The Path of Evolution

Chapter 664 The Great Arrival Technique

"The agent summoned me to come? Senior, how do you say this?"

Zhao Hao looked stunned on the surface, but his heart was in turmoil.

The "arrival" mentioned by the Lord of the Netherworld touched his heartstrings.

He vaguely felt that one of the confusions he had faced over the years was hopefully solved today.

"After you ascend, if your agent encounters an unsolvable problem, he can use the summoning ceremony to bring you down from the third-level heaven to the second-level heaven." The Lord of the Netherworld spoke concisely and clearly.

Zhao Hao was shocked, or pretended to be surprised: "A third-level evolver can come to the second-level heaven? Senior, are you kidding me?"

"Limited by the laws of heaven and earth, the true body cannot naturally descend. However, it is not difficult to condense a clone through certain specific methods." The Lord of the Netherworld said calmly: "The clone of a third-level evolver is not a second-level demon. What the king can contend with is enough for you to solve all kinds of troubles in the second-level heaven domain."

Zhao Hao was elated, and the knot that had troubled him was finally hopefully solved.

He had encountered the clone of the Silver Snake King from the second-level heavenly domain in the first-level heavenly domain.

Later, in the second-level heaven domain, I met the white pig king's clone from the third-level heaven domain.

Zhao Hao has never understood how this kind of avatar works?

If he masters this secret technique of descent, it will bring endless benefits.

If he succeeds in ascension, he can reveal the secrets of the third-level evolutionary world to the second-level evolvers by descending. On a larger scale, this is a good thing that benefits all mankind. Being able to prepare second-level humans in advance is a great merit.

On a personal level, it would benefit his family and friends. After all, Zhao Hao's parents and some of his friends are in the second-level heaven, and they do not yet have the ability to overcome the tribulation and ascend. Once Zhao Hao masters the secret technique of advent, he will be able to use his clones to protect those who are important to him at critical moments.

The more he thought about it, the more Zhao Hao's heart beat.

For Zhao Hao, it doesn't matter whether he takes over the Netherworld or not. What really attracts him is the secret technique of coming.

He took a deep breath and kept his wits about him: "Senior, what are the conditions required for the arrival you mentioned? Does it apply to humans?"

"There are many kinds of descending techniques in the world, and many of them require special opportunities to be used." The Lord of the Netherworld, like a persuasive mentor, inadvertently threw out another bait: "The [Great descending technique] mastered by the lonely king is very special. It suits your physique. If you practice this technique to the Great Perfection, the clone will last for ninety-nine and eighty-one days after it arrives!"

Eighty-one days?

Zhao Hao almost bit off his tongue, completely subverting his outlook on life.

The advent he experienced did not last long.

The Silver Snake King who came back lasted less than a minute and disappeared after saying a few harsh words.

Later, the clone of the White Pig King was also not very strong and lasted only a few minutes.

If Zhao Hao's clone can last for eighty-one days, which is more than two months, then he can simply practice in the third-level heaven while doing various things in the second-level heaven. Thinking about it is exciting.

"That's all, I'll let you see it with your own eyes."

The Lord of the Netherworld noticed Zhao Hao's shock and suddenly appeared.

A man in black robes, about forty years old, walked out of the void.

The man in black robe stood on the edge of the back mountain cliff like a god. The deep sword eyes under the starry eyebrows reveal an air of scorn for the world. His handsome face seems to always have a touch of inhuman indifference, his straight nose and resolute corners of his mouth make people feel that he is as immune to being easily knocked down by the enemy as a mountain.

Whether in the second-order heaven outside or in the land of the netherworld, there are legends about him.

He is the most mysterious superpower in the entire second-level evolutionary world - the Lord of the Netherworld!

For ordinary second-level evolved creatures, including the four giants of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance and the powerful ones at the level of the Blood Demon King, when they see the Lord of the Netherworld in front of them, they will definitely think that he is a real evolved creature.

But Zhao Hao doesn't see it that way, after all, he has the eyes of the king.

With the naked eye, Zhao Hao also believed that the Lord of the Netherworld in front of him was an evolved creature of flesh and blood.

Observation through the King's Eye completely overturns everything seen with the naked eye.

The Lord of the Netherworld in front of me is a mysterious energy body!

In other words, this Lord of the Netherworld is a clone who descended from a high-level plane!

The doubts plaguing Zhao Hao's mind were completely resolved at this moment.

Why haven't the powerful outsiders dared to offend the Netherworld for thousands of years?

The answer is too simple. Even if the four giants of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance come together, they cannot defeat the clone of the Lord of the Netherworld.

Why does the legendary Lord of the Netherworld always come and go without a trace, known as the most mysterious existence in the second-order heaven?

The answer is also very simple, because the Lord of the Netherworld has mastered the "Great Advent Technique"!

Through this secret technique, he will either appear for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, or disappear mysteriously, and no one can figure out his pattern.

Zhao Hao looked at the Lord of the Netherworld in front of him with great interest, and did not regard himself as an outsider at all: "Senior, are you from the third level heaven?"

The Lord of the Netherworld's answer was ambiguous: "That's right."

What does it mean?

Zhao Hao quietly cursed MMP. He knew in his heart that since the other party was unwilling to explain clearly, it would be useless even if he asked a hundred times.

It was rare to meet such a powerful person who seemed to come from the third-order evolutionary world. Zhao Hao felt that he would be sorry for the party and the people if he did not take advantage of it, so he changed the topic to another question that puzzled him about the past: "Senior, junior, there is something unclear. .According to your statement, some third-level strong men have the ability to descend. With the strength of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, there must be such strong men who can descend. But back then, the Silver Fox King, the Dapeng King, the Peacock King, and the Brute Force King When the four giants are in trouble, why don’t the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance have a third-level powerhouse coming?”

"It's not that the old monsters from the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance don't want to come, but there are some obstacles that prevent them from coming." The Lord of the Netherworld raised his eyes and looked at the sky, as if he was looking for something in the clouds on the horizon.

"What is the obstacle that prevents the powerful men from the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance from coming?" Zhao Hao broke the casserole and asked.

The Lord of the Netherworld said solemnly: "Knowing too much is not a good thing for you. After you ascend, you can find the answer yourself."

Seeing that the other party was showing signs of anger, Xiao Zhao immediately stopped and changed the subject: "Senior, let's talk about business. Is there any time limit for junior to help you manage the Netherworld, for example, ten or twenty years?"

This was a quiet concession, and the subtext was that he agreed to the other party's request.

The Lord of the Netherworld couldn't hear such an implication. He laughed loudly and said, "Haha, since I have handed over the land of the Netherworld to you, you will have full control over everything in this place from now on. You can live here for thousands of years. , destroying the Netherworld, it all depends on your thoughts."

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