The Path of Evolution

Chapter 663 The new generation of Nether Lords

The land of netherworld.

Zhao Hao sat cross-legged on a flat ground, closing his eyes and saying nothing.

This situation lasted for a day, and neither Princess Xiang nor Bai He understood what he was doing.

Early the next morning, Zhao Hao stood up and said, "Let's go."

Xiao Xian'er became a mount again and flew towards Netherworld Peak according to Mr. Zhao's instructions.

The journey was smooth, and the legendary old monsters from the Netherworld did not jump out to stop them halfway.

When they arrived near Netherworld Peak, Baihe suddenly fell down at a high speed and was forced to land at the foot of the mountain.

From the top of Netherworld Peak, there was a strong pressure, which made the white crane unable to fly at high altitudes and had to land.

Princess Xiang's face was not good-looking either. She also felt the pressure, which was no less oppressive than Longshan's.

Zhao Hao raised his head with a playful expression.

He had personally experienced the aura of the Lord of the Netherworld. Back then, just a voice from the other party was so shocking that he couldn't control his hands and feet.

From one moment to the next, the aura of the Lord of the Netherworld has not changed. The one who has changed is Zhao Ritian. Feeling the invisible pressure, Zhao Hao only felt a little bit of pressure. He didn't feel weak at all, and he no longer felt the fear in his heart.

This means that he already has the strength to confront the Lord of the Netherworld.

Despite this, Xiao Zhao was still very polite and said loudly: "Senior, this junior is here as promised. I would like to ask senior to show up."

From the void on the top of the mountain, an extraordinary voice came: "Come up."

Zhao Hao looked up and immediately realized that this was a test.

Netherworld Peak is extremely high above sea level, and it has formed a kind of "no-fly zone", making it impossible to fly up.

Moreover, there is no road on this mountain peak, so climbing to the top is undoubtedly a technical job.

I saw Zhao Hao leaping over and landing at a height of nearly twenty meters. He found a mountain wall to borrow strength from and flew over again, climbing another twenty meters. After repeating this cycle, Zhao Hao was as agile and vigorous as an ape and quickly jumped halfway up the mountain.

At this moment, Zhao Hao's pressure doubled.

The invisible pressure coming from the top of the mountain is getting stronger and stronger, just like the legendary Five Elements Mountain, trying to force Monkey Sun down at the foot of the mountain.

Xiao Zhao has already faced off against Zhenren Zhenren, and he has personally experienced the pressure of Zhenren Huo Ling from the Kunlun Sect. Through comparison, it is not difficult to find that the intimidating power of the Lord of the Netherworld surpasses that of Huoling Zhenren, and exceeds it by more than one and a half points.

This discovery shocked Zhao Hao. No matter how powerful the Lord of the Netherworld was, he was only a second-order evolver. How could he be more powerful than a third-order real person?

"Could it be that he, like me, cultivated his true energy in advance?"

Zhao Hao thought about it and came up with a more reasonable explanation.

Zhao Hao, who had cultivated his true energy in advance, was able to fight Huo Ling for a hundred rounds, but in the end he only lost to the mysterious magic weapon Seven Star Seal. After all, the Lord of the Netherworld is an old monster who has been famous for many years. If he had also cultivated the true essence in advance, his mastery of this power would probably be more profound than Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao withstood the pressure and continued climbing.

The distance he jumped was no longer twenty meters in one leap, but dropped to a height of four to five meters in one leap.

At this moment, he was wrapped in a layer of counter-shock true energy. This strange power played a great role in rebounding the invisible pressure. Zhao Hao took the opportunity to fly a certain distance at the moment of rebound.

When he reached the top of the mountain, he was sweating profusely and had used up more than half of his energy.

Standing on the picturesque mountain top, looking at the exotic flowers and plants everywhere, Zhao Hao became more vigilant.

If the Lord of the Netherworld takes action at this time, Zhao Hao will undoubtedly suffer a big loss. He will be exhausted in just a few rounds.

The Lord of the Netherworld did not show up, and a voice came from the void: "Hunter, have you brought what the lonely king wants?"

Zhao Hao had already thought of his words and said with a shy face: "Senior, I went to Longshan to look for it. The Dragon Temple has been destroyed by the Mirage Emperor and turned into ruins. The Dragon God Monument was also destroyed by the Mirage Emperor. It's not that this junior doesn't want to There is really nothing we can do if we take away the Dragon God Monument.”

"Really?" The Lord of the Netherworld's simple two words conveyed a powerful sense of oppression.

"It's absolutely true. If you don't believe it, senior, you can send your men to find out." Zhao Hao gritted his teeth and refused to let go.

"You bring the Dragon God Monument, and I will give you the Ambergris. This is the agreement between you and me. Now that you don't have the Dragon God Monument in your hand, what reason do you have to give you the Ambergris?" The Lord of the Netherworld was quite puzzled. Dissatisfaction, vague intention to break the contract.

Zhao Hao had long suspected that the Lord of the Netherworld asked him to go to Longshan not to look for some dragon god monument, but to let him have a showdown with the Mirage Emperor. Now that the Mirage Emperor is dead, the Lord of the Netherworld's goal has been achieved, and the so-called Dragon God Monument is just an excuse.

This kind of thing can be tacitly understood by everyone, but speaking out will make it seem that Zhao Hao is too disrespectful.

So Xiao Zhao looked embarrassed and waited for the other party to make a move.

Sure enough, the Lord of the Netherworld spoke: "Since the Dragon God Monument has been destroyed, it is inconvenient for the Lone King to force others into trouble. Young man, if you are willing to agree to my condition, the Ambergris will be yours. The Lone King will grant you another benefit. , all the herbs in this medicine garden are available for you to pick."

Xiao Zhao is no longer the naive and foolish young man he once was. He can see that the Lord of the Netherworld is clearly planning to pull him into a trap.

To be honest, the reason why Zhao Hao came here was partly for the ambergris, and partly to find out the identity of the Lord of the Netherworld.

The conditions proposed by the other party were definitely not too simple. Zhao Hao said weakly: "What conditions?"

The Lord of the Netherworld made a surprising statement: "I hope that you will be the successor and serve as the new generation of Lord of the Netherworld."

Zhao Hao took a breath, never dreaming that the other party would offer such conditions.

"As long as you agree to this condition, everything within the Land of the Netherworld will be yours." The Lord of the Netherworld threw out the bait: "You have wandered in the Land of the Netherworld, and you know how many treasures there are here. Of course. , it is inevitable that some creatures will be dissatisfied with you, but with your current ability, suppressing them will be easy."

Faced with such a good thing, Zhao Hao became calmer.

If things go wrong, there must be a monster. He doesn't believe that the other party will give such free benefits without asking for anything in return.

Nowadays, Xiao Zhao's emotional intelligence has improved. He did not refuse explicitly, but said tactfully: "To be honest, if this junior gets ambergris, he will try to overcome the catastrophe and ascend soon. Even if this junior takes over the land of the netherworld, if anything happens In a few months, I will ascend, or in other words, I will pass through the tribulation and die. Who will help senior take care of the Netherworld?"

"It doesn't matter." The Lord of the Netherworld was very generous and had great confidence in Xiao Zhao: "The person that the lonely king likes is not so easy to survive the disaster. If you want to ascend, just find an agent in advance. If you meet an agent For troubles that cannot be solved, you can ask the agent to summon you."

Zhao Hao was confused: "The agent summoned me to come? Senior, how do you say this?"

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