The Path of Evolution

Chapter 835 No middlemen to make the difference

"So, are you going to take the krypton gold route in the future?"

Zhao Hao stood under the big tree and talked to himself thoughtfully.

He had never tried to convert spiritual jade into original dew before. At that time, he was short of resources and saved every spiritual jade. He never thought of recycling precious spiritual jade as garbage. This independent transformation of the Gate of Wonders opened up a new way of thinking for Zhao Hao.

For a seven-star high-ranking real person like him, low-grade spiritual jade has no effect at all and is just a prize used to reward his younger brother. The effect of the middle-grade spiritual jade is also very small, almost negligible. Only high-grade spiritual jade is the most important cultivation resource for powerful people.

In a sense, the Gate of Wonders once again turned waste into treasure, rediscovering the role of low-level spiritual jade.

"I remembered, ten thousand low-grade spiritual jade can transform into one drop of original dew, and one hundred medium-grade spiritual jade can transform into one drop. So how many high-grade spiritual jade can transform into one drop of original dew?"

Zhao Hao recalled a transformation memory in his coma, and then he conducted an experiment.

He put a high-grade spiritual jade into the Gate of Wonders and started a new round of transformation.

Transforming something like spiritual jade, which has pure energy, is much more efficient than transforming bone, flesh, and the like. In just a few minutes, that high-grade spiritual jade turned into a drop of original dew.

Zhao Hao absorbed the drop of original dew, and there was no obvious change in himself.

The development of the original power becomes more and more difficult as time goes by.

For example, in the initial stage, only one drop of source dew can increase the source power by 1%. At the advanced stage, even a hundred drops of original dew may not be able to develop 1% of the original power.

At Zhao Hao's stage, thousands of original dewdrops are needed to hope to trigger essential transformation.

"By converting the remaining 999 high-grade goods into 999 drops of dew, my true energy should be able to reach a higher level, right?"

Zhao Hao had the idea of ​​being rich and willful, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He didn't really convert all the 999 high-grade spiritual jade, but came up with a new idea: the price difference!

As we all know, there is a huge price difference when exchanging different grades of spiritual jade. For example, one medium-grade spiritual jade can be exchanged for one hundred low-grade spiritual jade at the official exchange rate, but on the black market it can be exchanged for at least two hundred or even three hundred low-grade spiritual jade.

As for exchanging high-grade spiritual jade for low-grade spiritual jade, almost no one does this.

The rarity of high-grade spiritual jade is well known to everyone in the third-level heaven.

For those big guys who have mines at home, the most lacking thing is high-grade spiritual jade, and the most indispensable thing is low-grade spiritual jade.

On the black market in Lingquan Valley, one high-grade spiritual jade can theoretically be exchanged for more than 200 medium-grade spiritual jade, or 50,000 low-grade spiritual jade.

What is before Zhao Hao's eyes is a simple mathematical question: 999 high-grade spiritual jade can be converted into 999 drops of original dew. If 999 high-grade spiritual jade is exchanged for low-grade spiritual jade, it can be exchanged for approximately 50 million...these 50 million Low-grade spiritual jade is enough to transform five thousand drops of original dew!

This is a great deal, with no middlemen making the difference.

Xiao Zhao decided to be the middleman himself and squeeze out as much profit as possible.

His eyes were gleaming with gold, and his mind was filled with the famous sayings of Mr. Penguin and Ma: Don’t ask for strategies, just recharge if you can’t beat him!

The reason why he came up with this idea was because he really couldn't beat... Gu Chen.

Recalling the battle on the sea, Xiao Zhao felt extremely sad.

As the Nine-Star Supreme, Gu Chen was invincible as soon as he appeared on the scene. He deliberately waited until Xiao Zhao used all kinds of big moves, and only when Zhao Hao was exhausted and despaired, did he detonate the chaotic space and make Xiao Zhao on the spot. Unable to take care of oneself.

Along the way, Zhao Hao was rarely beaten so badly.

He could feel that Gu Chen hid his strength when he appeared on the stage, just to tease him, as if to destroy his self-confidence, humiliate him from a spiritual level, and cast a psychological shadow on him.

The shadow of being beaten to the point where his soul power collapsed is difficult to describe in words. If Zhao Hao's soul beads hadn't rearranged the order, I'm afraid that every time he thinks of Gu Chen in the future, there will be an indelible shadow in his heart. Once this kind of shadow exists, when he faces Gu Chen in the future, he will feel fear before the fight begins.

If you want to defeat Gu Chen and take revenge, there are only two ways to go.

First: Zhao Hao was promoted to Nine-Star Supreme and started a battle with Gu Chen.

Becoming the legendary Nine-Star Supreme One is not something you can do just because you want to. It requires the right time, right place, right people, and the right people.

Zhao Hao has not yet broken through to the eight-star realm, let alone the illusory nine-star realm.

Second: Maximize the quality of your true energy, and with the help of the power of Shura Heavenly Blade, you can hope to counterattack.

Shura Weapon Spirit once said that as long as Zhao Hao possesses powerful enough high-grade true energy, it is possible to trap the nine-star strong man with the Shura Slaughterhouse.

For most powerful people, improving the quality of true energy is no easier than being promoted to Supreme.

For Zhao Hao, this is not a problem.

The sacred gene locks the door to all wonders and provides him with a shortcut.

As long as he has enough spiritual jade, he can transform enough original dew.

And with enough original dew to accumulate, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes, which will definitely improve the level of true energy.

Once his true energy reaches an unprecedented level of purity, he can compete with the Nine-Star Supreme!

After much thought, Zhao Hao chose the second path, using countless resources to accumulate a possibility, the possibility of competing with the Supreme!

"Why am I so eager to defeat him?"

Zhao Hao's blood was boiling, and even he was a little surprised.

It's not that he has never lost before. When he was defeated before, he would always patiently improve himself and regain his position when he had enough strength.

But this time, he seemed very eager, even a little eager for quick success.

He had a very strange premonition that he must defeat Gu Chen as soon as possible, otherwise it would bring unbearable consequences.

Zhao Hao didn't know what the consequences would be, but he felt very uneasy.

"Xiao Hei, let's go, it's time to go to the third level heaven to earn a lot of spiritual jade!"

Having made up his mind, Zhao Hao jumped on Mo Qilin's back.

He was not too surprised by Mo Qilin's appearance.

In his opinion, Mo Qilin should have evolved to the level of a real weapon, just like the Shura Heavenly Blade, it can be used freely in the homeland of China and the evolutionary world.

Therefore, he did not think too much, but instead focused on another level: "The current Xiao Hei looks very powerful, more powerful than those third-level beasts in Qingyun Realm. I wonder if A Bao will evolve after he successfully evolves. He will be more domineering... Damn, where did A Bao go?"

Only now did he think of the red panda Po, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

We can't blame him for being hindsight. Since his ascension, Po has been in a state of evolution, so that Xiao Zhao forgot about the fat panda.

Today he finally remembered the existence of the fat panda, but found that Po no longer existed.

After searching inside for a while, his sea of ​​consciousness was empty. The original evolutionary light cocoon was gone, and the panda Abao also disappeared without a trace.

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