The Path of Evolution

Chapter 815 Your whole family is a gangster

The Heavenly Witch Realm is different from any space field that Zhao Hao has seen before. Even if Xiao Zhao has the King's Eye, he can't see through it.

Different from the Seven Star Seal that imprisons the aura within the target's body, the confinement ability of Tianwu Zhenyu is very special and contains a kind of world law. Once you enter this space, you will be bound by a small law of heaven and earth. It is much more sophisticated and mysterious than the method of confinement from the body.

Zhao Hao was very calm. From the moment he walked into the boudoir, he could see that the landlady had more than 400 true essence beads in her body, and she was obviously a four-star real person. The power of the second awakening of the Wu Clan bloodline can be seen, but Xiao Zhao is already at the peak of Seven Stars and does not feel the slightest pressure.

While studying the magical Heavenly Witch Realm, he said: "So, the main purpose of you calling me here today is to use force on me? Can I understand that you have already set up a trap and are just waiting for me to send it away?" Delivery to your door?”

"Little guy, you have changed. You used to be very sunny, but I don't know when you started thinking about the worst in everything. When someone gets close to you, your first reaction is that the other person has intentions. This kind of mentality can be used as a saying. Say, there are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me..."

The boss lady was sure of winning, so she was not in a hurry to act. She spoke the truth: "Today I specially put on the clothes and the same butterfly mask that we wore when we first met. I hope to see the same butterfly mask that I saw at first sight." I was a little confused and infatuated. I told myself in my heart, as long as you come here, it means that you have me in your heart. I am willing to put aside the shame and make fire with you to cook the raw rice. "

Hearing such love words, Zhao Hao was not moved, but sneered: "In the end, I still have to do that kind of thing. I'm curious, why did you choose today, just because you have awakened for the second time?"

"You're still so stupid, but I'm surprised why your intuition has always been so accurate." Cang Yun's eyes drifted away from Zhao Hao, and her tone was a little worried: "You guessed half of it right, I asked you to come, it's true. Because of my second awakening. Not because I am confident that my second awakening can control you, but the process of my second awakening scares me."

Zhao Hao looked at the other party in confusion, waiting for the answer to be revealed.

As expected, the boss lady announced the answer: "During my second awakening, I was almost pulled to another world by a suction force in the sky, which should be Shattered Void. I had to suppress my cultivation progress. Once I The consequences of three awakenings are unimaginable. Four hundred years ago, our ancestor Cang Wuhen shattered the void in desperation when he awakened for the third time, otherwise our Cang family would not be in this situation today!"

Zhao Hao was a little confused about the other party's logic: "Whether you awaken for the second time or the third time, what does it have to do with me?"

"Why does it have nothing to do with you? You are the man I have long admired, and you are the seed for my Cang family to continue the family line." The proprietress said confidently: "The Cang family's ancestral motto is that anyone who inherits the bloodline must continue the family's incense. My eldest brother can I tried to ascend to the third-level evolutionary world, but I couldn't, because I inherited the ancient bloodline, and I have the responsibility and obligation to leave a legacy for the Cang family. If I rashly break the void, and the Cang family will never be the next in China, how do you want me to face it? Ancestors?"

Zhao Hao finally understood the boss's logic: "So, the meaning of my existence is to help your family breed?"

"There's no need to say it so harshly. It won't do you any good to irritate me now." The landlady's face fell, and she said with an extremely resentful tone: "We could have loved each other, and I even thought about giving everything I had to help you. , to be your good wife. But you have a prejudice against me, you are not confident in front of me, you always feel that you can't control me, you always think that women like me are dangerous, don't you? "

"Hahahaha!" Zhao Hao couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Your theory is very strange, and I have learned from it. According to your point of view, any man who doesn't like you can be considered to be unconfident and lacking in vision. ,do you mean this?"

"Quia, the premise of all this is that you have a prejudice against me!" The proprietress acted like a normal woman at the moment. Her tricks were not that deep, and she did not hide her emotions. She vented the grievances and dissatisfaction of a little woman: "For so many years, I thought I was worthy of you, but you have always guarded me like a thief. Today I might as well open the skylight and tell you what I did wrong to make you so prejudiced against me!"

Zhao Hao was still laughing: "The reason is not necessarily what you did, but that you didn't do anything. The friends I know don't hide too many secrets, but you are full of secrets, and you never tell us Who is willing to believe you when you share these secrets? Who doesn’t know that you are a thief and have deep tricks? Is it wrong for me to guard against you? "

"You are a thief, and your whole family is a thief!" The landlady went berserk, rushed over and beat Zhao Hao on the chest, then grabbed his collar and said viciously: "Zhao, I don't say many things because I don't want to It brings you unnecessary trouble. Do you want to hear it? I will convince you today!"

"First point, you said that I treated you as an experiment at first. Yes, I have been waiting for someone, someone who can create miracles. I hope you are that person. I spent a lot of time paying attention to you, Even I don’t know why I’m wasting my time on you!”

"Second point, after Weiwei disappeared, I was not relieved. To tell you the truth, I am not afraid of competing with her at all. Even if you have a reputation, I am confident to poach you! My emotion at that time was a Looking forward to it. After experiencing the tragedy of Castaway Island, you will either fall into despair or become stronger. I hope you are the latter. Only in this way will you be the person I have been waiting for."

"Third point, when I gave Base No. 3 to Mr. Zhuang, you actually thought I was harming you? You idiot, I have never seen anyone as stupid as you. Don't you know your own personality? Even if you What can you do if you become a so-called evolutionary hero? I have heard about your cooperation with Qiao Guoliang, but it turns out that you don’t like to get involved in officialdom. Later, you defeated Xue Gucheng and became famous, but your subsequent performance Prove that you don’t like being a public figure in front of the spotlight.”

"Another thing you don't know is that Mr. Zhuang himself can't decide the ownership of base three. His family originally drafted several assist lists to take away the credit from all of you. It was me who shamelessly used the previous relationship, I borrowed my eldest brother's influence, and in the end, only Xue Qing's name was written on the assist list of the third base. Because I know that since Weiwei disappeared, sometimes you regard your sister-in-law as her sister, That poor red pepper has become your emotional sustenance!”

See the dentist again, sorry

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