wen Qinghe felt frightened every time he saw this man.

Along the way, Deng Pan was greeted by hundreds of maids with different styles who were flirting with him. Some wanted to please him, while others wanted to keep their two-year contract.

Women in the manor can only work for two years at most, and Pan Lu and Deng Xiaoxian don't want to see the same woman for three consecutive years.

All female employees work very hard. Two years working here is equivalent to at least 20 years less hard work.

The key word is "do it" for two years. As you know, Deng Pan is a very casual and casual man. He has no problem with women and may do some embarrassing things anytime and anywhere. As long as he's in the mood, he can just grab a maid and do it, whether in the garden, in the study, by the pool, or in the attic.

He walked for ten minutes and still hadn't reached the back garden. This Dream Manor was too big.

There is an environmentally friendly golf cart in the manor. Deng Pan usually uses that kind of car to travel, but today he chose to walk. He had to think about some issues on the road.

As he walked, he admired the scenery along the way and thought about life.

It can be seen that Deng Pan is a very retro person. In some aspects, he looks like an ancient dignitary.

In ancient times, there were very few people who truly traveled around the world. It was rare to see a wandering person like Xu Xiake in hundreds of years. In ancient times, transportation was inconvenient and medical conditions were limited. Traveling long distances to other places could easily lead to death in a foreign country. If you are in an unstable era, you are more likely to encounter bandits and bandits, and you will never be able to go back if you leave home. Therefore, the wealthy people at that time were all collectors and liked to bring famous things from all over the country to their homes, as if they owned the whole world just by sitting at home. This is why when some corrupt officials in history had their homes confiscated, even the emperor was shocked by the property they found.

In terms of collection, Deng Pan fully paid tribute to the ancients.

Ordinary working people, working hard to save some money, then make a weak wish: the world is big, I want to see it.

Deng Pan did the opposite, which probably means: I have all the good things in the world at home.

He walked for half an hour and finally arrived at his destination.

The back garden is not just a garden, there is an artificial lake through the flowerbeds with blooming flowers.

There are pavilions, pavilions and waterside pavilions by the lake, which can be used to shoot costume movies.

And the strange scene in the lake makes people suspect that they are in a costume film.

There was a person sitting on the calm lake.

A big living person sitting on the water without falling is amazing enough. It is no different from the legendary land gods.

The man had messy long hair that hung down to his waist, and his back looked like an ascetic monk.

The man's front face was mostly blocked by his long hair, and he could only be judged to be unkempt, with a big beard around his chin that rivaled that of James Harden. His eyes were covered by his hanging hair, and occasionally a wolf-like light flashed through.

This bearded weirdo has no name or origin.

Six years ago, this man was seriously injured and dying, but was rescued by Deng Pan.

The reason why Deng Pan saved the other party was certainly not out of compassion, and he witnessed an incredible scene with his own eyes.

It was midnight. On a whim, Pan Lu and Deng Xiaoxian drove a sports car to the countryside and witnessed a big battle on a remote suburban road. Before the bearded man fell, he struck out a strange sword, like the sword of light in the cartoon, cutting into two pieces a Land Rover that was chasing after him a hundred meters away.

Deng Pan used his connections to erase the traces of the bearded man.

In return, Big Beard volunteered to serve Pan Lu and Deng Xiaoxian for ten years.

This person usually doesn't take action, but once he does, he can subvert Deng Pan's knowledge. Those so-called advanced evolutionists are just a joke in front of the bearded weirdo.

In the past six years, Big Beard has made seven attacks, but no one can catch his move.

One of them, a second-level evolver who had returned to China not long ago, was killed by the bearded man in one move.

"Mr. Anonymous, I'm really sorry for disturbing your Qing Xiu."

Deng Pan was very polite to the bearded weirdo and did not ask for his name, calling him Mr. Unknown.

He has always shown respect and sincerity to those who have the ability.

The relationship between the two is very similar to the old saying: If you treat me like a countryman, I will repay you as a countryman.

Big Beard is very strange. He does not need various crystals like common evolvers. Normal cultivation requires various medicines, such as the rare Changbai Mountain seventh-grade Ye Laoshan ginseng. Even a billionaire may not be able to get these things, but Deng Pan used various means to satisfy the bearded man's needs.

The most important thing is that Deng Pan usually gave the bearded weirdo absolute freedom and never disturbed his practice.

Therefore, Big Beard worked hard and never let Deng Pan down.

"Who are we going to deal with this time?"

The bearded man went straight in, his voice was hoarse and low, giving people an invisible pressure.

"The target this time is more troublesome. His name is Zhao Hao. He has conquered Base No. 6 and defeated Xue Gucheng with one hand. Now he must be a second-order evolver. According to my estimation, he should be one of the better second-order evolvers. Awesome." Deng Pan rarely looked serious.

"Are you going to die or live?" The bearded man was terrifyingly calm and confident, as if killing Zhao Hao or capturing Zhao Hao alive was an easy task.

"If possible, try to stay alive. There are some things I want to say to him face to face." Deng Pan's expression relaxed a lot, and he felt the confidence of the bearded man. Even though the bearded weirdo seems to stay at home, he actually knows the situation in the outside world very well and has an accurate judgment on every target he attacks.

"A month."

After saying this, the bearded weirdo suddenly sank into the lake and was never seen again.

Deng Pan smiled.

The other party's intention was very clear, and the task would be completed within a month.

After Deng Pan left, the lake experienced strange turbulence and formed a large whirlpool.

After a long time, a person walked out of the whirlpool.

He floated down in front of a bamboo building by the lake, stretched out his hand, and grabbed something in the bamboo building in his hand using the method of retrieving objects from a distance.

In such a retro moment, the thing in the hand of the bearded weirdo is very modern, it is an iPad.

He launched a search and watched Zhao Hao's pictures, battle videos, and some gossip materials on the Internet.

As dusk approached, the bearded man walked into the bamboo house.

When he came out again, his whole person was completely new.

He wore a hat, a tidy beard, and a Tang suit. His long hair and beard looked like a high-end artist.

After several ups and downs, he left Neverland and headed to a famous hotel in Xiangcheng.

Judging from his appearance, he must be going to an appointment.

When he arrived at the hotel elevator, the bearded figure froze slightly.

When waiting for the elevator in a hotel, he would always meet a few passers-by, but the bearded man did not expect that the passer-by waiting for the elevator with him was the target he had searched for not long ago-Zhao Ritian!

On power outage days, I cannot appreciate the benefits of air conditioning. Lao Niu is in a state of hot and cold. He has a cold and feels dizzy. Please understand.

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