The Path of Evolution

Chapter 662 If you come out to fool around, you will have to pay back sooner or later.

The so-called accompanying blood fetus is an extremely rare thing that only occurs once in hundreds of millions of living things.

To conceive a blood fetus, you first need a host. This is a problem in itself. Its host must be purely blood-attributed. There are many evolved creatures in the world, and blood-attributed creatures can be said to be one in a million.

Secondly, after having a blood attribute host, an excellent cultivation environment is also needed. Such a large environment does not exist in the first-level heaven domain, nor does it exist in the third-level heaven domain, but the blood sea in the first-level heaven domain just meets the requirements in this regard.

Meeting the above two conditions does not mean success. The third condition is more stringent. The host and the blood fetus must have excellent compatibility.

Before A Luo Sha was born, the Blood Demon King secretly searched for seven or eight pure blood attribute creatures, trying to fuse them with the blood fetus seeds brought by Lady Yao Ji. Without exception, those creatures all failed and ended up exploding to death.

Later, the Blood Demon King had a sudden idea, combined with his own growth model, searched for various materials, and gave birth to a small life in the sea of ​​blood. Coincidentally, that little life was very compatible with the blood fetus seed and blended together perfectly.

That little life became A Luosha later.

A Luo Sha and the blood fetus seeds grow together without distinction.

She had been subjected to the "gifted" brainwashing method since she was a child. She had always thought that the blood seed in her body was a special ability. She was born with one more gene lock than others, and she was destined to do great things...

It wasn't until today that A Luo Sha realized that she was so childish and ridiculous.

What humans often say about helping count the money after being sold is her.

The perfect father in her mind became the mastermind behind all this.

She once thought that the mysterious gene lock needed to be discovered by herself. Once developed, the "mysterious gene lock" that could defy the heavens was just a hidden blood fetus.

Based on her understanding of the accompanying blood fetus, when that thing really shows its power, it will inevitably devour the main body. By then, the abilities of the host and the blood fetus will be completely integrated, and the effect will not be as simple as 1+1=2.

In a sense, this is similar to being possessed by a demon.

No, strictly speaking, it should be closer to the body swallowing the inner demon. A Luo Sha and Ai Kun once talked. According to Ai Kun, the reason why Zhao Ritian has some skills is that he uses a not very scientific method to continuously devour the inner demons, so that his body becomes more and more powerful.

A Luosha certainly didn't want to see her brother Ai Kun being devoured, so that was why all the incidents happened later.

She deliberately wanted to help Ai Kun take away Zhao Hao's body, but she never considered that one day her own body would also be taken away by the blood fetus.

Out to mix, sooner or later have to repay.

A Luosha thought of this famous saying of human beings for no reason and felt hopeless.

The huge Blood Demon City turned into a dead city.

The Blood Demon King is dead, and so are the eight demon generals.

The little minions in the city had long been killed by the terrifying sword energy of indiscriminate shooting.

With a bang, Aluosa's body was torn apart and completely dead.

If she didn't want to die, she could hold on for a while longer. As long as the white-haired sword demon didn't rush over to make a stab, she might even be able to repair her broken heart and live again. However, she gave up on survival and ended her life by self-destruction.

No one knows what A Luosha was feeling before she died. Maybe she was completely despairing of the world, maybe everything she once believed in collapsed, or maybe she didn’t want the blood fetus to have a chance to take over her body, and she was vindictive. He chose to self-destruct.

The dust has settled.

On the blood-stained street, the white-haired sword demon stood alone in the wind.

He grabbed a blood bead in his left hand and a blood egg in his right hand, and his eyes fell on the majestic palace.

For some reason, he always felt that there was an extremely powerful creature lurking in that mansion.

There was no terrifying pressure, no powerful energy, only a terrifying sense of crisis that lingered in the heart of the white-haired sword demon.

The mysterious creature gave him an irresistible intimidation, so that he did not have the courage to go in and find out.

After a long time, the white-haired birdman flapped his wings and flew into the palace.

Even if you come, you have to take a look at everything you say.

He made up his mind to run away as soon as the idea stuck.

The white-haired birdman has always been very confident in his ability to run away. With his pair of demon wings now, even Xiao Xian'er may not be able to catch up with him.

The strange thing is that when he fell into the palace, the indescribable sense of crisis suddenly disappeared.

He searched the palace and turned over everything, but he couldn't find any living things.


In the gorgeous manor, a woman of extraordinary grace looked up to the sky and smiled.

She smiled so happily, as if her dream for many years had come true.

This woman with the aura of a superior person in her every move and every move is none other than Lady Yao Ji mentioned by the Blood Demon King.

However, she is not a clone.

The location where Lady Yao Ji is at this moment is the legendary third level heaven!

After a long time, an old man in black robe with a terrifying aura pushed open the door without permission and walked into the room where Yao Ji was.

Yao Ji did not feel dissatisfied with this, which showed that the old man in black robe had an extraordinary status.

"Congratulations to the elder, congratulations to the elder. It seems that your Excellency has already pocketed the eternal blood fetus." The old man in black robe looked extremely domineering. He started to flatter him every time he opened his mouth, and even squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying. , which shows his respect for Yao Ji.

"Although the eternal blood fetus is good, it is not worthy of my happiness." Yao Ji sat elegantly on the chair, with a smile on her face, still recalling the long-lasting excitement in her heart.

"Oh?" The old man in black robe liked him and asked tentatively: "Could it be that A Luosha and the blood fetus have been fused, and the elder refined it into an external incarnation?"

"Haha, what I have gained this time cannot be exchanged for ten external incarnations." Yao Ji smiled even more charmingly, and directly issued an order: "Go and send a message to Demon Lord Dongji, saying that he has always been We have an idea of ​​the leader we are looking for, and I already have the whereabouts of the descendant of the Demon Emperor!"

The black-robed old man was shocked. He didn't think Yao Ji was joking, but the demon sect had been searching for the leader for thousands of years, so how could Yao Ji be found?

"As you command!"

In the end, the old man in black robe did not dare to ask any more questions and carried out the task according to Yao Ji's request.

His old eyes flashed with an excitement that was no less than that of Yao Ji, because he knew that if Yao Ji really grasped the whereabouts of the descendants of the Demon Emperor, it would bring huge benefits. For this reason, the Demon Sect would have to bleed a lot and pay a large sum of money. fee.

After the black-robed old man left, Yao Ji took out a blood-colored crystal ball, and a picture appeared in the ball: In the palace of the Blood Demon City, a white-haired birdman was rummaging through the boxes and cabinets looking for something...

"Haha, little guy, are you looking for me?" Yao Ji's mouth curved in ecstasy, smiling to herself: "Don't be anxious, you and I will meet each other sooner or later. As long as the blood fetus is in your hands, Every move you make is under my control."

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