The Path of Evolution

Chapter 834 High-grade true essence, Liuliu Soul Bead!

The scenery in Nanshan Nature Reserve is still beautiful.

Among the beautiful mountains and rivers, a dark unicorn walked past, bringing a sense of dissonance.

Mo Qilin was pacing back and forth around a big tree, looking a little anxious but helpless.

Under the towering tree, a man in a green shirt was lying.

The man's face was bloodless and his energy was as thin as a thread, as if he might step into the gate of hell at any time.

This person is none other than Zhao Hao. He has proved a truth with his actual actions - no one can challenge the Nine-Star Supreme by leapfrogging!

He had once challenged many powerful men by leapfrogging his level, but he suffered a devastating blow in front of the Nine-Star Supreme.

If it were an ordinary Qixing Daoist versus Gu Chen, he would have been dead long ago. Xiao Zhao has his unique advantages. First, he has a semi-holy body. Second, he has the protection of the Nine Heavens. Third, the Qingyun robe on his body resolves most of the explosive power... The above three major advantages make Xiao Zhao There is still a breath left.

At this moment, Zhao Hao, who looked lifeless on the outside, was undergoing earth-shaking changes inside his body.

The Gate of Wonders activated its autonomous consciousness, took in the severely damaged Shura Heavenly Blade, and was repairing the magic weapon.

This is not over yet. The Gate of Wonders has played a big game. Regardless of whether Zhao Hao himself agrees or not, it bursts out with a terrifying suction force, madly absorbing the spiritual jade in the dimensional space... Gradually, several Millions of low-grade spiritual jade were sucked in by it.

As a waste recycling professional, Zhongmiao Door has the ability to turn waste into treasure. Those low-grade spiritual jades may be of little use to the upper-level experts, but after all, this thing is a spiritual energy crystal formed by gathering the essence of heaven and earth. Under the catalysis of the Mysterious Gate, it is transformed into drop after drop of original dew.

Those origin dews seeped into Zhao Hao's body, repairing his dilapidated body.

Some dewdrops also entered the depths of Zhao Hao's sea of ​​consciousness, nourishing his severely damaged soul.

Unknowingly, more than nine million low-grade spiritual jades were transformed!

About 10,000 low-grade spiritual jade can be transformed into a drop of original dew. The more than 900 drops of dew transformed into it created a historical record. Ever since Zhao Hao obtained the Gate of Wonders, there has never been a precedent of transforming more than ten drops of original dew at one time.

Nourished and repaired by so much original dew, Zhao Hao's damaged body recovered, but there was no tendency to wake up.

And his soul was still in chaos.

This means that his self-awareness has not yet awakened from the endless chaos.

The effect of soul power backlash is so terrifying.

Soul secret techniques like Primordial Chaos are so powerful that they can make ordinary opponents lose their resistance. But once this secret technique is cracked, the backlash it brings is enough to cause catastrophe.

Zhao Hao's soul world is like a ball of paste, with no order at all.

At this time, Zhongmiaomen showed a posture of "I don't feel bad when I spend other people's money, and I eat and drink at public expense most freely". Then I sucked in all the more than 90,000 medium-grade spiritual jades in the dimensional space. .

Those middle-grade spiritual jades transformed faster, turning into drops of original dew.

Zhao Hao received a huge sum of money from Guquan Zhenren, but now only a thousand high-grade spiritual jades are left. It can be said that after thirty years of hard work, we returned to before liberation overnight.

Some things can be arranged freely.

If Zhao Hao didn't have twitching eyelids back then, he wouldn't have gone to the third level heaven on a whim. If he had not teleported out from the Colorful Mountain, he would not have met Guquan and Cang Wuhen. If he hadn't shown mercy and helped, he wouldn't have gotten the huge amount of spiritual jade from Master Guquan... If he hadn't had so many spiritual jade converted into source dew, Xiao Zhao would have definitely died today.

Sometimes you have to admit that everything in the world contains wonderful causal relationships.

Every hundred middle-grade spiritual jades can be transformed into one drop of original dew, turning more than 90,000 medium-grade spiritual jades into more than 900 dewdrops.

This time, there was a bit of nourishment, and about three hundred of the original dewdrops poured into the Shura Heavenly Blade, repairing the severely damaged magic weapon. Another more than 600 original dewdrops were integrated into the depths of Zhao Hao's soul.

Gradually, Zhao Hao's soul world changed.

The number of his soul beads is soaring crazily.

The original sixteen soul beads increased to thirty-six!

The sixty-six and thirty-six soul beads guard the entrance to the Yuanshen World, implying the mystery of the Liuhe Formation, giving a sense of déjà vu.

Thirty-six soul beads with abundant soul power subverted the previous rules and rebuilt an order.

This process lasted for six days and six nights.

On the morning of the seventh day, Zhao Hao, who was unconscious, finally opened his eyes.

He didn't have the weakness that comes after recovering from a serious illness. He seemed to have inexhaustible strength and stood up alive and kicking.

"High-grade true energy? did I do it?"

Xiao Zhao checked his own situation and felt unbelievable.

He has experienced high-grade true energy more than once and is very familiar with this kind of power.

At this moment, he dared to bet that he had invisibly broken through the bottleneck of mid-grade true energy and officially possessed the power of high-grade true energy!

Moreover, the purity of his high-grade true essence is still the most powerful among the high-grade true essence!

If the original power is developed to 40%, it can be called high-grade true essence. If it is developed to 49%, it is still high-grade true essence. There is a huge gap between the two. Every 1% increase in the source power is a qualitative leap... Zhao Hao vaguely sensed that his source power development level seemed to have exceeded the 45% threshold.

However, he had no idea how he did it.

"Damn, so many soul beads?"

Xiao Zhao was once again surprised when he counted the number of soul beads through his internal vision.

He remembered that he only had sixteen soul beads when he fought with Gu Chen, but now he had twenty soul beads.

Now his soul power is so powerful that even he is a little scared.

"Haha, can it be repaired automatically?"

Zhao Hao couldn't help laughing when he saw the Shura Heavenly Blade inside the Gate of Wonders.

He was originally worried that this magic weapon would be completely scrapped, but now he is relieved.

"Here you go, so many origin dews, isn't it too luxurious?"

After careful observation, Zhao Hao found that the Shura Heavenly Blade was wrapped in a large ball of origin dew.

That group of origin dewdrops contains at least several hundred drops.

"Where do you get so many origin dew drops?"

Zhao Hao was shocked. For the first time in his life, he saw the spectacular scene of hundreds of original dewdrops floating in water.

After calming down, he checked the small vault in the dimensional space and found the answer.

Xiao Zhao's heart was bleeding, feeling pain and happiness at the same time.

The joy is that a life was saved, but the pain is that nearly 10 million low-grade spiritual jades and more than 90,000 medium-grade spiritual jades were all consumed!

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