The Path of Evolution

Chapter 817 Attacking the Leader

The third level of heaven, the main altar of the Demon Cult.

Outside the secret room where the leader was retreating, Baili Xuanji and the third elder looked at each other. Both sides hesitated to speak, as if they were waiting for the other to speak first.

After a long time, the third elder spoke first: "How long has it been?"

"One month." Baili Xuanji replied.

A simple question and answer between a man and a woman contains a lot of information.

In the past, when the descendant of the Demon Emperor was practicing, he would come out every now and then to walk around. Since a month ago, he has never left the secret room.

If it were just like this, it would be a long time for a third-level powerhouse to practice in seclusion, and it would be normal for him to be in seclusion for ten years. The real problem is that since the descendant of the Demon Emperor walked in a month ago, Baili Xuanji and the third elder have no longer sensed the aura of the leader.

It felt, how should I put it, as if the descendant of the Demon Emperor had disappeared out of thin air.

Baili Xuanji and the third elder wanted to enter the secret room to find out, but they were wary. After all, the descendant of the Demon Emperor is the nominal leader of the cult. The leader is in seclusion and is not allowed to enter without being summoned.

In the secret room, the white-haired birdman sat cross-legged, his eyes dull, and he even stopped breathing.

If someone were standing nearby, it would not be difficult to tell that this is a walking zombie that has lost its self-awareness.

The reason for this situation is that Zhao Hao went to Bahuang Liuhe, and in that strange and unpredictable space, the original body and the clone lost contact. Zhao Ritian, who was in the Eight Wastelands and Liuhe, could not sense the existence of the avatar outside his body, nor could he control the avatar, so that the white-haired birdman entered a state of suspended animation.

At this time, no matter Baili Xuanji or the Third Elder, they only need to push the door open and break through the peep show.

The two of them had long been aware of the anomaly, but had no way of reporting it, because during this time, Demon Lord Dongji traveled far away to discuss a major matter with Yao Ji.

It was rare that the third elder spoke up today. Baili Xuanji followed the topic and said: "In the past month, my subordinates have been unable to sense the leader's energy, so I asked the third elder to come in and investigate."

"You're too worried. The leader may be practicing the turtle breath technique. It's not surprising that there is no breath fluctuation." The third elder looked calm on the surface, but secretly cursed the other party for being cunning. As long as she goes in to investigate, she will have to bear the crime of trespassing in the secluded place of the leader. Those elder guardians who regard the descendants of the Demon Emperor as their spiritual support can spray her to death with their saliva.

"Third Elder, our leader has great supernatural powers. When he was in the Qingyun Realm, my subordinates saw him with his own eyes. The leader used a technique of escaping from the earth, and the method was no less than that of the Earth Escape Beast." Although Baili Xuanji's position is lower than that of the other party, he has It was the red man in front of the Chief Protector who invisibly emphasized his tone: "If the leader had used the art of escaping from the earth, he would have escaped thousands of miles away. When the time comes for the master to blame him, you and I will not be able to bear the blame."

The third elder understood the other party's subtext and said in a consultative tone: "Then... let's open this door together?"

This means that the two of them should take the blame together, and the credit and demerit should be equally divided.

Baili Xuanji nodded, then stretched out his hand to knock on the door three times, and said loudly: "Master, I have something important to ask for!"

Under normal circumstances, even if a powerful person at the seven-star level cannot escape, he can still respond with a few words. But right now there is no response in the secret room, as if there is no one inside at all, which is really suspicious.

Baili Xuanji made a quick decision and exchanged a look with the third elder. The two of them stretched out a hand to press on the door at the same time, and used their strength to open the door.

What comes into view is a huge ornate screen.

The two walked around the screen and saw the descendant of the Demon Emperor sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The leader of the Demon Cult had his back to the two of them, and there was no breath of life in his body, just like a real person who had exhausted his lifespan and passed away.


The third elder was shocked and froze on the spot.

Two possibilities flashed through her mind. One was that the leader encountered big trouble during the retreat and trained himself to death. This kind of situation is not uncommon in the Demon Sect. The Demon Cultivation Techniques pursue quick results and have serious side effects. In history, there are many Demon Clan who died suddenly due to practicing Demon Cultivation. Another possibility is that the descendant of the Demon Emperor committed suicide. The leader was unwilling to be a puppet and marry the spirit race, and ultimately committed suicide.

Baili Xuanji had other plans. Looking at the leader's back, he suddenly shrank his eyes, as if he noticed something.

As long as he walked over and took a look at the front of the descendant of the Demon Emperor, he could verify his suspicion.

Just when Baili Xuanji took a step forward and walked two steps away, the lifeless descendant of the Demon Emperor suddenly reacted.

But he saw that the white-haired birdman was radiating energy fluctuations again, and a powerful breath of life was flowing in his body.

He was like an old devil who had been sleeping for thousands of years and suddenly woke up.

"Who dares to break into my retreat!"

Just listen to the demon emperor's descendant shout loudly, like a dragon's roar, it makes people's ear drums numb.

The sound was extremely penetrating and could be heard at least ten miles away. Many people in the Demon Cult Headquarters could hear it clearly.

At the same time, a black sword came through the air, transforming into countless sharp sword lights.

Baili Xuanji and the third elder's expressions changed drastically. They were forced by the sword light and did not dare to take another step beyond the thunder pool. They exhausted all their strength and took out the secret room.

However, the extremely agile black sword had no intention of letting the two of them go, and pursued them aggressively.

The man and the woman did not dare to fight back, so they had to defend passively, and were beaten to a pulp as soon as they met.

At this moment, several figures flew over from a distance, namely the Great Elder, the Second Elder, and the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Guardians. As for the Great Protector and the Second Protector, they went out on business with Demon Lord Dongji.

Seeing Baili Xuanji and the third elder being beaten by the pitch-black flying sword, the third and sixth guardians beamed with joy. They had seen the leader's methods for the first time. A trace of relief flashed across the eyes of the great elder. He soon stabilized his mood and shouted loudly: "Stop, who can tell me what happened?"

There is an old tradition in the Demon Sect that when the chief protector is absent, the great elder has the final say.

At this moment, the great elder spoke, and it was still very intimidating.

At this time, the white-haired birdman came out of the secret room. He glared at Baili Xuanji and the third elder, and said with righteous indignation: "These two people have evil intentions. They took advantage of the critical moment of my retreat to practice, opened the door, and tried to attack me from behind. seat!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

The crime of attacking the leader was too big, even the Demon Lord of Dongji couldn't bear the blame.

The coquettish third elder's eyes darkened, feeling that he had been plotted by the seemingly young leader.

The situation in front of us is like applying yellow mud to the chrysanthemum. It is either SHI or SHI!

The third protector reacted quickly, ran to the door of the secret room to check, and said loudly: "Reporting to the Great Elder, the door of the secret room seems to be intact, but the door bolt inside has been broken. What the leader said is true. , someone broke into the secret room and interfered with the leader's retreat."

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