The Path of Evolution

Chapter 602 Little Farewell

Before Zhao Hao went out, he experienced a long silence.

The situation at that time was as follows:

One of him and Bao Lu were downstairs and the other upstairs, and neither of them paid any attention to the other.

This situation is also normal. When a man and a woman are together, they will always have some minor conflicts. Even married couples will have quarrels.

The reason for the conflict was that Bao Lu made a request: "I heard that second-level evolved people can do spiritual magic, which is similar to Harry Potter's magic. Can you perform one for me?"

Zhao Hao refused on the spot: "Evolvers are not here to put on a show. There is no need to perform."

Bao Lu was not happy anymore: "Will you die if you perform for me alone?"

"My spiritual arts are all murderous arts and are not suitable for performances."

Zhao Hao pressed seriously. In fact, he had lost all his skills and couldn't even use a small fireball.

"Son of a bitch, I knew you didn't have me in your heart!" Bao Lu was furious.

"Is it necessary to go that far?" Zhao Hao was not too happy either.

"Yes, quite a bit, definitely yes!" Bao Lu said with the speed of a machine gun: "I read in a book that if a man and a woman get along for a week, they will know in their hearts whether they should continue to develop a relationship with each other. The two of us It’s been just a week, and it’s obvious that you’re tired of me and dislike me, so reluctant to even let you perform a little magic trick.”

"Damn it, can you believe what is written in the book? If everything written in the book is reliable, singles in the world will be single just by buying this book." Zhao Hao expressed dissatisfaction.

"Even if I can't fully believe it, it still has reference value." Bao Lu looked at him disappointedly: "Look at you now, with a look of disgust and reluctance on your face. It's only been a week and you've been like this. In a few days, wouldn’t it make you annoyed when you see me?”

"Don't go online, is it that exaggerated?" Zhao Hao didn't want to see his senior sister so disappointed, so he gave in: "Well, wait for me for another half month, and then I will make something cool and sexy. Let me show you the magic of Qi."

Bao Lu: "Why does it have to be half a month later?"

Zhao Hao: "Didn't I say that my brother is recuperating? Please let me recuperate for a few more days."

Bao Lu: "You're lying to me for lying like this. If you were recuperating, why did you trick someone into unlocking new postures last night? Are there any people recuperating like you?"

Zhao Hao looked a little confused and said with a sneer: "This is different. Don't look at me with such contempt. Can't there be some basic trust between people?"

"No." Bao Lu answered decisively: "I can't wait for half a month, now I want to see the cool and sexy spiritual skills you mentioned."

"Are you still being unreasonable?" Zhao Hao was also a little unhappy.

"Have you ever seen a woman being reasonable?" Bao Lu said confidently.

Next, the two had a fight just like they had years ago.

Zhao Hao ran downstairs and sat on the sofa to smoke and relieve his boredom.

Both of them were angry and reflecting.

This week, the two did all kinds of things that a couple should do, and Bao Lu did everything on her "regret list." For example, watching movies, shopping, having candlelight dinners, etc., all the things she had fantasized about doing with Zhao Hao back then were achieved.

Then Baolu entered a state of nitpicking, which made her feel terrified.

Yes, she made up for her past regrets, but when two people are together, what's more important is the present, and the future... When the rhythm reaches the present, Bao Lu is a little at a loss, and he doesn't even dare to think about the future of the two of them.

This made Bao Lu feel powerless in her heart. She discovered that there was a generation gap between herself and him.

For example, when the accident happened by the river, she couldn't intervene or help.

She has little interest in the evolutionary world and often cannot find a common language.

At the same time, Zhao Hao was also thinking about the same problem.

When he decided to start the second spring of his life, the first thing he thought of was Bao Lu. The main reason was the regrets of that period of adolescence.

After this regret was made up for, Zhao Hao also felt at a loss and sometimes didn't know how to continue.

He found that he could only communicate with his senior sister by being an ordinary person.

And when he talks about evolution, communication barriers arise between the two.

As soon as many topics are mentioned, girls such as the boss lady, Red Pepper, and Yu Ziyan can understand them instantly, but Bao Lu cannot understand them at all.

This situation is very embarrassing, and it can turn into a cold spot if you are not careful.

After several awkward conversations, Zhao Hao had to try his best to treat himself as an ordinary person and talk about some down-to-earth topics.

But he couldn't stay ordinary forever. He had plans for the future: first, he would see the Eight Desolations and Liuhe, and then go to the second-order heaven to find the Dragon God Monument and make a deal with the Lord of the Netherworld. Once he successfully resolves his inner demons, he will do something big - transcending tribulations and ascending to heaven!

Zhao Hao's memory about Xuewei was already very vague, but he remembered an agreement he made with Red Pepper: to find the secret method to bring people back to life.

He wanted to see the third-order evolutionary world and even the fourth-order evolutionary world.

He always had a dream in his heart that could not be erased. Perhaps in a higher evolutionary world, he would be able to find a way to resurrect the dead.

While he was deep in thought, he received a call: "Brother Zhao, I'm ready. Two companions are also here. Come out and meet me if it's convenient for you."

The call was from Ji Sanbian, and Zhao Hao didn't hesitate: "What time is it and where are you?"

"Six o'clock in the evening, Xiangjiang Hotel."

The other party deliberately chose the location in a public place and was well prepared to make Zhao Hao feel at ease.

"Okay, I'll be there on time."

Zhao Hao hung up the phone, tidied his clothes, and walked up to the second floor.

Bao Lu was still sitting on the bed and sulking. Zhao Hao stood at the door and said, "I want to go out."

Bao Lu almost jumped up and grabbed him. After thinking about it, she held back and said coldly: "Are you coming back?"

"It's up to you." Zhao Hao said seriously: "If you don't want to see me again, I won't come."


Bao Lu threw a pillow over and said through gritted teeth: "You son of a bitch, you sound like I'm kicking you out. Do you know how to speak human language?"

"That's not what I meant." Zhao Hao walked over and sat by the bed, and said seriously: "I thought about it seriously. If we get tired of being together every day, no matter how good the relationship is, we will have to quarrel. It's better to separate for a few days temporarily, which is good for everyone. Okay. As the ancients said, a little farewell is worse than a new marriage. One day without seeing each other is like three autumns. If we separate and calm down for a while, we may straighten out our thoughts. What do you think? "

This time Bao Lu was convinced: "That's right. I don't want to ask you what you are going to do, and I can't help you. I only have one request - remember to come back alive and whole, without a hair missing, and I will bite you You take a bite!"

Although the senior sister looked a bit fierce, Zhao Hao still felt a kind of concern.

He suddenly revived a memory, remembering that he and Weiwei had had a quarrel, and even had a cold war for half a month. At that time, the two of them were unhappy when they were together, but after they separated, they missed each other so much that they missed each other over and over again in the dead of night.

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