The Path of Evolution

Chapter 816 Let go now, we are still friends

"Because I know that since Weiwei died, sometimes you regard your sister-in-law as her sister, and that poor red pepper has become your emotional sustenance!"

Listening to the boss lady's rapid-fire narration, Zhao Hao was speechless the whole time.

That last sentence touched Xiao Zhao deeply.

The authorities are blind to the onlookers, but what the boss lady saw was still very clear. Zhao Hao thought carefully about it, and found that there was a period of time in that year when he really regarded his sister-in-law as a kind of sustenance, and he habitually discussed with Red Pepper on all matters big and small.

"That girl wore a mask every time she saw me. It seemed like she wasn't avoiding the paparazzi, but she didn't want me to see her, right? She looks so similar to Weiwei, and she didn't want me to see her, she was thinking It’s another person…”

Zhao Hao sighed secretly and suddenly understood a lot of things.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Madam boss, you should have told me these things earlier, maybe I would have fallen in love with you a long time ago."

"Haha." The landlady smiled coldly, as if she had seen through his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys: "Don't you think it's disgusting to say this? You like to use this method to delay time, right?"

"Look at you, my impression of you has changed a bit just now, and you are talking about me like this. The person who really thinks bad things about everyone is not me, but you." Zhao Hao told the truth. The tone of reason.

"Your eyes tell me that you haven't changed your feelings towards me at all. The guilt and the rare tenderness in your eyes just now are because of your sister-in-law. You care about her more than I thought." The landlady seemed to have learned the ability to read minds. , interpreted Zhao Hao’s thoughts.

Zhao Hao couldn't make it up anymore, so he simply threw the problem back: "So?"

The boss lady showed a smile like the evil queen in anime: "So, I won't let you out. From now on, you will stay here until I am pregnant with the child."

As she spoke, she emphasized: "To be precise, it will be until I give birth to a child who will inherit the Cang family's bloodline."

Zhao Hao's forehead was full of black lines: "It sounds like my task is very difficult. Is there anything else I need to help with?"

"You only need to do one thing, do your best to make me pregnant with a baby. I can satisfy you anytime you need me." The landlady looked quite ecstatic, and there was an irresistible temptation in her voice: "Even if You don’t need it, and I can’t help it, I don’t want to make the scene too ugly.”

Zhao Hao said: "This kind of thing requires an emotional foundation. How about this, let's cultivate the relationship first, and then take the next step when the time is right."

"We have known each other for almost nine years, and our emotional foundation is very strong. Besides, how many of you men need an emotional foundation to do this kind of thing? Aren't you men the ones who go out to find flowers and have a romantic night?" said the landlady. The pole knocked over a boatload of male compatriots, and he got in front of Zhao Hao, stretched out his hand to tease his chest: "I know you are nervous, but I am actually a little nervous too. This kind of thing happens once and becomes familiar again. After a while, you and I will You will get used to it gradually.”

Zhao Hao kept a calm tone: "You don't need to get married or anything, I'm only responsible for having sex?"

The landlady said impatiently: "Yes! What's the point of you always asking such useless questions?"

"I think it's very interesting." Zhao Hao suddenly took two steps back, keeping a distance from the other party, with a serious expression: "Back then, Yue Liusu made a similar request to me. She proposed to me, saying that my genes and hers could Give birth to a very good next generation. You are more ruthless than her, you don’t even need a status, you just use me as a tool."

Speaking of this, Zhao Hao gained a new momentum, with the pressure of soul torture: "What I said to Yue Liusu back then, I give it to you today intact. If something like that happened between us, The child you are carrying is also my child, why should I let my child bear the responsibilities of your family?"

The landlady sneered: "At this time, do you still have a choice?"

Zhao Hao also sneered: "Yue Liusu also thought that she was in control of the situation, so she died. You don't have to pretend to look at me in surprise. She has disappeared for so many years. Your mind will not believe that she is really missing. I There are very few fatal blows to women in this life, and Yue Liusu is one of them. Boss lady, we have known each other for nine years, and we are destined to be together. I advise you, let go now, we are still friends."

Cang Yun was shocked and doubtful, and her wonderful eyes wandered around Zhao Hao.

In this Tianwu Zhen Realm, she has absolute control.

But she had witnessed Zhao Ritian's miracles more than once. The man in front of her was born with a hidden ability to make a comeback.

If Xiao Zhao pulls off another miraculous comeback this time, it won't be about continuing the family lineage, but about only one of two surviving.

This hesitation made the landlady make an implicit concession: "I don't ask for marriage because I know you better than Yue Liusu. The person you really want to marry is no longer in this world. No meaning! If your child grows up in the future and you don’t want to recognize him, then I will tell the child that his father is an unparalleled hero who, like his uncle, gave his life for the evolution of mankind."

Without waiting for Zhao Hao to speak, she continued: "Of course, this is just the worst result. I never understand why you are always so extreme when it comes to the relationship between men and women? Have you ever thought about the possibility that we will end up together? Jiu Shengqing, you have been of great help to me, and I have been of equal help to you. As the saying goes, our children may be better than you and me combined. I don’t mind being a single mother, and I know you must I will go to a higher plane to pursue that illusory answer. I only need you to come back to see me and my children in three to five years, and that is enough. As long as you are willing, I will help you solve your problems, and I will wait for you here. I will also tell our children that one day his father will come back to see him wearing golden armor and holy clothes and riding on colorful auspicious clouds."

Zhao Hao looked slightly moved: "Madam boss, if you had said these words to me a year ago, I would have seriously considered it. To tell you the truth, before I transcended the tribulation and ascended, I carefully considered the issue of passing on the family line. To be honest, your statement just now, He is the one who best meets the standards in my heart. It’s a pity that the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. After I ascended, the situation became complicated.”

"How complicated can it be?" The boss lady said with disdain, as if she despised Xiao Zhao's ability to solve troubles: "You have returned to the earth, even if you provoke gods and monsters in the third-level heaven, they can't do anything to you. Your parents My friend, I haven’t gone to the third-level evolutionary world. They are safe and don’t need you to worry about. The Deng family has fallen, and there is no one in the country who can pose a threat to you. Now please tell me, what else is complicated about you? The problem can’t be solved?”

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